In memory of Eliezer Natan ben Moshe Nachum HaKohen z"l and Chana bas Yitzchok Hakohen a"h
Dedicated By
Dorothea Krieger
In memory of Rav Aharon Dovid ben Reuven Wolpinsky z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas my brother Yehonasan ben Yosef Siegal z"l and my father Yosef ben Nachman z"l
Dedicated By
Dr. Linda Edidin
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Michael ben Adina Batsheva and L'ilui nishmas Esther Tehilla bas Gavriel Pinchos a"h, Dina bas Meir HaLevi a"h, and Shraga Feivel ben Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
To Robert ben George and Lenoa bat Florence who gave so unselfishly while I was growing up
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas my father, Binyomin Leib ben Yechiel z"l, my mother, Toba bas Reuven a"h and my Rav, Aharon ben Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
Drs Craig And Jacqueline Reiss
In Honor Of our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Rabbi Sheldon & Zelda Goldsmith
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Rachel bas Yehudit a"h
Dedicated By
the Yedid family
Dedicated By
Paul & Lisa Glazer
L'ilui Nishmas Gershona bas Baruch a"h
Dedicated By
her husband and family
L'ilui Nishmas Lester & Annabel Abberbock a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Ellen Abberbock
L'ilui Nishmas our fathers, Chaim Aryeh ben Alexander z"l and Tzvi Elimelech ben Yisrael Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe & Doreen Mermelstein, Chicago, Ilinois
L'ilui Nishmas Dov ben Mordechai Lax z"l
Dedicated By
the Lax family
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yeshaya z”l ben ytl”c Yosef Zoiman
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Avrohom Dov z"l, Tziporah Faiga bas Yaakov a"h - Irving and Fay Stroh, and Aryeh Leib ben Yitzchok z"l - Leonard Breslau
Dedicated By
their children, Donna and Edward Stroh and grandchildren, Jared, David, Daniel and Miriam
L'ilui Nishmas Susan Ruth Fastow לע"נ בת שבע רחל בת שמואל ע"ה נלב"ע ד' ניסן
Dedicated By
Melvin Fastow
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben HaRav Shlomo Zalman z"l and Sarah Yuta bas R' Ephraim Menashe HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Goldie & Shmulie Hauer
L'ilui Nishmas Elimelech Gavriel Tress zt"l and Honda Tress a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Shalom ben Dovid z"l v'ishto Chana Mindel bas Yisroel a"h and Mordechai ben Yehuda Leib z"l v'ishto Devorah bas Avrohom Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Sarah and Jerry Wolasky
L'ilui Nishmas Dr. Bentzion Heyman - R’ Bentzion ben Ahron z"l
Dedicated By
the Heyman Family Foundation, Los Angeles, California
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Lynn and Irving Shimoff: ישראל דוב בן אהרן יעקב ז״ל - ה' אדר תשס"ב, חיה רבקה לאה בת אליעזר יהודה ע"ה - תשעה באב תשמ"ח
Dedicated By
Robin and Warren Shimoff
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Ephraim ben R' Yaakov Eliezer HaKohen z"l and hayeled Eliyahu ben R' Baruch Binyaminz"l; and as a zechus for Moshe Avrohom ben Sora Hadas
Dedicated By
the Cohen and Dulitz families
L'ilui Nishmas לע''נ דינה דבורה בת אברהם מיכאל ע"ה
לע''נ בנימין בן יעקב ז"ל
לע''נ מרים פיגא בת אהוד לוי ע''ה
ל"נ ישראל חיים בן אברהם מיכאל ז"ל
As a zechus for the entire Chadow and Rabizadeh families
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Necha bas Bezalel a"h and Rochel bas Shmuel Menachem a"h
Dedicated By
Mrs. Rochel Leah Ortner - Jewel Wigs
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Salcha z"l, Avrohom ben Sarah z"l and Daniel ben Gilsom z"l
Dedicated By
Alan Safdeye
In Honor Of and with yasher koach to the Barbados Jewish Community! As a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Sharon bat Hilda
Dedicated By
Gilda Oran and family
As a Zechus for mishpachas Muss
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshua ben Shimon Dov z"l, Naftali Hertzka ben Chaim Tzvi z"l, and Shimon Dov ben Shmuel Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
the Ben-Zvi family
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe and Sema Menora a"h and Arthur and Edith Schreiber a"h
Dedicated By
Dr Gary and Miriam Schreiber
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
the Rottenberg family L'ilui nishmas Refoel Aryeh Leib ben Yosef Avrohom z"l and Chana Henya bas Yehoshua Zev a"h
As a Zechus for לזכות חיים צבי הכהן בן דב שיחי׳ ואשתו אביבה מרים בת חיים צבי זאב שתחי׳
Dedicated By
Joseph Bartel in honor of his parents
In Honor Of בהכרת הטוב להקדוש ברוך הוא
Dedicated By
the Klitnick family
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ ישראל חיים בן אפרים פינשאווער ז״ל נלב״ע כ״ז ניסן תשע״ז, הרב צבי ב"ר שמואל יוסף ריעדער ז״ל נלב"ע בליל שביעי של פסח תשע"ה, אסתר צירל בת ר' יונה ריעדער ע"ה נלב"ע ליל סדר ראשון של פסח תשע"ה, ודינה בת דוד חי הכהן ע״ה נלב״ע ז' שבט
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Binyomin z"l ben Olga yblc"t and in honor of Sheryl Levi
Dedicated By
her children
L'ilui Nishmas Yeshaya ben Simcha z”l v’ishto Rivka bas Sholom a”h and Tuvia ben Eliyahu z”l v’ishto Perel bas Yoseph a"h
Dedicated By
with love by Tzvi & Nicha Brown
As a Zechus for all the older singles in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Dr and Mrs Aaron Gottesman
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Elchanan Abramowitz
As a Zechus for Reuven Boruch ben Meashe Chava, Shanna Raya, Alexander Mordechai and Elana Rivka, and as a zechus for brachah for the Neumann, Aranoff, Tusher and Rosow families and all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Alan & Etty Tusher
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Dena Shira bas Chaya Pesha and Shaina bas Rochel Aviva
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ צבי אריה בן אברהם אליעזר גנדל ז"ל
Dedicated By
Sorah Gendel and Aviva Rosenstock
L'ilui Nishmas Zissel Sarah bas Chanoch Zundel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Klal Yisrael b'ruchniyus u'b'gashmiyus
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Baila bas Rephael Nosson a"h & Eliezer Shmuel ben Tzvi z"l Abberbock and Esther Faigel bas Yehuda Leib a"h & Avrohom ben Yissacher Dov HaLevi z"l Birnbaum
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Abberbock
L'ilui Nishmas Malkiel ben Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ אלעזר בן מאיר יום טוב ז"ל, יהודית בת יעקב אפרים הלוי ע"ה, אהרן ברוך בן צבי הערש ז"ל, וגיטל בת זיסמן ע"ה
Dedicated By
Mr & Mrs Abraham Flaumenhaft
As a Zechus for the Spetner family, Cincinnati, Ohio
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yechezkel Shraga ben Avrohom HaKohen z"l, Toba Lifsha bas Dov Berish a"h, Moshe ben Daniel z"l, and Glickel bas Shimon Dov HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Daniel & Linda Ginsberg
L'ilui Nishmas Yesoscher Dov ben Shmeyau z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bas Yehuda Asher a"h, Nachmon Yehuda ben Yaakov Dovid z"l and Devorah Shira Chaya bas Yaakov Leib a"h and As a zechus for zivug hagun for Baila Sima bas Faiga shetichyeh
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Yitzchok ben Elazar z"l, Baila bas Boroch a"h & Shimshon Yehuda ben Yochanan z"l, Elimelech Dovid ben Reb Chaim z"l & Gittel bas Reb Moshe Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yosef ben Yitzchok z"l - Joseph Appel, HaRav Yitzchok ben Peretz z"l - Rabbi Isidore Klein, and Rivka bas HaRav Yehuda Dov a"h - Rebeca Klein
Dedicated By
their children, Sandy and Elliott Klein and family
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yeshaya ben R' Yaakov z"l and Chava bas R' Meir a"h and as a zechus for our family and Klal Yisrael for an abundance of brachah, hatzlacha, parnassah and siyata diShmaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Eliezer ben Yitzchok HaLevi z"l - niftar 8 Av
Dedicated By
his family
As a Zechus for Shalom Tzvi ben R' Moshe and Avrohom Yehuda ben Shalom Tzvi and may this be a zechus that we sing in exultation ”Hallelu es Hashem kol Goyim.”
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Akiva Solkowitz
L'ilui Nishmas Freida bas Yechezkel a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Yaakov Safier
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Menachem Mendel ben Moshe Aryeh HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for cholei Yisrael and in honor of the wonderful staff at Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation who work tirelessly to help bring Moshiach b'mehera b'yameinu, Amen
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of May the zechus of all those inspired at this event be a merit for Hillel & Beth Max and family for an abundance of health, happiness and prosperity m’chayil el chayil
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. Hirsch Wolf - לע"נ צבי יעקב בן ר' חיים ז"ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Usher Tevel ben Yeshayahu z"l, Miriam Udel bas Yaakov a"h and Yaakov Zecharia ben Shimon z"l and may the neshamah of Gershon Yeshayahu ben Moshe Yoel z"l have an aliyah today and always
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ גיטכא בת אליעזר הלוי מיטטעל ע"ה - Judy Mittel whose life and actions reflected "והצנוע לכת עם אלוקך" and whose adherence to הלכות שמירת הלשון was a model for all
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Mordechai & Chaya Leeba Cohen and family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Lessin
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ אליהו בן מנחם מנדל גייסן הכהן ז"ל ומשה יעקב בן צבי בן שחר ז"ל
Dedicated By
טל שלום ומרגלית בן-שחר
L'ilui Nishmas Arlene Palmieri a"h and Alta Devora bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Brandon Edwards
In Honor Of my dear parents May they be zocheh to אריכות ימים ושנים בבריאות הגוף והרחבת הדעת
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Mendy Joseph
Dedicated By
Rumi Reiss and family
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ רחל פנינה בת אברהם ירמיהו ורבקה ע"ה - Penina Weiszberger OBM
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע''נ יחזקאל בן אברהם אהרן ז''ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for the well-being and success of our family and all of Klal Yisrael b'ruchniyus u'b'gashmiyus and לע"נ שמואל סולימן בן עבדולה ז"ל - Mr. Solayman Rouhparvar
Dedicated By
Mr & Mrs Yakov Shadrooz
L'ilui Nishmas Reverend & Mrs. Herschel Weintraub
Dedicated By
Barry and Harriet Ray
L'ilui Nishmas Harav Eliezer ben R' Baruch Zev z"l Ehrenpreis, R' Akiva Shamai ben Eliezer z"l Ehrenpreis, and Sadia Yehoshua ben Eliezer z"l Ehrenpreis
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of the engagement of Miriam and Jimmy. May we be zocheh to see much nachas from them.
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok ben R' Arye Leib z"l , Rochel bas R' Dovid Binyomin a"h, Yitzchok ben Mordechai z"l, and Sara bas Yehoshua a"h
Dedicated By
Aron and Debbie Gibber
L'ilui Nishmas of Rose Lewin - Raizel bas Nosson HaLevi a"h, and Irving Lewin - Yitzchak Zvi ben Binyamin Aaron HaKohen z”l, may their neshamos have an aliyah
Dedicated By
Dr & Mrs Stanley Lewin
L'ilui Nishmas לע''נ חיים מיכל בן יהושע הלוי ז''ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Children´s video sponsors
As a Zechus for לזכות חיים צבי הכהן בן דב שיחי׳ ואשתו אביבה מרים בת חיים צבי זאב שתחי׳
Dedicated By
Joseph Bartel in honor of his parents
L'ilui Nishmas Yeshaya ben Simcha z”l v’ishto Rivka bas Sholom a”h and Tuvia ben Eliyahu z”l v’ishto Perel bas Yoseph a"h
Dedicated By
with love by Tzvi & Nicha Brown
L'ilui Nishmas our parents, Lynn and Irving Shimoff: ישראל דוב בן אהרן יעקב ז״ל - ה' אדר תשס"ב , חיה רבקה לאה בת אליעזר יהודה ע"ה - תשעה באב תשמ"ח
Dedicated By
Robin & Warren Shimoff
L'ilui Nishmas Dov ben Mordechai Lax z"l
Dedicated By
the Lax family
L'ilui Nishmas Yechezkel Shraga ben Avrohom HaKohen z"l, Toba Lifsha bas Dov Berish a"h, Moshe ben Daniel z"l, and Glickel bas Shimon Dov HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Daniel & Linda Ginsberg
L'ilui Nishmas Dr. Bentzion Heyman - R’ Bentzion ben Ahron z"l
Dedicated By
the Heyman Family Foundation, Los Angeles, California
L'ilui Nishmas לע''נ חיים מיכל בן יהושע הלוי ז''ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Klal Yisrael b'ruchniyus u'b'gashmiyus
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Walter & Margie Berger a"h and Judah Leib (Jerry) & Anna Lipschitz a"h
Dedicated By
their children: Hedy & Ben Lipschitz, grandchildren: Natanel & Beth, Rabbi Meir & Jordy, Batsheva & Yaacov, Raphael & Aviva, and great grandchildren: Evie, Zev, Hannah, Shmuel, Ezra, Andrew, Emunah, Sammy, Hodaya, JoJo, Shlomo and Gabriel
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yosef ben Yitzchok z"l - Joseph Appel, HaRav Yitzchok ben Peretz z"l - Rabbi Isidore Klein, and Rivka bas HaRav Yehuda Dov a"h - Rebeca Klein
Dedicated By
their children, Sandy and Elliott Klein and family
L'ilui Nishmas Benzion ben R' Shmuel HaLevi
Dedicated By
the Rochkind Family
L'ilui Nishmas our fathers, Chaim Aryeh ben Alexander z"l and Tzvi Elimelech ben Yisrael Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe & Doreen Mermelstein, Chicago, Ilinois
As a Zechus for the well-being and success of our family and all of Klal Yisrael b'ruchniyus u'b'gashmiyus and לע"נ שמואל סולימן בן עבדולה ז"ל - Mr. Solayman Rouhparvar
Dedicated By
Mr & Mrs Yakov Shadrooz
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ אלעזר בן מאיר יום טוב ז"ל, יהודית בת יעקב אפרים הלוי ע"ה, אהרן ברוך בן צבי הערש ז"ל, וגיטל בת זיסמן ע"ה
Dedicated By
Mr & Mrs Abraham Flaumenhaft
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bas Yehuda Asher a"h, Nachmon Yehuda ben Yaakov Dovid z"l and Devorah Shira Chaya bas Yaakov Leib a"h and As a zechus for zivug hagun for Baila Sima bas Faiga shetichyeh
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Avrohom Dov z"l, Tziporah Faiga bas Yaakov a"h - Irving and Fay Stroh, and Aryeh Leib ben Yitzchok z"l - Leonard Breslau
Dedicated By
their children, Donna and Edward Stroh and grandchildren, Jared, David, Daniel and Miriam
As a Zechus for All the lessons imparted through, and growth resulting from this program, be a source of aliyah for the neshamah of Riva Chaya Leah bas Moshe a"h who exemplified the middah of hevei mekabel es kol ha'adam besimchah.
