
Grab onto a mission
Grasp an answer

This year's program gives you a dozen practical,
transformative answers to the question that's on all of our minds:
What now?

the topic

What loving every Jew
really means

How to make our homes, our hearts, and our nation unbreakable

What you'll hear

Why is this the answer? Rav Brudny explains.
When someone's being difficult, how can I see their good?
I'm so busy. Can I change a relationship in just 5 minutes?
I went out on a limb to repair a relationship and they pushed me away. How can I still love them?
What if their simcha is something I desperately want? How can I be happy for them?
I want to stop being negative - but everywhere I look the bad jumps out at me.
How can I be there for others when I'm the one in need of support?
How do I become the type of person who puts people first — even when I don't feel it?
How do I become a people-liker, someone who's an ohev yisroel?
And more…
A 2-hour journey that pulls your heart & soul
exactly where you want them to be on Tisha B'Av
Stirring visuals & vignettes that wake up your heart
Speakers that hit a chord & leave you profoundly inspired
First-hand stories people who've been changed by true love from others

speeches by

HaRav Elya

Rosh Yeshivah, Mirrer Yeshiva of Brooklyn
Member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

Rabbi Yissocher

Rosh Yeshivah, Ner Israel, Baltimore

Rabbi Paysach

Popular speaker, author, and mohel

Mr. Michael

Director of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

Mr. Charlie

International speaker

On the Frontlines

Hear the heartfelt accounts of 3 Israeli soldiers and a hostage's brother,
uplifted by the unwavering support of Klal Yisroel.


27 years old
Tel Aviv, Israel
Serving in the Israeli Defense office, while working in a start up called WSE sports, and finishing his degree industrial engineering.


25 years old
Tel Aviv, Israel
Former computer science college student. Served in special forces.


21 years old
Ramat Gan, Israel
Serving in the Givati unit of Tzaha. He had been on the border of Gaza before October 7th, but was home that day.


30 years old
Tel Aviv, Israel
A former soldier, who is a baal teshuva. His brother-in-law, Idan, is a hostage in Gaza.

Lessons in Love

Two leading mechanchim get real about the struggles,
and share what works and what doesn't
from their vantage point working with kids (and adults) each day.
Rav Yaakov Bender

Rav Yaakov

Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway
offers clear, actionable steps for growing our love for fellow Jews, drawing on examples from models of love for others.
Rabbi Doniel Kalish

Rabbi Doniel

Menahel of the Mesivta of Waterbury
shares practical advice that resonates with clarity and empathy, inspired by the wisdom of Torah soruces.

From Fury to Forgiveness

His car was stolen and trashed by the boy he'd opened his home to.
How did he respond?
An honest, transformative story of pain & forgiveness
Mr. Brown

Mr. Brown

Member of Adelphia, NJ community
recounts his his split-second flip from anger to forgiveness, inspired by Rabbi Trenk's unwavering gentleness and love.

For women: Living Generously

Personal stories and practical answers from 4 women.
They get honest about their struggles, lessons from working with thousands,
and the surprising moments of caring they've encountered.
Mrs. Chani Juravel

Mrs. Chani

shares her expertise as a popular lecturer and therapist, focusing on how to cultivate better relationships and a mindset that fosters personal growth.
Mrs. Sara Aliza Scheinberg

Mrs. Sara Aliza

explores how embracing self-love, despite our imperfections, enables us to extend love to others, drawing from her experience as an educator and community partner in Detroit.
Mrs. Debbie Selengut

Mrs. Debbie

as moderator poses thoughtful questions about repairing relationships, maintaining love despite challenging circumstances, and many other profound topics.
Mrs. Orit Esther Riter

Mrs. Orit Esther

delves into her journey of finding faith and purpose after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, offering insights on spreading emunah and practical wisdom for overcoming challenges.

The world at large has turned against us.
How do we change the current?

Hear the secrets to shielding those we love and all we cherish.
Gain courage, resolve, and purpose.
And let it lead us home.