Dedicated By
Dr & Mrs Stanley and Ruth Lewin
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Baila bas Rephael Nosson a"h & Eliezer Shmuel ben Tzvi z"l Abberbock and Esther Faigel bas Yehuda Leib a"h & Avrohom ben Yissacher Dov HaLevi z"l Birnbaum
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Abberbock
Woman´s video sponsors
For a Refuah Sheleimah for cholei Yisrael and in honor of the wonderful staff at Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation who work tirelessly to help bring Moshiach b'mehera b'yameinu, Amen
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yechezkel Shraga ben Avrohom HaKohen z"l, Toba Lifsha bas Dov Berish a"h, Moshe ben Daniel z"l, and Glickel bas Shimon Dov HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Daniel & Linda Ginsberg
L'ilui Nishmas our parents a"h
Dedicated By
Leonard and Shoshana Pollack
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Avrohom Dov z"l, Tziporah Faiga bas Yaakov a"h - Irving and Fay Stroh, and Aryeh Leib ben Yitzchok z"l - Leonard Breslau
Dedicated By
their children, Donna and Edward Stroh and grandchildren, Jared, David, Daniel and Miriam
L'ilui Nishmas Benzion ben R' Shmuel HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
the Rochkind Family
L'ilui Nishmas Lester & Annabel Abberbock a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Ellen Abberbock
As a Zechus for לזכות חיים צבי הכהן בן דב שיחי׳ ואשתו אביבה מרים בת חיים צבי זאב שתחי׳
Dedicated By
Joseph Bartel in honor of his parents
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Baila bas Rephael Nosson a"h & Eliezer Shmuel ben Tzvi z"l Abberbock and Esther Faigel bas Yehuda Leib a"h & Avrohom ben Yissacher Dov HaLevi z"l Birnbaum
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Abberbock
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yosef ben Yitzchok z"l - Joseph Appel, HaRav Yitzchok ben Peretz z"l - Rabbi Isidore Klein, and Rivka bas HaRav Yehuda Dov a"h - Rebeca Klein
Dedicated By
their children, Sandy and Elliott Klein and family
In Honor Of May the zechus of all those inspired at this event be a merit for Hillel & Beth Max and family for an abundance of health, happiness and prosperity m’chayil el chayil
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Walter & Margie Berger a"h and Judah Leib (Jerry) & Anna Lipschitz a"h
Dedicated By
their children: Hedy & Ben Lipschitz, grandchildren: Natanel & Beth, Rabbi Meir & Jordy, Batsheva & Yaacov, Raphael & Aviva, and great grandchildren: Evie, Zev, Hannah, Shmuel, Ezra, Andrew, Emunah, Sammy, Hodaya, JoJo, Shlomo and Gabriel
L'ilui Nishmas our fathers, Chaim Aryeh ben Alexander z"l and Tzvi Elimelech ben Yisrael Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe & Doreen Mermelstein, Chicago, Ilinois
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Menachem Mendel ben Moshe Aryeh HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Mesivta video sponsors
In Honor Of בהכרת הטוב להקב”ה
Dedicated By
משפחת קליטניק
L'ilui Nishmas Malka Gitel bas Boruch Aryeh Lieb a"h and Dovid ben Ahron z"l Kreisworth
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ יעקב יהודה בן גדלי' שיוויץ ז"ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for לזכות חנה פּעשׁה בת חיה אסתר
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of לכבוד הורינו היקרים שתתברכו בכל מילי דמיטב ,אריכות ימים ושנים בבריאות הגוף והרחבת הדעת
Dedicated By
משפחת מנדי וצפורה דזשאסעף
As a Zechus for לזכות למשפחת מוסה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע''נ חיים מיכל בן יהושע הלוי ז''ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Machsom l´fi sponsors
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shlomo ben R' Shmuel Yosef z"l, Tila Raizel bas R' Yosef a"h, and Harav Dov Berish ben Yitzchok Mayer Hakohen z"l
Dedicated By
Shmuel and Avrumi Rieder
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Leib ben Yaakov Chanan z"l, Naji Chaim Moshe ben Menashe Gabay z"l, Menashe ben Naji Chaim Moshe z"l, and Sophie Shafica bat Tzalach Chaim Gabay a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Ely
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Meir Tzvi Yitzchok ben HaRav Chaim Yoel z"l and Pessel bas Bunim a"h, Yehoshua Chizkiyahu ben Avrohom z"l and Avril bas Yitzchok Gershon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Benzion ben R' Shmuel HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
the Rochkind family
As a Zechus for my children
Dedicated By
Benhoor Hanasabzadeh and family
Honoree sponsors
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z”l Herber Family Charitable Foundation
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Jeffrey Jacobowitz & David Sandel
In Honor Of Harry Skydell ראש וראשון לכל דבר שבקדושה
Dedicated By
Yatzky & Deborah Weinreb and Ruvey & Rivkele Hellman
In Honor Of our dear mechutanim Mark and Linda Karasick for their unwavering dedication and support of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation and Klal Yisrael. May you be zocheh to continue with your avodas hakodesh, and may Hashem bless you with endless nachas from your beautiful family.
Dedicated By
With Love, Aryah & Faige Lebovic
In Honor Of our very dear friends R’ Michael and Chani Your work for all of Klal Yisrael is invaluable! With tremendous awe and Hakaras Hatov to Mr. Kurt Rothschild z"l A giant in Ahavas Yisrael מי יתן לנו תמורתו Rabbi Simcha Bunim and Batsheva Berger
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of Yasher Koach to Harry Skydell and Mark Karasick on their efforts to promote ahavas Yisrael
Dedicated By
Robert and Johanna Hershkowitz
In Honor Of Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz and Tamar Rechnitz for their continued support of Torah worldwide
Dedicated By
Philip Grossman, president of Grossman Insurance Services Inc
In Honor Of Yasher koach to the entire Skydell family
Dedicated By
The Gerber family
In Honor Of and with continued awe for Harry Skydell and all that he does
Dedicated By
Eleazer & Sari Klein
In Honor Of Avrohom and Sarah Biderman whose lives are dedicated to the Klal. What you do for Klal Yisrael is incredible and inspiring to us all. In the zechus of your avodas hakodesh, may you and your family be blessed with only happiness and bracha, and may you see much nachas from your children.
Dedicated By
Mechel and Raizy Gruss
In Honor Of Shlomo Yehuda, May you continue to be a beacon of light in the Jewish community עד ביאת גואל צדק במהרה בימנו Shmuel Stroll, CPA Los Angeles, CA
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of Harry Skydell
Dedicated By
Rumi Reiss and family
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Thank you for giving me the zechus to partake in giving tzedakah each week. It truly means a lot to me. The Eibershter should bentch you with brachah v'hatzlachah.
Dedicated By
Levi & Miriam Raichik
In Honor Of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation for the amazing work you do for Klal Yisrael. May Hashem bless all your endeavors with only brachah and hatzlachah. Debbie and Aaron Gibber
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas our beloved friend Kurt Rothschild z”l, an outstanding human being in our generation. A unique individual who cared about every Jew. He epitomized the middah of Ahavas Yisrael throughout his life. יהי זכרו ברוך
Dedicated By
Aryah & Faige Lebovic
In Honor Of Michael Rothschild and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
Dedicated By
Moshe and Rena Gershkovich
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
the Bleeman family
In Memory Of Kurt Rothschild z"l.
A humble man with true greatness.
Who personified chessed and goodness.
A Jewel in the crown of our community.
An outstanding individual.
A beacon of light for all to emulate.
Dedicated By
Kohn, Gunsburg, Eisenberger and Jakubovic families
Dedicated By
Paul & Lisa Glazer
L'ilui Nishmas our dear friend Kurt Rothschild z"l, a devoted community leader and an exceptional role model. A man who was respected by all and inspired others with his selfless devotion. We are honored to be counted amongst his many admirers and friends. May his memory be a blessing and may his legacy continue for many years to come.
Dedicated By
Irwin & Areiela Cotler
In Honor Of our good friend Michael Rothschild May Hashem give you the koach to continue your avodas hakodesh on behalf of Klal Yisrael Shloime Hirsch & Pinchas Dinter Solomon Hirsch CPA PC 21 Remsen Ave. Suite 302 Monsey NY 10952 845-517-4222
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Worldwide sponsors
L'ilui nishmas Tzipora Faigel bas Yaakov a"h, nifteres 8 Av and Raizel bas Yitzchok a"h, nifteres 18 Adar I
Dedicated By
their daughter and granddaughter
To Robert ben George and Lenoa bat Florence who gave so unselfishly while I was growing up
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for נעימה גיטשע בת שרה מינדל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In memory of Rav Aharon Dovid ben Reuven Wolpinsky z"l
The Feigenbaum, Richman, Maxwell, and Finkelstein Families
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo ben Alter Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
his daughter
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Masha bas Rivka Amush, for good health and arichas yomim and l'ilui nishmas Moshe Eliezer ben Shamai z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In memory of Eliezer Natan ben Moshe Nachum HaKohen z"l and Chana bas Yitzchok Hakohen a"h
Dedicated By
Dorothea Krieger
As a Zechus for shmirah for Adam Dovid ben Yitzchok and all of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor, Woodmere, NY
L'ilui Nishmas Meshulem Feivish z"l ben Yisroel Yaakov ybl"t, Chaim Yekusiel ben Binyomin Eliezer z"l Mandel, Azriel ben Meshulem Feivish Halevi z"l Heller, Rochel bas Yisroel Aryeh HaKohen a"h, Chava Golda bas Azriel Halevi a"h, Liba bas Reuven a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. And Mrs. Yaakov Mandel
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Michael ben Adina Batsheva and L'ilui nishmas Esther Tehilla bas Gavriel Pinchos a"h, Dina bas Meir HaLevi a"h, and Shraga Feivel ben Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ משה בן שמואל ז"ל וזוגתו אסתר דבורה בת יעקב ע"ה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer ben Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
Dr and Mrs Naftali Reich
In Honor Of all of the members of Haminyan Shaleanu
Dedicated By
Lisa and Ronnie Pachino
L'ilui Nishmas Uncle Donald Garaventi z"l
Dedicated By
Leeba Vallone
As a Zechus for the safety of the tzahal
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Adena a"h bas Yehoshua HaLevi yblc"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Roiza bas Aryeh a”h - nifteres 8 Tammuz, and Rochel bas Tzvi HaKohen a”h - nifteres 7 Tishrei
Dedicated By
the Zelcer family
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Aryeh ben Avraham Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
Sorah Gendel and Aviva Rosenstock
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Zalmen ben Shmuel Yaakov z"l, Shmuel Yaakov ben Moshe Tzvi z"l, Pessel bas Shlomo Zalmen a"h and Chana Serel bas R' Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Sander Gerber and family
As a Zechus for all of the cholim in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo R'bibo z"l v'ishto Simi R'bibo a"h
Dedicated By
the R'bibo family
L'ilui Nishmas Binyomin ben Shmuel z"l - Ben Jachter z"l, and Chaya Tzipora bas R' Chaim a"h - Shirley Jachter a"h
Dedicated By
Rose and Joel Greenman
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Leib ben Yaakov Chanan z"l, Naji Chaim Moshe ben Menashe Gabay z"l, Menashe ben Naji Chaim Moshe z"l, and Sophie Shafica bat Tzalach Chaim Gabay a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Ely
As a Zechus for הלל איתן בן חיה יוכבד
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yehoshua Hakohen ben Freida Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor, Michigan
As a Zechus for Avrohom Yaakov ben Shoshana Eidel, Moshe ben Shoshana Eidel, Rochel bas Eidel, Nosson Hertzka ben Rochel, and Shmiel Shlomo ben Rochel
Dedicated By
Shmiel Sontag
As a Zechus for shidduchim in Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas our parents and grandparents, Gershon Lipa ben Leib Azriel z"l and Basha bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Linda and Michael Elman and family
L'ilui Nishmas Aharon ben Yaakov Meir z”l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l A humble man with true greatness Who personified chessed and goodness. A Jewel in the crown of our community An outstanding individual, A beacon of light for all to emulate.
Dedicated By
Kohn, Gunsburg, Eisenberger and Jakubovic families.
L´ilui Nishmas Horeni Naftoli Tzvi ben Yehuda Leibish z"l v'ishto Rochel bas R' Chaim Aryeh a"h, and Zev ben Naftoli Yaakov z"l v'ishto Faiga bas R' Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Chaim Baruch ben Moshe Aharon zt"l, Rabbi Chaim Baruch Faskowitz zt"l, who was nifter on Tisha B'Av 5758
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Meir Tzvi Yitzchok ben HaRav Chaim Yoel z"l and Pessel bas Bunim a"h, Yehoshua Chizkiyahu ben Avrohom z"l and Avril bas Yitzchok Gershon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Perel bas Moshe Dovid Newman a"h and HaRav R' Aryeh Leib ben Mattisyahu Newman z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Zisha ben Frumit
Dedicated By
Shmuel and Orah Joseph
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ הרב אהרון בּן אברהם שׁמואל ז"ל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for shidduchim in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for zivugim b'karov
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Tzvi ben Baruch z"l & Pesha Leah bas Yehuda a"h, and Yehuda Tzvi ben HaRav Elchonon Yitzchak z"l & Rochel Esther bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bier
L'ilui Nishmas Meir ben Avrohom Moshe z"l and Yehuda Aryeh ben Zev Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Zevi Auspitz
L'ilui Nishmas Naftali Gad z"l
Dedicated By
Michael Gad and family
L'ilui Nishmas Dina Devora bas Avrohom Michael a"h, Binyamin ben Yaakov z"l, Miriam Faiga bas Ehud Levi a"h, Yisroel Chaim ben Avraham Michel z"l and as a zechus for the entire Chadow and Rabizadeh families
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for hatzlacha, bracha, and siyata diShmaya for the Manis Family & Idy Bercovici
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rav Tzvi Hersh ben Rav Eliyohu Yechezkel z"l, Yehuda Michael ben Rav Zev z"l, Yehudit bas Yaakov Ephraim HaLevi a"h, Elazar ben Meir Yom Tov z"l, Henya bas Elimelech Gavriel a"h, Gittel bas Zeisman a"h, and Sara bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Nathan and Shirley Rothner a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom ben Ahron HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
his family
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yosef ben Yitzchok z"l - Joseph Appel, HaRav Yitzchok ben Peretz z"l - Rabbi Isidore Klein, and Rivka bas HaRav Yehuda Dov a"h - Rebeca Klein
Dedicated By
their children, Sandy and Elliott Klein and family
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Yitzchok Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Yedidya & Daniella Fireman
Dedicated By
Wayne Symmonds
L'ilui Nishmas Sydell Statzbrooks z"l, Dovid Statz z"l, Max Brooks z"l and Dr. Albert Hornblass z"l
Dedicated By
the Hornblass, Kohn and Dushy families
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam Zlata bas Moshe Michoel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע״נ הורינו היקרים צבי בן מנחם ז״ל וחיה נחמה בת משה יוסף עסטרייכער ע״ה, זאב מאיר בן יעקב שמעון ז״ל ואיטא רייזא בת נתן פאללאק ע״ה תנצב״ה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yaakov ben R' Yona Tzvi z"l and Maras Leah bas ben R' Ephraim Fishel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Penina Perel bas Chaim Eliezer a”h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ צבי ארי בן נחום אהרון ז"ל
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Nachum Rakoff
L'ilui Nishmas Elimelech Gavriel Tress zt"l and Honda Tress a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ רחל פנינה בת אברהם ירמיהו ורבקה ע"ה - Penina Weiszberger OBM
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for brachah, hatzlachah and siyata diShmaya for the Guindi family and all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudis bas Avraham a"h and as a zechus for hatzlachah and brachah for the Grabel family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Ephraim ben R' Yaakov Eliezer HaKohen z"l and HaYeled Eliyahu ben R' Baruch Binyamin n"y; and as a zechus for Moshe Avrohom ben Sora Hadas
Dedicated By
the Cohen and Dulitz families
As a Zechus for Reuven Boruch ben Meashe Chava, Shanna Raya, Alexander Mordechai and Elana Rivka and as a zechus for brachah for the Neumann, Aranoff and Rosow families and all of Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Alan & Etty Tusher
L´ilui Nishmas חיים יצחק בן יהודה ליב
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas our father Assaf ben Dina z"l and in gratitude to Hashem for our family's health and wellbeing
Dedicated By
the Yagudaev family
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Siti z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Walter & Margie Berger a"h and Judah Leib (Jerry) & Anna Lipschitz a"h
Dedicated By
their children: Hedy & Ben Lipschitz, grandchildren: Natanel & Beth, Rabbi Meir & Jordy, Batsheva & Yaacov, Raphael & Aviva, and great grandchildren: Evie, Zev, Hannah, Shmuel, Ezra, Andrew, Emunah, Sammy, Hodaya, JoJo, Shlomo and Gabriel
In Honor Of our granddaughter, Channa bas Elisheva Pearl, may she grow up to be a bas Yisroel and bring nachas to Hashem, as a zechus for hatzlacha for our daughters Naomi and Devora and our son Aaron, as a zechus for shidduchim in klal yisroel and a zechus for zera shel kayamah for our friends.
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for All our children and grandchildren be bentched with mazel, brachah, shalom and shidduchim
Dedicated By
Debra & Meyer Abittan
As a Zechus for Yakov Yosef ben Gitel
Dedicated By
Mr. Yitzchok Friedman
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Sarah Esther bas Leah
Dedicated By
the Ungar family
Dedicated By
Yaty Weinreb and family
L'ilui Nishmas Zalman Leib ben Shimon z"l and the niftarim from Los Angeles
Dedicated By
Congregation Agudas Achim
As a Zechus for my children
Dedicated By
Benhoor Hanasabzadeh and family
L'ilui Nishmas my father, Aryeh Leib HaLevi ben Nachum z"l - Lawrence Levin
Dedicated By
Jonathan and Faige Levin
L'ilui Nishmas Yoel Yonah ben R' Moshe Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Abe and Michele Loewenthal
L'ilui Nishmas our parents, Raquel and Dovid Sohacheski a"h and Florence and Leo Presser a"h, and in honor of our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Jaime and Marilyn Sohacheski
As a Zechus for the Spetner family, Cincinnati, Ohio
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Paul and Pearl Caslow a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Milly Schwartz a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Mali Schwartz
For a Refuah Sheleimah for cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Yankel and Esther Rosenberg
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Zusha a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Allan Greenwald
As a Zechus for לזכות למשפחת רייזמאן
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of Michael Rothschild and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
Dedicated By
Moshe and Rena Gershkovich
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Dovid ben R' Chaim Halevi z"l, and Baila bas Baruch a"h, Avrohom Dovid and Beverly Willig, L'ilui nishmas Leah bas Moshe Hakohen a"h, Leah Amcis and Shmuel Aryeh ben Yitzchok z"l Sidney Gold
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Heshy Willig
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bas Yehuda Asher a"h, Nachmon Yehuda ben Yaakov Dovid z"l and Devorah Shira Chaya bas Yaakov Leib a"h As a zechus for zivug hagun for Baila Sima bas Faiga shetichyeh
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Avraham Yissacher a"h and Rivka bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Nathan Cotler z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
the Bleeman family
L´ilui Nishmas my father; Benjamin Leib ben Yechiel z"l, my mother; Toba bas Reuven a"h and my Rav; Rav Aharon ben Shmuel zt"l
Dedicated By
Drs. Craig and Jackie Reiss
L'ilui Nishmas Aharon ben Yissocher and Tamar Raizel bas Mordechai Tzvi a"h - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett, Shlomo Baruch ben Yitzchok Elimelech z"l and Chaya bas Tzvi Halevi a"h - Sol and Clara Kest and Mordechai Tzvi z"l ben Yitzchok Elimelach yblc"t - Moti Kest
Dedicated By
Michael and Suri Kest
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Yaakov ben R' Chaim z"l and Gitel bas R' Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Aharon Dovid ben Shimon HaKohen z"l, Noson ben Aryeh Dov z"l v'ishto Leah bas Meir Menachem a"h, Yaakov Kopel ben Asher z"l v'ishto Chaya bas Chaim HaKohen a"h, and Yitzchok Baruch ben Chaim Yehoshua z"l v'ishto Rivka bas Yehoshua a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our family and Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Dr. Adam and Bina Pritzker
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Mr. Boruch Bendit z"l, Mrs. Bracha Gross a"h and Mr. Jerry Blatt z"l
Dedicated By
Cheryl and Duvy Gross
Nationwide sponsors
L'ilui Nishmas R' Aryeh ben R' Asher z"l, Mrs. Leviah bas R' Naftali a"h, and R' Nachum ben R' Moshe z"l
and as a zechus for Ashar Yehuda ben Rachel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yosef ben Farcha and as a zechus for a shidduch for Nechama bat Chana Batya, Rina bat Norma, Yaffa bat Victoria, Eliyahu Refoel ben Farcha, and Eliyahu Chaim ben Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Jeanette and Jack Feldman a"h
Dedicated By
their daughter, Paula Tawil
As a Zechus for Yisrael David ben Yehuda Tzvi
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Reuven Shlomo ben Shevach Eliezer z"l - Ronald Simon
Dedicated By
Dr & Mrs Jeremy Simon and family
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Moshe Dovid ben Miriam Leah and as a zechus for Refoel Aryeh ben Chaya Fruma
Dedicated By
Ahron & Miriam Ehrman
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Meir ben HaRav Zvi z"l and HaRav Zvi ben R' Avraham Yechiel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Nochum z"l v'ishto Basya bas Avrohom Aba a"h and Moshe Dovid ben Shlomo Dov z"l v'ishto Fraida Raiza bas Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Aryeh ben R' Asher z"l, Mrs. Leviah bas R' Naftali a"h and R' Nachum ben R' Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Moshe Meir ben Zev - 19 Teves, and Sarah Rochel bas Shmuel a"h - 22 Nissan
Dedicated By
their loving children
As a Zechus for Boro Park Rehabilitation Center would like to wish all of their residents a refuah sheleimah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Otto and Ina Pretsfelder a"h
Dedicated By
Dr & Mrs Steven Kellner
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Shmuel Aryeh ben Sarah Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Aharon z"l and Eliane Esther bas Mordechai a"h and as a zechus for good health for our entire family
Dedicated By
Moshe and Dinah Krygier
L'ilui Nishmas Rikkel bas Reuven HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
the Kirshner family
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bas Yitzchok Moshe Hakohen a"h and Ahron Yaakov Yehoshua ben Shalom z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Dovid ben Sultana z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe & Jamie Soudry
L'ilui Nishmas Tehilla bas Sholem a"h and Esther Amar Halev a"h
Dedicated By
Nesia Amar
As a Zechus for As a zechus for brachah v’hatzlachah for our family and all of Klal Yisroel Dedicated by Yosef & Michelle Schwartz
Dedicated By
Mr. Yosef Schwartz
L'ilui Nishmas Rav Eliezer Zev ben Aharon z"l, Shlomo ben Moshe Chaim z"l, and Aharon ben Eliezer Zev z"l
Dedicated By
the Green family
L'ilui Nishmas Brandel bas Moshe Dovid a"h, Faiga bas Efraim a"h and Moshe Dovid ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel bas Margalit a"h and Yitzchok ben Victoria z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe Sheya Mograby
L'ilui Nishmas Hatinok Daniel Boruch Ber Eliezer Shlomo yblc"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Leah Esther bas Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Chaim Moshe Braver and Family
As a Zechus for all singles to find their zivug and as a zechus for the geulah sheleimah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Mordechai z"l and Esther bas Zelig Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for my children, Esther Miriam bat Yocheved and David ben Yocheved; may Hashem protect them always and bless them with abundance, perfect health, peaceful, easy lives, good kosher shidduchim and to always go in the path of Torah and mitzvos
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of our good friend Michael Rothschild May Hashem give you the koach to continue your avodas hakodesh on behalf of Klal Yisrael Shloime Hirsch & Pinchas Dinter Solomon Hirsch CPA PC 21 Remsen Ave. Suite 302 Monsey NY 10952 845-517-4222
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our family - Los Angeles, CA
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Shmuel Chaim Nussbaum z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Malka Fruma bas R' Chaim HaLevi a"h and Menachem Mendel ben R' Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Shaindel Rivka bas Sholem HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
the Montag family
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Yehuda ben Moshe Shmuel z"l and Zissel bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yechiel ben Bahiye z"l - Joel Kubie, our beloved father and grandfather.
Dedicated By
Ariel and Lauren Ergas and family
As a Zechus for לזכות חנה פּעשׁה בת חיה אסתר
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for hatzlachah, brachah and siyata diShmaya for Elisheva Margalit bas Shifra Leah and her family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Levi Gelbfish
L'ilui Nishmas Gershon Yeshaya ben Avrohom z"l, Refael Yisroel ben Sara z"l, and Eliyahu ben Avraham z"l
Dedicated By
the Stock family
As a Zechus for our entire family
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Weitz and family
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Bracha Chana bas Shaindel and Fraidel Sarah bas Shaindel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Jack Friedman z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for shidduchim and hatzlachah for our grandchildren, and gezunt, nachas, and brachah for all our children and Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Yanky and Rochelle Deutsch
L'ilui Nishmas Shimon ben Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
Esther and Salomon Imiak
In Honor Of Shira bas Sharonah, Avrohom Berish ben Sharonah, Aviva Leah bas Sharonah and Dovid Simcha ben Sharonah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun bekarov and L'ilui nishmas Zecharia ben Uri z"l, Sheindel bas R' Mordechai Yosef a"h, and Mecha bas R' Yosef Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
the Zidele family
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Yosef ben Shlomo Hakohen Knopf z"l
Dedicated By
the Knopf family
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Shimon HaKohen z"l, Saltanat bat Avrohom a"h, Rachman HaKohen ben Ahaye z"l and Chaya Sara bas Yehuda Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Dory Frank
As a Zechus for Arven Netanel ben Sonia and as a zechus for all the hostages
Dedicated By
Avi and Illana Parsons
As a Zechus for hatzlachah in everything for our family
Dedicated By
the Tawil family
As a Zechus for yeshuos for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
the Sinnreich family
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudah ben Yechiel z"l v'ishto Esther bas Dovid a"h, as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Avrohom Dovid ben Esther and as a zechus that Mashiach should come speedily in our time
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for shidduchim for Klal Yisrael, and l'ilui nishmas Zelig ben Eliezer z"l v'ishto Leah bas Yosef Chaim a"h, and Refoel ben Harav Boruch z"l
Dedicated By
the Davidson Family
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Eliezer Yisroel z"l v'ishto Pessel bas Nachmin a"h, Mordechai ben Nechemia z"l, and Eliezer Nachman ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Avrohom and Eva Backenroth
As a Zechus for Matil bas Shaindel zivug Hugoin. Adina Rochel bas Chaya Miriam zer shel kayamu
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka bas Henry George a"h
Dedicated By
the Cohen family
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Eliyahu ben Aharon Moshe z"l v'ishto Liba bas Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
their family
In Honor Of our parents, Rabbi & Mrs. Ahron Ziegler & Mrs. Hana Mandelbaum, and l'ilui nishmas Yaakov ben Avrohom Mandelbaum z"l
Dedicated By
Shlomo & Miriam Ziegler
L'ilui Nishmas R' Moshe ben Shlomo Alon z"l and Osnas bas Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
their children
In Honor Of our children
Dedicated By
Diana and Daniel Cohen
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda ben Moshe z"l, Penina Pearl bas Mayer Yom Tov a"h, and Yocheved bas Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
the Schlusselberg family
As a Zechus for the Beck family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas לע״נ אפרים יעקב בן חנא פנחס ז״ל ואסתר רייזל בת אברהם יצחק ע״ה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Dov ben R' Mayer z"l, Lieba bas R' Tzvi a"h, and Menachem Mendel ben R' Nachman z"l
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Chopp
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yaacob ben Anita Jana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Shimshon Aharon ben Shaul z"l and Fruma Chaya bas Ephraim Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Sophia Chaya bas Freeda a"h, Yosef ben Sabut z"l, and Yada ben Sarah z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for nachas from our children
Dedicated By
the Weissman family
As a Zechus for good health for our children and ourselves
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chava Leah bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Faigel and Eric Evans
L'ilui Nishmas Osher ben Meir z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy Jacobs
L'ilui Nishmas Shlome Menachem ben Yosef Shmaryahu z"l v'ishto Esther Fayge bas Yisroel Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Izzy Schuster - Yitzchok ben Moshe z"l May his neshama have an aliyah Chavi and David Moskowitz
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Shimon ben Chaim z"l v'ishto Rivka bas Meir a"h, their daughter Leah Hadassah bas Shlomo Shimon a"h, and Chanoch ben Moshe HaLevi z"l v'ishto Penina bas Meir a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim for Shlomo Shimon and Yisrael Eliezer ben Miriam, Shoshana and Penina bas Chaya Sara, Atara Bluma and Penina bas Aliza Tamar, Penina and Nachum Yehuda bnei Rivka Baila
Dedicated By
Miriam & Joel Gold
L'ilui Nishmas Shimon ben R' Elimelech z"l v'zivugo Shencha Greina bas R' Shia a"h, and Moshe ben R' Eluzer z"l v'zivugo Chedva Fraidel bas R' Avrohom Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Torah learning and nachas from our children and grandchildren, shidduchim and health for all , and nachas for us and our parents
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Esther Slova bat Ephraim Simcha a"h and Sarah bat Tzvi Hersh a"h and for a refuah sheleimah for Tzivya bat Esther Slova and Mordechai Aryeh ben Leah Sara
Dedicated By
the Lazar Family
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Shimshy Gross
As a Zechus for refuos and yeshuos for all of Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Tzvi Moshe ben R' Avrohom Abish z"l, Zissel Bracha bas R' Moshe HaLevi a"h,
Dedicated By
R' Naftali ben R' Zev z"l and Esther Miriam bas R' Tzvi Moshe a"h
L'ilui Nishmas Sabina Yochevette Friedman a"h and Eve Renee Friedman a"h
Dedicated By
the Friedman family
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Shlomo ben Naftali Margolis z"l-nilba 14 Shvat, v'ishto HaRabanit Chava Rivka Margolis bas Avraham a"h-nilba 25 Iyar
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid & Devorah Moskovitz
As a Zechus for Moshe Yechiel Rachamim ben Chaya Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of my wife, Sorah Rivka
Dedicated By
Saul Tawil
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ ר׳ שמחה אליעזר בן יעקב דוד ז"ל ואשתו מרת איטא רשי בת חיים בן-ציון בנימין הלוי סייט ע"ה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Moshe HaKohen z"l and Zecharya Shimon ben R' Yitzchok HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe Katz
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka bas Moshe Chaim HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for refuah sheleimah for Noam ben Etta
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Meir Aryeh Leib ben Shlomo Avigdor z"l niftar 11 Adar, v'ishto Esther bas Pinchas Yosef a"h niftar 15 Adar, HaRav Dovid Meir ben Boruch Yitzchok z"l niftar 17 Shevat, v'ishto Mina bas Eliezer Zev a"h niftar 14 Iyar
Dedicated By
Sarah & Yosef Tribuch
As a Zechus for Tzvi Aryeh ben Shemaryahu
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for the success and blessing for our family and all of Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Lang
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Rabi Cohen z"l and Nissan ben Moshe Cohen z"l
Dedicated By
Mordechai ben Moshe Cohen
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga bas Yisroel a"h, Yisroel ben Yaakov Yosef z"l, Avrohom Tuvia Yehonoson ben Tzvi z"l and Yaakov Yosef ben Shraga Feivel z"l
Dedicated By
Feivy and Leah Weinberger and family
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Mordechai ben Brocha, and l'ilui nishmas Ephraim Fischel ben Yitzchok z'l v'ishto Liba bas Ephraim a'h, Eliezer Avraham ben Ezriel Yakov z"l v'ishto Rochel Miriam bas R' Meir Eliyahu a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka bas Chaim Aryeh a"h and Menachem bas Chaim Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Avrohom Sholom Yeruchem ben Chaim Yaakov z"l and Eliyahu ben Dov z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Aharon ben R' Eliezer Zev
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Eliyahu ben Salha z"l, Rena bas Shefia a"h, Tzion ben Sara z"l and Linda bas Simcha a"h
Dedicated By
Ralph & Sharon Hazan
L'ilui Nishmas Binyomin Zvi ben Shlomo Chaim z"l, Tzipporah Malka bas Yechezkel Shraga a"h, and Yechezkel Shraga z"l ben Avrohom Yehuda ybl"t and As a zechus for Bracha Gittel bas Etta Pessel
Dedicated By
Dr. Reuven & Mrs. Erica Weinstein
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Mayer Shraga ben R' Eliyahu z"l , Freida Miriam bas HaRav Elozer Benish a"h, HaRav Avrahom ben HaRav Yaakov z"l, Ita Chaya bas Yonosson Aaron a"h, HaRav Elozer Benish ben Yehoshua Falk z"l, and Rashel bas R' Yakkov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for brachah, hatzlachah, good health, yiras Shamayim, and nachas from our children.
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Moshe z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Michael Chiya ben Berucha Sharon and Nava bas Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Tzadok Menachem ben Chaim Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Liba bas Rav Elchonon Tzvi Zohn a"h
Dedicated By
her children
As a Zechus for the geulah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas my parents Yechiel ben Berish Halevi z"l and Elisheva bas Robert a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Ron Molkner
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bas Nechama a"h, Leah Silver
Dedicated By
Dr. Rebecca Merkin
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka bas Ephraim Fishel HaKohen a"h - Mrs. Gyorgyi Klein
Dedicated By
Debbie and Yossie Neuman
As a Zechus for Golda bas Esther Kalba
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshua ben Avrohom Jeger z"l v'ishto Shenya bas Moshe a"h, Avrohom Yehuda ben Ezriel z"l v'ishto Breindel bas Yisroel Aryeh a"h, and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Chaya Rochel bas Breindel
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Moshe Jeger
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Naftuli and Chani Friedman
In Honor Of our son Avrohom Yaakov's Bar Mitzvah
Dedicated By
Bracha and Mordy Ickovitz
In Honor Of my offspring to go in the path of Torah and to never forget: שויתי ה` לנגדי תמיד and בכל דרכיך דעהו and עבדו את ה׳ בשמחה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of the many years of service that Rabbi and Rebbetzin Becker have served the Tuscon community
Dedicated By
Craig Nachumson and family.
L'ilui Nishmas Yisrael Tzvi ben Azriel Yosef z"l, Zev ben Yosef HaLevi z"l, and Sorah Rochel bas Yonah HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
the Bernstein and Barbanel families
As a Zechus for the Nass family for bracha and hatzlacha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Dr. Neal Gittleman and Associates
450 E Kennedy Blvd
Lakewood, NJ 08701
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Chanoch ben Shlomo HaKohen (Herb) z"l & his wife Joan bat Frank a"h, Moshe ben Rabbi Shimon z"l & his wife Hannah bat Yehuda a"h and their daughter Freha bat Moshe a"h, Shlomo ben Yitzchok HaKohen z"l & his wife Rachel bat Dovid a"h & their daughter Leah bat Shlomo HaKohen, Sara bat Mendel (Sonia Nusenbaum) a"h, Ruth bat Avigdor a"h, and Tzipora bas Yisroel a"h and as a zechus for our grandchildren
Dedicated By
Kim & Raymond Amzallag
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Binyamin Mordechai z"l, Mindel Gittel Nechama bas Binyamin Mordechai a"h, Shaindel Fraida bas Binyamin Mordechai a"h, Shmuel Yosef ben Mordechai Tzvi z"l, Rochel bas Yaakov Moshe a"h, and Binyamin Mordechai ben Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Simcha Beinish ben Miriam Pessa and all cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda Yitzchok Isaac ben Refael z”l, Golda bas Alexander a”h, Yehoshua Tzvi ben Moshe Dov z”l, and Avrohom Chaim ben Yehoshua Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Devorah Shoshana bas Hachaver Elchonon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Mr Ohaavshalom and family
L'ilui Nishmas HaChaver Chaim ben HaChever Tzvi Aharon HaKohen z'l
Dedicated By
the Cohn family
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Yosef HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Rozehzadeh family
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Shifra bat Miriam, Chaya Leah bat Sarah, Chaim Shalom ben Devorah and Chana bas Fraidah Tziporah
Dedicated By
Seymour and Mindy Liebman and family
L'ilui Nishmas Nissim Halevi ben Sarah z"l
Dedicated By
Leah Levy, Ezra and Leora Levy and family, and Miss Sarah Levy
As a Zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for our children
Dedicated By
Dan and Rivka Shoshana Geisler
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Yehuda ben Moshe Shmuel z"l, Zissel bas Yosef a"h and Minka bas Moshe Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Yitzchok & Esty Lapides
L'ilui Nishmas Naftali ben R' Menachem Mendel Zev z"l and Mrs. Rochel Leah bas HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
the Bloom Family from Neve Michael
L´ilui Nishmas לזכר נשמות ניסן בן יעקב צבי ואסתר בת צבי ע״ה
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Marsil Rachamim ben Alice Khaski z"l and as a zechus for brachah and atzlahchah for the Khaski family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
L'ilui nishmas Rachel Pia bas Yechiel Mechel a"h
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Jonathan and Melissa Beck
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo ben Moshe z"l, Gella bas Menachem HaKohen a"h, and Raiz bas Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. S. Marburger
As a Zechus for health and going in the Torah path for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Nochum Dick z"l and a zechus for a shidduch for all those in need
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel Miriam bas Nesanel a"h, Menachem Mendel ben Shalom z"l, Yosef Meir ben Mordechai Yaakov HaLevi z"l, Rochel Leah bas Yehoshua Dov Ber a"h and Boruch Menachem ben Leib Yaakov HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chasya Fruma bas R' Tzvi Hersh a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of mishpachas Shelby
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Malka Eidel bas Pinchas Eliyahu a"h and Mindel bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
the Berger children
For a Refuah Sheleimah for RPBSL
Dedicated By
As a Zechus for L'zechus Tzvi ben Shprintza u'mishpachto
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Rivka bas Tubba
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for hatzlachah
Dedicated By
the Beida Family
As a Zechus for for the safe return of all of our hostages, for the safety of all the chayalim and L'ilui nishamt Eitan Hillel ben Mishael and Chanah Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of the Farkas and Rybstein families and yasher koach to the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation for their hard work
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Moshe ben Mordechai Greenwald z"l, Leah bas Zalka a"h, and Yaakov Yitzchok ben Elazar Brieger z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Aidel Machla bas Avrohom Asher a"h
Dedicated By
Mayco Financial Services
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Yehuda ben Gedaliya Shwartz z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Gershon ben Boruch z"l Dedicated by his wife
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Sora Maryasha a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Dov ben Avraham Yaakov z"l and his wife, Faigale bas Reb Menachem Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Yehoshua Zerach and Chana Miriam Goldenberg
In Honor Of Shlomo Zlamen HaKohen ben Shaina Risha n"y
Dedicated By
his daughters
As a Zechus for the Heller family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Efraim ben Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah For HaRav Shmuel ben Ita Ettel, Elisha Yaacov ben Yocheved, Uriel David ben Yocheved, and l'ilui nishmas Michael ben HaRav Mordechai HaLevi v'ishto Malka Breindel bas Yaakov (Minkoff)
Dedicated By
Bob and Judy Pransky
As a Zechus for the Jachimowitz family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for our children
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Zerach Zev ben Avrohom Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
his children and grandchildren
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Mordechai ben Yehoshua z"l v'ishto Dena bas R' Shlomo a"h, Asher ben R' Chaim z"l v'ishto Chana bas R' Schmuel a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for yeshuos for all and l'ilui nishmas Chana Liba bas Yaakov a"h, Aaron Tzvi ben Yehuda z"l, and R' Chaim ben Yecheskel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Solomon Rosenzweig, PE, PC
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Batya Shoshana bas Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Yehuda ben Shlomo Zalmen z"l
Dedicated By
Aroni and Chani Parnes
L'ilui Nishmas Aharon Chaim ben Shimon Shlomo HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Jonathan Newman
L'ilui Nishmas Ita Leah Bas Yisroel Dov a"h, Eliyahu Ben Dovid z"l, Perel Malka bas Tzvi a"h, Yitzchok ben Shmuel Shaul z"l, Tzvi Zev ben Moshe z"l, and Devorah bas Kalman Klonimus a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Sara bas Helen and Avraham ben Mazal
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mercedes Alegria bat Saada a"h and Moshe Meir ben Donna z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Moshe Meir ben Sheva Shaindel
Dedicated By
Shlomo and Shavie Abecasis
L'ilui Nishmas our dear father, R' Hershel Michel z"l and as a zechus for the hostages, the chayalim of Tzahal, and their families
Dedicated By
Donated by R' Yakov and Chumie Vann
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Moshe Eliyahu Halevi z"l v'ishto Hinda Rivka bas Yisroel Meir, Shmuel Chaim ben Meir z"l v'ishto Rivka bas R' Shmaya a"h, Yechzkel Meir z"l ben Tzvi Aryeh Y"blt, Chaya Tzipora bas Shmuel Chaim a"h, Dovid ben Yisroel Meir z"l Yisocher Dov ben Yisroel Meir z"l, Zev ben Shmaya z"l and Shmuel Ahron ben Nosson Nuta Hakohen y"blt
Dedicated By
Ari and Idy Friedman
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Eliezer ben Pinchos Shimon
Dedicated By
the Bennett family
L'ilui Nishmas Manis Baruch ben R' Chaim Zev z"l and Malka bas Zvi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for happiness and health
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha ben Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Guta bas Meir a"h niftar 23 Av, Shaul Meir Ben Moshe Zalman z"l niftar 28 Av and Dovid Mordechai Ben Zelig z"l niftar 17 Sivan and as a zechus for siyata diShmaya v'hatzlachah for Tehila Sara Leah bas Osna Malka and Yeshaya Ben Chana Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our children's hatzlachah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of the IDF and as a zechus for the release of our hostages
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Michael Reiser
As a Zechus for hatzlachah and happiness for our son Shaye Benjamin, his wife Sara, and their daughter Shaindle Rut
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of my wife, Pamela Masri
Dedicated By
her husband.
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshea ben Yehuda Tzvi z"l v'ishto Chaya Masha bas Menachem Nochum a"h
Dedicated By
Harvey Gersten
L'ilui Nishmas Leah Devorah bas Yosef HaLevi a"h and Shimon ben Nachum z"l
Dedicated By
Allison and Eddie Silver
In memory of Yehuda Aryeh z"l ben Eliyahu Dovid yblc't and Shlomo ben Avrohom Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Basya bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Tzvi Aryeh and Leah Brenna bas Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Noach Tzvi ben Aryeh z"l and R' Reuven ben Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
the Bistricer family
As a Zechus for mazel and hatzlachah on bechinos
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha bas Penina a"h and as a zechus for the Schwartz family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas my father, Eliezer Yosef ben Shlomo Zalman z"l and my mother, Leah bas Chaim a"h L'ilui nishmas Yehudah Aryeh Leib ben Shlomo Nosson HaKohen Glicksman, niftal 25 Menachem Av
Dedicated By
Moshe Cytryn
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yitzchok ben R' Yechiel Halevi z"l, Saindel bas R' David a"h, Yeshaya ben R' Yaakov z"l and Mecha bas R' Yosef Yitzchok a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim in klal yisroel
Dedicated By
Avraham and Faigy Schachner
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer ben Chaim Levi z"l, niftar 3 Iyar
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Netanel Shabtai ben Yehuda
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for a life of revealed good
Dedicated By
the Applebaum Family
As a Zechus for shidduchim for all in need
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Tuvia ben Aryeh z"l & Perel bas Zev a"h and Yisroel Aron ben Ezra z"l & Miriam bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
David and Sylvia Suss
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda Aryeh ben Kehus HaKohen z"l and Faiga bas Shlomo a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Shayovich
L'ilui Nishmas avi mori R' Levi ben Yehuda HaKohen z"l and as a zechus for a zivug hagun for Shimon Chaim ben Chaina Batsheva
Dedicated By
the Muehlgay family
As a Zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for Pinchos and Maryim Pesel Newman
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Shlomo ben Binyomen Eliezer z"l and Fraida bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our children for brachah, hatzlachah, and shidduchim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Esther Rochel bas Batya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor of Mazal bas Tz'cha
Dedicated By
Ezra and Tz'cha Mizrachi
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Chaim Shimon ben Ettel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Leah Perel bas Chaim a"h and Perel bas Chaim Shraga Faivel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Yaakov HaKohen z"l v'ishto Sarah bas Avraham Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
the Aaronson and Rappaport families
Statewide sponsors
L'ilui Nishmas Rena bas Yosef Reuven z"l, Shlomo Boruch ben Alexander Zushe, Sima bas Simcha a"h and Avrohom ben Nosson z"l
Dedicated By
Yosef and Miriam Esther Stein
In Honor Of Yasher Koach to Harry Skydell and Mark Karasick on their efforts to promote ahavas Yisrael
Dedicated By
Robert and Johanna Hershkowitz
In Honor Of our children and grandchildren; may they continue to give us Yiddishe nachas
Dedicated By
Effie and Simmy Sonstein
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yaakov ben Alexander Zisha z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Yitzchok ben Leizer z"l and Sarah bas Moshe Aryeh Hakohen a"h
Dedicated By
their son, the Schulman family
As a Zechus for Yitzchok ben Sarah Taiba Frida v'ishto Esther Rochel bas Malka v'kol mishpachtum
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Berel ben Hersh z"l, Malka bas Yochanan a"h, Chaim Ber ben Eliyahu z"l and Chana Leah bas R' Dovid HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Dr and Mrs Reuven Shanik
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Shlomo Aryeh HaKohen z"l and Perel bas Yekusiel Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Etel bas Hirsh a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Zvi ben Ephraim HaKohen z"l, HaRav Betzalel ben Aryeh Leib Fischel z"l and Dena bas Yitzchok HaKohen a'h
Dedicated By
Wendy and Yossi Shindler
L'ilui Nishmas my grandmother, Betya Burd ben Aba a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our family, as a zechus for arichas yamim for imi morasi Shulamis Rosenblatt and l'ilui nishmas Yerachmiel Chaim ben Pinchas z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Chaim ben Menachem Mendel z"l, Yitzchak Ben Yaakov HaLevi z"l and Hinda bas Asher a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for health and shidduchim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Zalman Hillel Fendel z"l and in honor of Mrs. Tova Fendel shetichya
Dedicated By
Yonah & Shira Lazar
As a Zechus for Simcha bas Nechama and Shmuel ben Sarah for a healthy baby
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Baruch ben Moshe z"l and as a zechus for hatzlachah for the entire Kahn family
Dedicated By
the Kahn family
L'ilui Nishmas our beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Pesa bas Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Jay and Carol Lyons and family
L'ilui Nishmas Malka bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs David Greene
L'ilui Nishmas Pesha Yetta bas Yehuda a"h and Yeruchem Yitzchok ben Menachem Mendel z"l
Dedicated By
Dafna and Yossi Davidovitch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer Dovid ben Betzalel z"l, Miriam Sarah bas Mordechai a"h and Kalman Chaim ben Eliezer Dovid z"l and as a zechus for achdus and Mashiach
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Refael Yitzchok ben Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our new grandson Yitzchok ben RIna Ita and as a zechus that Hashem should bring shalom
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for brachah, hatzlachah, siyata diShmaya and shidduchim tovim for our family and all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for hatzlachah, brachah and parnassah for the Halperin family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka Rochel bas Yermia a"h, Yitzchok ben Chaim Ahron z"l, Chaim Ahron ben Aryeh Leib z"l, and Sarah bas Chaim Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Moshe Yoseph ben Elyakim Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Avrohom z"l and Rivka bas Yaakov a"h - Mark and Rita Taifer
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer ben Tzvi HaKohen z"l, Moshe ben Yisroel z"l, Chana bas Getzel a"h and Chaya Dina bas Yonah Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Sarah bas R' Simcha a"h, Dovid Nechemia ben Yosef Menachem z"l and Shaindel Faiga bas Elimelech a"h and as a zechus for Klal Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Yona z"l, Chaya Pessel bas Yessochor Dov HaKohen a"h, R' Binyomin ben R' Chaim HaKohen, and Toba bas Yisrael Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
the Jacobs family
L'ilui Nishmas Bentzion ben Avrohom Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Gary and Loren Puterman and family
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Leib ben R' Chaim Moshe z"l, as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Sarah bas Bella, as a zechus for Bella bas Rivka and Dov ben Hana Miriam, and as a zechus for our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Osina
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Nosson Tzvi ben Sarah Rivkah Kashtiya and Chaim Binyomin Mordechai ben Aida
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Yehoshua ben Aryeh Moshe z"l, Yaakov Chuna ben Aryeh Moshe z"l, Aryeh Moshe ben Yaakov z"l, and Tzvi ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yissacher Dov Mordechai ben Eliezer z"l and Sarah Leah bas Rafoel Yosef a"h, Aharon Yehoshua ben Mayer Aryeh z"l and Esther bas Zev a"h
Dedicated By
Zev and Judy Moskovits - Los Angeles, CA
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Leah bas R' Yitzchok a"h, Chaya Tzipora Shaindel bas R' Yaakov a"h, HaRav Yosef Elimelech ben R' Yissocher Mordechai, Naomi bas R' Shlomo HaCohen Baumgarten a"h, and Chaim Yitzchok Eizik ben Mordechai Eliyahu and Leah bas R' Shlomo Friedman a"h
Dedicated By
Aaron Dov Friedman and family
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Leah bas Yitzchok Dovid a"h and Yaakov ben Mordechai Leah z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Rivka bas Menachem Mendel a"h And Menucha Leah bas Menachem Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Shira bat Yisroel a"h- Sondra Robinson and Isadore and Rose Glorsky a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Peter Robinson
As a Zechus for hatzlachah and good health for our family and Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
the Sapoznik family
L'ilui Nishmas Yocheved bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
her family Dr. and Mrs. Eliezer and Marlene Fox
L'ilui Nishmas Seymour and Edith Coven a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coven
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Baruch Tzvi ben Keren Tehora and l'ilui nishmas Chaya Rivka bas Tzvi Hirsh a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our chayalim to be safe and have success, our captives to come home safely and healthy and for Moshiach to come now
Dedicated By
Harvey & Debbie Lichtman
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yaakov ben sara
Dedicated By
Mr. Iser Rabinovitz
L'ilui Nishmas Shaindel bas Yisroel HaLevi a"h and Yitzchok Isaac ben Gedalya z"l
Dedicated By
Irene & Ami Attali and family
As a Zechus for health and wealth for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for this Tisha B'Av will become a Yom Tov in Yerushalayim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaya Miriam Bas Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for All those injured in the line of duty or a terrorist attack and for all precious hostages.
Dedicated By
Brian and Masha Levine
As a Zechus for the continued health of our parents
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Moshe Kanovsky z"l and our beloved mother Ruth Finch and Frances Lerman
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Lerman
L´ilui Nishmas Eliezer Ben Shlomo
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for brachah for Yitzchok ben Chana and Esther bat Shulamit to find a good home and l'ilui nishmas Chana bas Avraham Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
the Goldberg family
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Tzippa Zelda bas Chaya Gitta and Moshe Mendel ben Devorah
Dedicated By
the Bazelon Family
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Chaim Dov a"h, Elchonon ben Refael z"l, Chana Sara bas Meir a"h, and Pesach Moshe ben Yisrael Avraham z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas חיים בן שלמה, אברהם גרשון בן יעקב, חנה בת שמחה
Dedicated By
The Gardner Family
In Honor Of the Tzehal and as a zechus for the immediate relief of all the hostages
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Izzy Zubar and family
As a Zechus for gezunt, parnassah, and shidduchim for our children
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yaakov ben Nachum z"l and Etya Faiga bas Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Shayovich
New Jersey
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Tzvi ben Yosef HaLevi z"l, Kayla Yenta bas R' Yitzchok HaLevi a"h, and Yaakov Moshe ben Yechiel HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Chaim and Leora Grinspan and family
New Jersey
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Reuven ben Moshe Shmuel z"l, Udel bas Chaim HaKohen a"h, Naftali Menachem ben Hachaver Mordechai z"l, and Shaina Malka bas Chaim Yechiel a"h
L'ilui Nishmas Linda bas Estrella a"h and Yom Tov ben Bahiye z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Avrohom Arking
New Jersey
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Aaron ben Shlomo Yechiel z"l, Aidel bas Yehoshua a"h, Eliezer Zvi ben Avrohom z"l, Dov Ber ben Aharon Halevi z"l, and Gittel Mindel bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
David & Susan Rosenbaum
New Jersey
As a Zechus for those who perished in the Holocaust
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Nachum & Malkie Indich
New Jersey
As a Zechus for the Kupperwasser family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
L'ilui Nishmas R' Chaim Baruch ben Binyamin z"l, Esther Hinda bas Michoel a"h, Avraham ben Baruch z"l, and Basha Dvorah bas Chaim Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
their grandchildren, Carolyn & Barry Stein and family
New Jersey
As a Zechus for all singles to find their bashert
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
L´ilui Nishmas Naftali Lipa ben Shmuel HaLevi z"l, Mindel bas Yisroel Tzvi a"h, Tzvi Yosef ben Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
Sara Stobezki And Jonathan, Hannah, And Dina
New Jersey
Dedicated By
Mr. Duvie Greisman
New Jersey
L´ilui Nishmas use names from last year
Dedicated By
Dr. Tamar Green
New Jersey
Dedicated By
anonymous donor, as a zechus
New Jersey
As a Zechus for כלל ישראל
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
L´ilui Nishmas Rose Raizel bat Chava a"h, Binyamin ben Sarah z"l, and Shlomo ben Rosa z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
In memory of Larry Buchsbaum z"l and Dr. Edward Green z"l
Dedicated By
Stuart and Tamar Green
New Jersey
May we merit to see Mashiach
Dedicated By
Batya Slom
New Jersey
Dedicated By
Mr. Ari Green
New York
As a Zechus for hatzlacha for Avadia ben Rivka
Dedicated By
the Harary family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Pinchas ben Moshe Yosef z"l, Elka bas Moshe Halevi a"h, Yitzchok Chaim ben Yosef z"l and Esther Rivkah bas Shlomo Baruch a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Stanley and Rita Adler a"h
Dedicated By
Alvin L. Adler
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Eliezer z"l and Miriam bas Yosef Yochanan a"h
Dedicated By
Lazer Blisko and Family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Moshe z"l v'ishto Elka bas Moshe Eldot a"h, Tzvi ben Aharon z"l v'ishto Esther bas Avraham Yaakov Broges a"h, Mordechai ben Binyomin Gross z"l, and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Elimelech ben Rivka Dina
Dedicated By
the Broges Family, Flushing, NY
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Shaindel bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Kenny & Noami Schiff
New York
L'ilui Nishmas our parents a"h
Dedicated By
Harvey and Judy Blitz
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Sarah a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah bas R' Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
As a Zechus for hatzlachah and brachah for Quality Stairs and the Sugar family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Victoria z"l - Mr. Moe D. Gindi
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Asher ben Ephraim z"l - Mr. Arthur Hoffnung v'ishto Devorah Leah bas Yehuda a"h - Mrs. Doris Hoffnung, Moshe ben Mordechai z"l - Mr. Fred Pfeffer v'ishto Esther Perel bas Moshe a"h - Mrs. Erna Pfeffer
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hoffnung and family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Moshe z"l and Frimet bas R' Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Rebi Chiya ben Chacham Rafael z"l
Dedicated By
his grandsons, Michael and Nathan Aryeh
New York
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yehuda Leib ben HaRav Ben Zion z"l - Rabbi Leonard Pearl, Toba Zelda bas R' Zev and Chaya Chana a"h - Jean E. Pearl and Harav Shmuel Eliyahu z"l ben HaRav Refoel yblc"t - Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Auman
Dedicated By
Rabbi Refoel and Sharon E. Pearl Auman and family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yechiel ben Yeshayahu z"l, Miriam bas Hertzel HaKohen a"h, Chaya Gitel bas Hertzel HaKohen a"h, and Frimet bas Chaim HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Frimet Skolas
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Tziporah bas Moshe Dovid a"h, Yisroel Yitzchok ben R' Avrohom Shlomo z"l, and Yocheved bat Yosef Aryeh HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
the Broome family
New York
Dedicated By
Zevi and Lilliane Samel
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga Riva bas Shlomo a"h, Moras Chaya Bracha bas R' Noach HaKohen a"h, R' Chaim Eliezer ben R' Eliyahu z"l, Chaim Aharon ben R' Meiram Hillel z"l, R' Avrohom Yosef ben R' Shimshon HaLevi z"l, R' Yitzchok Eizik ben R' Meir z"l, R' Yisroel ben R' Chaim Eliezer z"l, R' Yehonoson Dovid ben R' Chaim Eliezer z"l, Etya bas R' Mordechai HaLevi a"h, Leah bas Mordechai a"h, Esther Malka bas Eliezer Tzvi a"h, Mattel bas Yosef a"h and Meir ben Chana Gittel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Rochel bas Ahron Zev a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer ben Yitzchok z"l, Shmuel ben Baruch HaLevi z"l, Esther bas Yaakov a"h, and Bina bas Aryeh HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Chaim Wasserman
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Nosson Yehuda ben Yitzchok Yosef z"l, Frieda bas Yochanan a"h, and Yoel ben Nosson Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
the Alter family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda Aryeh ben Aron z"l, Chaya Raizel bas Eliyokum Getzel a"h, Aron ben Yehuda Aryeh z"l, Moshe Chaim ben Avrohom Yehuda z"l, and Rochel bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Avi & Rochel Meyer
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Zissel bas R' Shmuel Elimelech Braun a"h
L'ilui Nishmas Baruch Motel ben Yaakov Zev z"l,m Kaila bas Munish a"h, Shalom Pinchus ben Mordechai Eliezer z"l and Beryl Dovid ben Boruch Motel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Shimon ben Nachum z"l and as a zechus for all cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Dr. Reuven Rosenkranz z"l
Dedicated By
Dov Eisenberger, LYNLY Insurance 212-651-4242
New York
L'ilui Nishmas my father HaRav HaGaon Hatzaddik Alter Baruch ben R'Aharon z"l v'ishto HaRabanit HaTzadekis Malka bas R' Amrom a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Shmuel ben Yehuda Leib z"l, Hinda bas Azriel Zelig HaLevi a"h, Yehudis bas Tzvi Hirsch a"h, and Ephraim ben Yitzchok Eizak z"l
Dedicated By
Elisa & Steven Kadish
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Hachaver Yehudah ben Hachaver Meir HaLevi z"l, Gresya bas Rephael a"h, HaRav Avraham ben HaRav Yosef Lieder z"l, and Raizel Miriam bas R' Naftoli a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Betty D. Mercer and in memory of Frank B. Mercer, Martha Fishbein and Cecil B. Fishbein
Dedicated By
Kenneth A. Mercer, MD
New York
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Rivka bas Esther Hadassah and Meir Sholom Dov ben Chaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Moshe ben Osher Zelig z"l
Dedicated By
the Gottesman family
New York
Dedicated By
Chayil Women's Post Seminary Program 400-232-3548 -
New York
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Akiva Eliyahu ben Naomi
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Mendel Isaac ben Nechemya HaKohen z"l v'ishto Rivkah bas R' Yaakov Mentlik a"h and Yosef ben Sholom z"l v'ishto Leah bas Avigdor Leibish Mordowitz a"h
Dedicated By
their children, the Mordowitz family
New York
Dedicated By
Menashe & Mimi Oratz
New York
As a Zechus for our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Avi and Devora Kaufman
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Leah Leeba bas Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
Steven and Faige Sales and family
New York
As a Zechus for an easy time in shidduchim for all those in need
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Koppel ben Avrohom Asher Zelig z"l
Dedicated By
the Mayer family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Gavriel Simcha z"l ben Shneur Zalmen Halevi yblc"t, Moshe Naftali ben Dovid Hakohen z"l, Bracha Elisheva bas Menachem a"h, and Mordechai ben Dov Ber Halevi z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Amalya Rochel bas Rivka Chana
Dedicated By
the Daitchman family
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Yitzchok Yermiyahu ben Simcha Osher z"l, Simcha Osher ben Avrohom Eliezer z"l,
Dedicated By
Yeshaya ben Mouni z"l, and Fradji ben Avraham v'Rifka z"l
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Yeshaya Tzvi ben R' Chaim Alexander Yosef z"l and Shaindel bas R' Moshe HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah Leah bas R' Aryeh Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Yecheskel Yeshaya ben Shmuel Eliezer z"l, Leah Baila Rivka bas Shmuel Eliezer a"h, and Shmuel Eliezer ben Yechezkel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka Henna bas Menachem Mendel a"h and Binyamin ben Yechiel HaLevi z"l, as a zechus for a zivug hagun for Chaya Yehudis bas Faiga and Miriam bas Baila Rivka and as a zechus for zera shel kayama for Elazar Dovid ben Gittel & Chaya Rochel bas Reizel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L'ilui Nishmas a special man Kurt Rothschild z"l who inspired us all, In honor of Harry Skydell and Mark Karasick for their dedication to this incredible organization and congratulations to the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation for teaching us to want life.
Dedicated By
Congregation Ohab Zedek - Dr. Ari Weitzman, President and Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi
New York
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Reuven ben Shalom z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
In Honor Of Yasher koach to CCHF for all the ahavas Yisrael they bring into the world
Dedicated By
Julie and Richard Lobel
New York
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Bijan Satareh
New York
In memory of Uncle Jack Sharaby z"l Dedicated by Joseph Sharaby and Sons
In memory of Solomon and Inez Sharaby a"h
Dedicated by Adele and Joseph Sharaby
In memory of Adina bat Rachel a"h
Dedicated by Joseph Sharaby and families
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
As a Zechus for Eretz Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
Dedicated By
Rabbi NoachShmuel Lisser
New York
L´ilui Nishmas ר' 'יחזקאל בן ר ישראל שלום
Dedicated By
לעילוי נשמת ר' יחזקאל בן ר' ישראל שלום
New York
L´ilui Nishmas Shmuel Dov ben Yona and Rochel bas Shalom
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L´ilui Nishmas David Avraham ben Adam v'Sarah z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
As a Zechus for shidduchim for Naftali ben Dena Faiga and Toba Rachel bas Dena Faiga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
L´ilui Nishmas Avigden ben Avraham Mordechai z"l, Hatinok Refoel Dov ben Eliezer Chaim z"l, Dovid Aharon Mordechai ben Chava Leah z"l, Zelda Kaila bas Rochel a"h, and Chaya Hinda bas Esther Devorah a"h
Dedicated By
the Davidson family
New York
L´ilui Nishmas Stanley and Rita Adler
Dedicated By
Dr. Alvin Adler
North York
L'ilui Nishmas avi mori R' Peretz ben Mordechai Yehuda z"l v’imi morasi Frida bas Yona a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
North York
For a Refuah Sheleimah for anonymous
Dedicated By
Denise Leon Elmaleh
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yechezkel ben Yaakov Yehoshua z"l and Rivka Raizel bas Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Continued Parnassah and health for our family
Dedicated By
As a Zechus for Tovah Bas Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of L'kavod all those learning a lesson a day. Your daily ten minutes brings much brachah to Klal Yisrael.
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel bas Donna a"h, Donna bas Rochel a"h, and Yehoshua ben Gemila z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Chocolate Charm
L´ilui Nishmas Yehudit Miriam bas Hersh Tzvi a"h and Aryeh Leib ben Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
the Hytman family
L'ilui Nishmas Harold and Eleanor Kane a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Steven Kane
L'ilui Nishmas Sima Leba bas Akiva a"h and Binyamin ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Allen and Barbra Rothenberg
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Eliyahu ben Reuven HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Gershon & Channah Bernhard and family
L´ilui Nishmas Drs George and Marial Manstein
Dedicated By
Dr. Joanne Manstein
As a Zechus for Our Mishpacha
Dedicated By
Mrs. Jessica Erlbaum
L'ilui Nishmas Zev ben Avrohom Yosef z"l, Buna bas Chaim Chunah a"h, Yehuda ben Yaakov z"l, and Chana Simcha bas Avraham Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph and Susan Furman
As a Zechus for a shidduch b'karov for Yaakov Yitzchok ben Shulamit
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Kohr
L'ilui Nishmas Malca Spigler a"h
Dedicated By
the Goldstein Family
L'ilui Nishmas Isaac Aryeh ben Yechezkel HaKohen z"l and Cilia Rochel bas Shmuel Hersh a"h
Dedicated By
Cindy and David Winston
Citywide sponsors
As a Zechus for zera shel kayamah, simcha, besoros tovos and yeshuos for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yakov ben Mendel Gershon a"h and Yehoshua ben Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
Dr and Mrs Stan and Marla Frohlinger
L'ilui Nishmas Bracha bas Yitzchok a"h, Gershon ben Yaakov Elazer z"l, Yaakov Elazer ben Gershon z"l, Yecheskel Shraga ben Yehuda z"l and Chana Fraidel bas Yaakov Eliezer a"h And as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Yitzchok ben Brocha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Talia Efrat bas Bentzion a"h
Dedicated By
Mr & Mrs Herman Berlin
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Adele bas Latifa
Dedicated By
her family
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Eliyohu Copeland z"l and Yisroel ben Yom Tov Lippman z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Toba Shaindel bas Avrohom Shmuel Binyamin a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Dr and Mrs Zeffren
L'ilui Nishmas Pinchas Menachem ben Chaim Beirach z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Yaakov Tzvi and Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Avrohom Abba ben Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Malka Faiga bas Dovid HaKohen z"l, Yahuda Leib Yitzchok ben Yaakov z"l, Yaakov ben Moshe z"l and David Zev ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our children
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Freilich
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Eta bas Pesach a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Yitzchok Adlerstein
L'ilui Nishmas Yoel Tzvi ben Avrohom Mendel z"l, Bezalel Moshe ben Yoel Tzvi z"l, Hinda bas Bezalel Moshe a"h, Dov Ber ben Avrohom Yaakov z"l and Chaya bas Avrohom Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Barak and family
L'ilui Nishmas all the people who have been niftar recently
Dedicated By
the Rayhanian family
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam Chyenna bas Osher a"h, Tzvi Eliezer ben Yaakov z"l, Elka bas Yona a"h, Moshe ben Yaakov z"l and Fraida Ettel bas Menachem Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
Jeff and Ellen Goldstein
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Chaim Ovadia ben Sara
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mindel bas Yosef Baruch a"h, Malka bas Mordechai Tzvi a"h and Shlomo ben Shimon HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudis bas Ezra Menachem a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Leibish Velvel z"l and Moshe Ahron Yehoshuah ben Eliezer Zussman z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Albert Avrahom ben Parvin
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for shidduchim for Dina bas Shoshana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Michoel ben Shmuel HaLevi z"l, Nacha bas Avrohom Shmuel a"h, Yehudah ben Dov Ber HaLevi z"l and Fruma Guta Tziporah bas Tzvi Yehudah a"h
Dedicated By
Shmuel Mordechai & Soroh Fordonski
L'ilui Nishmas Reuven ben Aharon HaKohen z"l and Yehudit Yetta bas Reuven HaKohen
Dedicated By
the Levy family
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all of Klal Yisrael and Sara Yehudis bas Hendel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Zevulun Yehuda ben Naomi Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all the sick children in Klal Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Chuma bas Yosef Moshe a"h and Rochel bas Moishe a"h
Dedicated By
the Friedman family
L'ilui Nishmas Hachaver Alexander ben Uri z"l and Baila bas Reichel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yecheskel Aharon ben Yosef Yehuda z'l and Yoel Boruch ben Yisroel Yitzchok z'l and as a zechus for zivugim tovim u'kedoshim for our children
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Chana Miriam bas Dina Breina
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
San Jose
L´ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Yehuda (Walter Steinweg) Z"L
Dedicated By
Mr. Russell Steinweg
In Honor Of the many years of service that Rabbi and Rebbetzin Becker have served the Tuscon community
Dedicated By
Craig Nachumson and family.
Los Angeles
For a Refuah Sheleimah for and yeshuos for Yehuda Yitzchok ben Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Los Angeles
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Shmuel ben Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Los Angeles
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Mordechai ben Gershon Kassirer z"l and Sarah bas Yekusiel Zalmen HaLevi Kassirer a"h
Dedicated By
Moshe and Chanala Chopp
Los Angeles
L'ilui Nishmas Harav Shmuel Chaim ben Shalom Z'ev Hakohen z"l, Yocheved bas Sinai a"h, Yechiel Michoel ben Menachem Mendel z"l, and Chaya Fraida Rivkah bas Eliezer Simcha a"h
Dedicated By
Shalom and Malka Katz
Los Angeles
Dedicated By
Rabbi Levi Raichik and family
Los Angeles
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Alter Shmuel Ahron z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Los Angeles
As a Zechus for Yachet bas Sarah Leah, Chaya Esther Malka bas Seryl, and Yosef ben Chana
Dedicated By
their loving family
Boca Raton
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Hudel Gittel bat Hendel Ettel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Boca Raton
L´ilui Nishmas Yichezkel ben Rav Shlomo
Dedicated By
Hindy and Stuart Rubin
Boca Raton
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchak Avraham ben Dove Ber HaLevi z'l
Dedicated By
the Seltzer Family
Boca Raton
L´ilui Nishmas Yechezkel ben R' Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our family and Israel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Miami Beach
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Akiva ben Leah Nechama
Dedicated By
Dr. Paul Kurlansky
L´ilui Nishmas Pessia Penina bas Ephraim Menashe
Dedicated By
Mrs. Ahuva Zucker
As a Zechus for the release of the hostages and an end to the war in Israel
Dedicated By
Scott & Pesha Izenberg & Family
As a Zechus for achainu kol bais Yisrael
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Eliyahu Millen
In Honor of our grandchildren
Dedicated By
Walter & Harriet Richtman
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Aryeh ben Eliyahu z"l, Golda bas Avrohom Yochanan a"h, Yosef Meir ben Mordechai Yaakov z"l, and Rochel Miriam bas Nesanel a"h
Dedicated By
the Siegal and Klein families
Har Nof
L'ilui Nishmas Netanel Yisroel ben HaRav Yosef Chaim z"l and Hinda Liba bat Mordechai Binyamin HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Eliyahu Yochanan ben Ahron Yosef z"l and Pesia Bracha bas R' Shmuel HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Shmuel and Chaya Esther Idler
Dedicated By
Dr and Mrs Richard Lopchinsky
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Binyamin Mordechai z"l, Mindel Gittel Nechama bas Binyamin Mordechai a"h, Shaindel Fraida bas Binyamin Mordechai a"h, Shmuel Yosef ben Mordechai Tzvi z"l, Rochel bas Yaakov Moshe a"h, and Binyamin Mordechai ben Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for good health and siyata diShmaya for our family and all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Yossie Ziff
Ramat Shlomo
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bat Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shaarei Chessed
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Yehudah ben Menachem z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Mordechai Dov Ber ben Leah Hinda and L'ilui nishmas Klonomus Kalman ben Yisroel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for the chassan and kallah, Binyomen ben Chana Margalit and Ettel Toiba bas Devorah Rochel in honor of their upcoming wedding
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for this Tisha B'av should be the final kaparah that we need to bring Mashiach
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Dov Baruch ben Reuvein Hakohen z'l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Efraim Avraham ben Bluma and Esther Ayala bas Roiza and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Pessel Perel bas Esther
Dedicated By
Mordechai & Lisa Leybovich
L´ilui Nishmas Minette Brumberg a"h, Robert Wilson z"l, and Myron David Mendelovitz - Meir Dovid ben Ber Yitzchok z"l and Miriam bas Elisheva Tzirel a"h
Dedicated By
Dovid and Ilene Wilson
L'ilui Nishmas Meyer ben Hachaver Yissochar z"l and Pessel bas R' Yitzchok Aryeh a"h, Chaim Yosef ben Yeshaya Hakohen z"l and Chana bas Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Moshe Rappaport
In memory of Minette Brumberg a"h, Robert Wilson z"l, and Myron David Mendelovitz, Meir Dovid ben Ber Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
Dovid & Ilene Wilson
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi & Mrs. Yechei Goldsmith - HaRav Yechiel Meir ben Yeshayahu z"l & Rochel bas HaRav Yaakov Aryeh a"h, Mr. & Mrs. Yechezkel Roth - Yechezkel ben Yaakov HaLevi z"l & Miriam Rochel bas Yaakov a"h and Yaakov Roth - Yaakov ben Yechezkel HaLevi z"l and Yehuda ben HaRav Yechiel Mayer z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Abraham Yehoshua ben Moshe Yaakov - Abraham Bibliowicz z"l, Chaya Elka bat Avraham - Helena Bibliowicz a"h, Meir Zelig ben Binyomin - Murray (Staurt) Harrison z"l and Zahava bat Avraham Yehoshua a"h
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga Breina bas HaRav Tzvi Hersh a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi Reuven Yudkowsky and family
As a Zechus for a shidduch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Benjamin Sager of Chicago z"l
Dedicated By
Ken & Erica Pelman
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Hersh ben Yaakov HaLevi z"l - Harold Lane and Devorah bas Yitzchok HaLevi a"h - Dorothy Lane, Sarah Sheva bas Tzvi Hersh HaLevi a"h - Shirly Baggleman, and Hennya Dena bas Yizchok HaLevi a"h - Ann Shindler Wolk
Dedicated By
Judy Z. Lane
As a Zechus for Zissel bas Sorah
Dedicated By
the David family
As a Zechus for a shidduch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Idstein
St. Louis
L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Mordechai a"h - Mrs. Chana Winter
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
In Honor Of Yeshaya Saka ben Laura
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Raizel bas R' Avrohom Yosef a"h - Mrs. Debby Schick and Shmuel Dovid z"l ben R' Shimon, and as a zechus for Ahuva bas Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Meyer ben R' Yisroel z"l - Meyer Rosenbaum, R' Pinchos Shalom ben R' Yitzchok z"l and Shaindel Hendel bas R' Yosef HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Mrs. Meyer Rosenbaum
As a Zechus for our children to have Torah and yiras Shamayim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of Rabbi Shlomo Ornstein
Dedicated By
Ari Griver
Dedicated By
Nachum and Emunah Braverman
L´ilui Nishmas Sarah Etel bas R' Chaim a"h and Ovadia ben R' Yisrael Eliyahu z"l
Dedicated By
her family
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya bas R' Yisroel HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Toba Esther Faigel bas Rifka and Miriam bas Chana Feilichen and L'ilui nishmas R' Yosef Shmuel Aba z"l ben Moshe Chanoch Mordechai HaKohen yblc"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Yehoshua ben Chananya Yom Tov Lipa z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Shifra bas Eliezer Lipa a"h and Chana Leah bas Moshe Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Eliezer Aberbach
L'ilui Nishmas Akiva ben Aharon Tzvi Weinberger z"l and Faiga bas Rav Moshe Indig Fischer a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Aaron Tzvi ben Baila Genendel
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Hershy and Malky Weinberger
L'ilui Nishmas Sara bas Nachum a"h and Yaakov Mordechai ben Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Long Branch
As a Zechus for health for Miriam bat Luisa Leah and as a zechus for children for Golda Zahava bat Paula Penina & Meir ben Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for a shidduch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Sima bas Hersh Avrohom a"h - Nancy Toplan
Dedicated By
The Weiss Family
L´ilui Nishmas Chaya bas Alexander a"h and as a zechus for Dovid Noam ben Miriam Rochel and Yonason Hillel ben Miriam Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Tzvi Hersh ben Eliezer Zev z"l, Yitzchak ben Yisroel z"l, Miriam Chana bas Yitzchok a"h, and Esther bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Tennenhaus
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi ben Yoel z"l and Avraham ben Aharon Elimelech z"l
Dedicated By
Meir Yoel and Susan Laub and family
L'ilui Nishmas Noach Yakov ben Aryeh Leib z"l
Dedicated By
his son, Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schiffman
L'ilui Nishmas Lipa ben Leib HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
In Honor Of our grandchildren
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas HaChaver Dovid ben HaChaver Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the Klugmann family
West Orange
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
the Rubin Family
New York
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Nechama Rachel bas Pessel, Shulamis bas Dvasha Baila, Shlomo ben Tema, and Boruch Reuven ben Zahava
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshua ben Binyomin HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Dovid Yehuda ben R' Shmuayl Aharon z"l and M'Divora bas HaRav Sholom a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Dr. Elliot Y. Ghattan
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Bracha bas Rivka Gittel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a zechut for Rochel Breindel bas Frieda Leah and Chaim Yehudah Menachem ben Metal Raizel to merit many children who will bring nachos and light up the world
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Mishpachas Profesorske
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yehuda Shneur ben Basya Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Shmuel Tzvi z"l, Chana Sarah bas Dovid a"h, Sinai ben Avrohom Tzvi z"l, and Chana Rivka bas R' Yehoshua a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Ruchie Frechter and family
In Honor Of my dear friend Michael Rothchild
Dedicated By
Mr. Dovid Singer
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah bat Esther a"h and Aharon ben Olga Elisheva z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for shidduchim for Dov, Channa, and Nesanel
Dedicated By
Yossi and Nechama Tepfer
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Sherman and Chanie Engel
In memory of Kaila bas Ephraim a"h, and as a zechus for Miriam Fruma bas Chana Mattel, Zev Yosef ben Miriam Fruma, Tzvi ben Miriam Fruma, and Shlomo Peretz ben Fruma
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Irene Sophia bat Miriam a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Dovid Mordechai ben Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Gitel bas Yisroel Yissacher Eisenreich a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Mr. Joe Nakash
As a Zechus for Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Jay and Ruchie Frechter and Family
As a Zechus for Yosef ben Rochel and Ruchama Malka bas Channa Rochel
her loving children and einikelech, Rabbi & Rebbetzin S. Z. Scharf and family
As a Zechus for a zivug for Toba bas Malka Freida and a refuah sheleimah for Shlomo ben Malka Frieda
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Ezriel Mendel ben Avrohom z"l, Shoshana Perel bas Shlomo a"h,
Dedicated By
Mordechai Eliezer ben Shaul z"l, and Sheva Bluma bas Moshe a"h
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Ahron z"l, Leah bas Eliezer a"h, Melech ben Shlomo Zalman z"l, and Betty bas Solomon z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our grandchildren
Dedicated By
Reuben and Ruth Bibi
L'ilui Nishmas Shoshana bas Simcha a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Boruch ben Matisyahu z"l and Chaya Lana bas Aryeh Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Yankel & Rivka Warshavchik
As a Zechus for shidduchim for Shifra Rivka bas Malka, Shaindel Chana bas Malka and Yitzchok Moshe ben Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Aharon Ben sarah
Dedicated By
Ms. Miriam Franco
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shamai ben R' Yisroel Dov z"l, Maras Faiga Rifka bas Aryeh Leibish a"h, R' Shlomo ben R' Yaakov Elazer z"l, Maras Nechama bas R' Chaim a"h and R' Yitzchak Elimelech ben R' Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Frady Goldbrenner
As a Zechus for zera shel kayama and as a zechus for a teshuva sheleima b'karov for Chaim ben Yuta Yehudis
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Far Rockaway
L´ilui Nishmas דבורה שרה בת אברהם צבי
Dedicated By
David & Simi Greenbaum
Far Rockaway & Five Towns
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Ahuva bas Reb Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Far Rockaway & Five Towns
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Mordechai Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Far Rockaway & Five Towns
In Honor Of our children
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Glaubach
Far Rockaway & Five Towns
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha bat Moshe v'Esther a"h and Fruma Leah bat Avrohom v'Simcha a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Great Neck
As a Zechus for Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Yaakov z"l and Esther bas Tzvi Hersh a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Majeksi family
Dedicated By
Mr. Mark Majeski
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Shloima ben Chaya Leah
Dedicated By
Mr. Gadi FUCHS
In Honor of acheinu Bnei Yisrael and the coming of Mashiach
Dedicated By
Gadi & Aliza Fuchs
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Binyamin ben Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Chaim z"l, Rechel bas Meir a"h, and Dovid ben Eliyohu Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
their children
For a Refuah Sheleimah for everyone in need in Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Simcha Celnik
As a Zechus for shalom bayis for all couples in Klal Yisroel and my family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Fraida Rochel bas Yecheskel Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
the Safrin family
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka bas R' Moshe a"h and Chaya Rifka bas Pesach Herbstman a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi ben Yechiel z"l, Raizel bas Ephraim Avigdor HaLevi a"h, Yisroel ben Tzvi z"l and Fruma bas Shlomo a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas R' Gershon ben Shmuel Binyamin z"l, R' Moshe Tzvi ben R' Nosson Nota z"l, Perel bas R' Yosef Eliezer a"h
and Fradel bas R' Yosef Yona Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi And Mrs. Weiss
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yoseph Michoel ben Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Chana Gittel bas Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
her niece Elisheva
L'ilui Nishmas hachaver Yehuda ben hachaver Yosef z"l, Avrohom Yehuda ben Chaim Zev HaLevi z"l and Sara Roiza bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Alex and Evette Kranz
L'ilui Nishmas Rav Yitzchak ben Shlomo Zalmen zt"l, Leah bas Meir Pinchas a"h and Yisroel Moshe ben Ahron Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Yaakov Cynamon
L'ilui Nishmas Naomi bas R' Don a"h, Zev ben Avraham Yehuda z"l, Yehoshua Matisyahu ben Shifra z"l, and Chava Gittel bas Yuta a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mendel ben Yehoshua z"l and Zissel bas Dovid a"h and as a zechus for my grandchildren
Dedicated By
Mrs. Joyce Simon
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Yitzchok ben Yosef Yoel z"l and Yaakov Alexander ben Tzvi Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
the Reich Family
New York City
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Shaul Yechezkel ben Menachem Mendel Stern z"l , Sara Rivka Rochel bas Menachem Mendel Stern a"h, and R' Avraham Zev ben Yisroel Aryeh Bornstein z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York City
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Lawrence (Larry) Goldstein z"l and Esther Sarah bas Moshe Asher a"h
Dedicated By
the Goldstein family
New York City
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Leib ben Zev Wolf z"l and Yocheved bas Matisyahu a"h
Dedicated By
their daughter, Milka Necha Goldczer
L´ilui Nishmas Gertrude Stollerman
Dedicated By
L'ilui Nishmas Rachel Tzvi bas Ephraim Mordechai a"h, Pesha Gittel bas Yechezkel a"h, Harav Aryeh Leib ben Yehuda Zvi z"l, and Harav Yaakov Yehuda ben Alter Bentzion z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Esther Slova bat Ephraim Simcha a"h and Sarah bat Tzvi Hersh a"h and for a refuah sheleimah for Tzivya bat Esther Slova and Mordechai Aryeh ben Leah Sara
Dedicated By
The Lazar Family
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi and Mrs. Alter Silverman a"h and Ernest and Miriam Breiner a"h
Dedicated By
Karen and Marc Silverman and family
L'ilui Nishmas Masha bas Zissel a"h and Yaakov Mayer ben Sholom z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Elina bas Lenna, Sender Dovid ben Masha and Bayes Shaina bas Chaya Ruchel
Dedicated By
Dr. Chava and Dr. Steven Kaplan
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yitzchok Yaakov ben Devora, Leah bas Moriasha Tova, Aliza bas Tova, and Leah bas Moriasha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
S. Fallsburg
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Shidduchim for Blima Rifka, Shoshana Roiza Shifra, Rochel Naomi bas Leah Chaya
Dedicated By
Staten Island
L´ilui Nishmas Mordechai Dovid ben Moshe Tzvi z"l and Golda bas Shlome a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Shlome Holcdorf
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga bas Shlomo, and as a zechus for everyone to stay healthy and hatzlacha for our family.
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas Dov Gershon ben Yoel z"l
Dedicated By
Esther & Harvey Felsen
L´ilui Nishmas Devorah bas HaRav Gershon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Nechemia ben Moshe z"l and Gershon ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
the Mehlman family
L'ilui Nishmas Shoshana Elka bas Avrohom a"h and Shoshie Strassman a"h
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Ian Neeland
L'ilui Nishmas our parents, Devorah bas Moshe a"h and Moshe ben Shmuel Alexander Stern z"l, and our sister, Baila Dina bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Jimmy and Brenda Westbrook
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun for Yehudis Leah bas Chana, as a zechus that my children and their families be healthy and a source of nachas, as a zechus for a refuah sheleima for Raizel bas Milka and as a zechus for Yaakov ben Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Our family
Dedicated By
Mr. Shmuel Galet
In Honor Of Rabbi & Sury Lowy, Thank you for your leadership in this challenging time. Hashem should bless both of you with good health and strength to continue your leadership.
Dedicated By
Meyer & Leah Tenenbaum
As a Zechus for the recovery of Hanoch ben Devorah
Dedicated By
the Bernath family
Merion Station
As a Zechus for Return of all the hostages
Dedicated By
As a Zechus for Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Feivel Yosef ben Chaim Leib z"l, Mariam bas Pinchas a"h, Yehuda Zev ben Feivel Yosef z"l, and Aryeh Eliezer ben Yaakov Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
the Borck and Schwartz families
L´ilui Nishmas Yosef Simcha Chaim Ben Shlomo Yehuda
Dedicated By
Mr. Jeff Rosner
L'ilui Nishmas Zev ben Pinchas z"l and his wife, Chaya Malka bas Pinchas HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Pinchas Stein
Dedicated By
Mrs. Jana Parks
L´ilui Nishmas Chaim Yomtov ben Meshullam
Dedicated By
Larry & Jackie Shafron
In Honor Of our beautiful marriage, as a zechus for our children and grandchildren, and in memory of Mimi Ogorek a"h and Stephen Eisenstein z"l
Dedicated By
Ezra & Andrea Ogorek
San Antonio
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Tzvi ben Meir Nosson z"l, Yosef ben Nosson HaLevi z"l, and R' Yitzchok ben R' Yisroel z"l, As a zechus for a zivug hagun for Dina bas Naomi and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Naomi ben Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Moshe Gershon _n Miriam and Burich Alter Chaim _n Devorah Malka and for Yeshuois and Refuois in Klal Yisrael!
Dedicated By
Shloimy & Chani Einhorn
Bungalow sponsors
New York
Pine Country Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Pinchos Yehuda Leib z"l and Mira Leah bas Avrohom Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
their granddaughter, Chaya Goldberg
The Grove Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Malka bas Yitzchok Isaac a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Fallsview Estates
As a Zechus for shidduchim for the singles in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Simcha & Shani Applegrad
Skopps Bungalow
L'ilui Nishmas Pinchas Zelig ben Ita Sosha z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Greenfield Park
Greenfield Meadows
As a Zechus for refuah sheleimah for Esther Baila bas Channa and as a zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Nachum and Chaya Szanzer
Victory Cottages
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
the Stober family
White House Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Reb Dovid Meir ben HaRav Shmuel z"l, Maras Malka bas Reb Yechiel Yonah a"h, and HaRav Yehuda ben HaRav Hillel z"l
Dedicated By
Debbie & Eli Tokayer
Park Slope Estates
As a Zechus for Tzvi ben Shpintza u'mishpachto
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Camp Yeshiva Of Staten Island
L'ilui Nishmas Malka bas Avrohom a"h and Golda bas Yitzchok Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Heidi Schwartz and family
Loch Sheldrake
Kee Tov Cottages
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Luxor Estates
As a Zechus for us, our children, and our grandchildren
Dedicated By
the Edelstein family
Luxor Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Perel bas Moshe Nosson a"h and Aaron ben Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Luxor Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Yechiel Bentzion ben R' Dov z"l and Mindel bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
the Fishoff family
Sheldrake Dorms
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel bas Dov Ber a"h whose yahrtzeit is on Tisha B'Av
Dedicated By
Reuven and Tzila Miller and family
Kee Tov Cottages
L'ilui Nishmas Yerachmiel Yisroel ben Shlomo Zalmen z"l and Tzirel bas Yeshaya Yaakov a"h,Ephraim Fishel Nochum ben Azriel z"l and Hinda Leah bas R' Shimon Pinchos HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Quaker Hill Cottages
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Aryeh Weinreb
Quaker Hill Cottages
As a Zechus for shidduchim for our children
Dedicated By
Volvi & Goldie Fried
Quaker Hill Cottages
As a Zechus for a zivug for Chaim Mordechai ben Malka Chaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Quaker Hill Cottages
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shlomo ben R' Shmuel Yosef z"l, Tila Raizel bas R' Yosef a"h, and HaRav Dov Berish ben Yitzchok Mayer HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Shmuel and Avrumi Rieder
Town And Country
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Birchwood Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Mordechai z"l and Mordechai Dovid ben Matisyahu z"l
Dedicated By
the Moseson family
Pine Knoll
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Rav Aivadia ben Chaim Dovid z"l & Menucha Rochel bas Tzvi a"h and Rav Yitzchok ben Meir z"l
Dedicated By
Naftali & Miriam Golombeck
Freed's Bungalow
L'ilui Nishmas Hinda Pessel bas Yisroel HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Tzvi & Itta Weber
Country Side Acres
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Moshe ben Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Praegers (Sheves Achim)
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Frada bas Yisroel a"h, Malka bas Shmuel Usher Anshel a"h and Etta Sara bas Reb Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Pinetree Bungalows
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for the Hayum family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Birchwood Estates
As a Zechus for all of Klal Yisrael to have yeshuos and refuos, and brachah v’hatzlachah for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Freed's Bungalow
L'ilui Nishmas Freyda Golda bas Menachem Shlomo Berger a"h and Leah bas Tzvi Zimmerman a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
South Fallsburg
Hillside Estates
As a Zechus for zivugim hagunim, zera shel kayama, refuos for all those in need, and for good health and hatzlachah b'chol inyanim for our whole mishpachah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tribaca Estates
As a Zechus for continued gezunt for our family
Dedicated By
Shlomy and Shelley Berger
Yellow Shutters
L'ilui Nishmas Meir ben Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yellow Shutters
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Eliyahu Betzalel ben R' Menachem Mendel z"l, Yehuda Elazar ben Meir Aryeh z"l and Leeba Leah bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Slomovitz
Cutlers Bungalow
As a Zechus for nachas from our children.
Dedicated By
the Goldring family
Skolya Bungalow Colony
As a Zechus for zera shel kayamah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Lake Forest
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Mr. Boruch Bendit z"l, Mrs. Bracha Gross a"h and Mr. Jerry Blatt z"l
Dedicated By
Cheryl and Duvy Gross
Swan Lake
Camp Yeshiva
L'ilui Nishmas Ber Leib ben Chaim Pesach z"l v'ishto Breina Bas Eliezer HaKohen a"h, Pinchus ben Eliezer Yaakov z"l v'ishto Tzirel bas R' Yisroel HaLevi a"h and Dov ben Eliezer HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Avraham Hillel & Chaya Reich
White Lake
Kurtz Bungalows
As a Zechus for the Kurtz Bungalow Colony
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Regency Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Zisel bas Shmuel Yaakov a"h and Chaim Meir ben Menachem Mendel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Camp Morris Bungalow
L'ilui Nishmas Ovadiah ben Yisroel Eliyahu z"l, Sarah Etel bas Chaim a"h, Tzvi Menachem ben Eliezer z"l, and Draizel bas Naftali Menachem Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
Avrohom & Goldy Dubin
Regency Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Dovid ben Aryeh Yisosscher z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Regency Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Gitel bas Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Sarah & Shmilu Weisz
Highland Park
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yosef Mattisyahu ben R' Yaakov and Rivkah Leah bas Akiva a"h
Dedicated By
the Teller family
Camp sponsors
New Jersey
Camp Ahava
L'ilui Nishmas my parents a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New York
Camp Munk
L'ilui Nishmas the founders of Camp Munk: R' Yechiel Aryeh ben Ezriel HaKohen Munk z"l v'ishto Miriam bas Yechiel a"h, and R' Eliyahu ben Yechiel Aryeh HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
the Camp Munk family
Camp Morris
L'ilui Nishmas our two mothers who were also dear friends, Chana Scherman a"h and Chana Waxman a"h
Dedicated By
the Friedman and Marcus families
Camp Morris
L'ilui Nishmas Mindel bas R' Mordechai a"h, Yaakov Leib ben Hersh z"l, and Shprintza bas Zvi Mayer a"h
Dedicated By
the Sashitzky family
Camp Morris
L'ilui Nishmas Mayer Yisroel ben Yakov z"l and Faiga bas Shlomo Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
North Carling
Camp Agudah Of Toronto Boys
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi Hillel ben Shlomo Aharon z"l v'ishto Sarah bas Yaakov a"h and Aharon Yaakov ben Nechemyia HaLevi z"l vishto Shulamis bas Mordechai Nissin a"h
Dedicated By
their children Aaron and Yaffa Weitz
East Stroudsburg
Camp Dora Golding
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Hersh and Binah Kasirer
Community sponsors
Ohr Somayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshuah ben Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Devorah Baron
Spring Valley
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshiva Baer Hatorah
As a Zechus for Yissoschor Shmuel ben Devorah Sarah and Betzalel ben Devorah Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ramat Beit Shemesh
Ramat Beit Shemesh Locations
L'ilui Nishmas all the fallen soldiers in Tzahal
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ramat Beit Shemesh Locations
As a Zechus for achdus for Bnei Yisrael and the geulah sheleimah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ramat Beit Shemesh Locations
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Miriam bas Leah and as a zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for our family
Dedicated By
the Behar and Lapp families
Ramat Beit Shemesh Locations
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ramat Beit Shemesh Locations
L'ilui Nishmas Harav Moshe Yisroel ben Gavriel z"l v'ishto Hadasa bas Elkana a"h, Yeshaya Leib ben Harav Dovid Yitzchok z"l v'ishto Malka Sara Bas Shalom Eliyahu z"h
Dedicated By
Michael and Freda Harbater
Menorah Academy Of Edmonton
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Yaakov HaLevi a"h and Luba Raiza bas Yaakov HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Eliezer and Shaindel Bliss
Scottsdale Torah Center, Ahavas Torah
As a Zechus for our children Sarah Elisheva, Michael, Baila, and Esther Zissel for continued health, yiras Shamayim, and family achdus
Dedicated By
Eitan & Rivka Napolitano
Scottsdale Torah Center, Ahavas Torah
L'ilui Nishmas our grandparents Shaindel Rivkah bas Zev Alter a"h, Reuven Shmuel ben Dov z"l, and Mayer ben Dov HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Dovid and Lani Harrison
Calabasas Shul
L'ilui Nishmas our dear father R' Hershel Michel z"l and as a zechus for the hostages, the chayalim of Tzahal, and their families.
Dedicated By
R' Yakov and Chumie Vann
The Calabasas Shul
L´ilui Nishmas Avram Abba ben Shimon HaKohen, Yehudit bat Yehia, Avraham ben Avraham
Dedicated By
Sam and Beloria Fink
The Calabasas Shul
L´ilui Nishmas Tzivia bas Avraham a"h, Avraham ben Yehudah z"l, and Malka bas Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Heichal Moshe
L'ilui Nishmas the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
La Jolla
Cong. Adat Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Moshe ben Zev Hakohen z"l - Seymour Martin Farbstein and Rayzel bas Chaim Yehuda a"h - Rosaline Farbstein
As a Zechus for yeshuos and refuos for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
the Esmailzadeh family
Kehilat Bnei Torah
L'ilui Nishmas Batya Blitz a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Haemet
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Ariella Rivka bat Tziporah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kanner Hall
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Shimon z"l and Audel bas Moshe Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
Mindy Boxer
Shaarei Tefilah
In Honor Of the Epstein family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshe Emes
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Aryeh Leib z"l - Isadore Siegal and Sarah bas R' Yecheskel Yehuda a"h - Irene Siegal
Dedicated By
their family
Kanner Hall
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham ben Elazar z"l and Moshe ben Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshe Emes
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudah ben Yechiel z"l v'ishto Esther bas Dovid a"h, as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Avrohom Dovid ben Esther and as a zechus that Mashiach should come speedily in our time
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kehilat Bnei Torah
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Yoel ben Sara Gitel and as a zechus for a zivug hagun b'karov for Chana bas Rachel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Kehilas Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas my father, Mordechai ben Avrohom z"l, on his 60th yartzheit and my mother, Rochel bas Moshe a"h, on her 19th yartzheit
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shaarei Tefilah
L'ilui Nishmas Menashe ben Rachamim z"l
Dedicated By
the Zarrini family
Cong. Kehilas Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Roiza bas Avrohom Yechiel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Link Westside Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Levi z"l and Tzirel bas R' Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Yermi Lehrman
Shaarei Tefilah
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok ben Shmuel z"l, Harabanis Devorah bas R' Avrohom Betzalel a"h, R' Yosef ben R' Yehudah Aryeh z"l, and Sima Chaya bas R' Henoch a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Hancock Park
As a Zechus for
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshe Emes
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Mordechai Yaakov ben Henya Faiga and Rochel Aliza bas Esther Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kanner Hall
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Leah bas Yehuda Leib a"h
Dedicated By
her sons, Yossi and Avrohom Bodenstein
Adas Torah
In Honor Of R' Aryeh and Rochel Markman
Dedicated By
the Raykoff family
Ohr Haemet
L'ilui Nishmas Zechariah ben Nissan z"l and Refoel ben Monavar z"l and as a zechus for a shidduch for Odelia bat Golnar Nechama
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Khalili
Shaarei Tefilah
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben R' Shimon z"l and Sarah bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Haemet
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yehuda ben Eliza and Menashe ben Doerat
Dedicated By
the Fatirian family
Anshe Emes
L'ilui Nishmas my father, Aryeh Leib HaLevi ben Nachum z"l, Lawrence Levin
Dedicated By
Jonathan and Faige Levin
Agudas Achim
L'ilui Nishmas Zalman Leib ben Shimon z"l and the niftarim from Los Angeles
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Wolfe ben Mordechai z"l and Fruma bas Hirschel a"h
Dedicated By
the Silverman and Wine families
Cong. Kehilas Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Paul & Michelle Rosenbaum
Los Angeles,
Bais Medrash Kehillas Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Esther Hentcha bas Gedalya
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kishineff
North Hollywood
Bais Medrash Ohr Simcha
Dedicated By
Pollak Family
San Diego
Beth Jacob Congregation - San Diego
L'ilui Nishmas Yocheved bas Tzvi a"h and Yehoshua Heschel ben Yehuda Leib z"l
Dedicated By
the Bogopulsky family
San Francisco
Adath Israel Congregation - San Francisco
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka Bas Mendel a"h- Beverly Rakov, Leah Sara bas Mordechai a"h- Laura Weissman, Yitzchok Yaakov ben Avrohom Shimon HaKohen z"l- George Landau, and Tova Gittel bas Yosef a"h- Gloria Landau
Dedicated By
Rabbi Joel & Johni Landau
San Jose
Am Echad Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas R' Tzvi Chayim ben Mordechai Shimon z"l Hakaras hatov to Hashem for all the miracles He has shown me
Dedicated By
Esther Rochel Klein
The Source Of Life Makor Hachaim
L'ilui Nishmas Pinchos ben Sasson z"l and Dina bas Avrohom a"h, and as a zechus for our grandchildren, Yael Leat bas Kara Yochana and Zimra Shaina bas Kara Yochana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Mishkan Torah Valley Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Matisyahu z"l
Dedicated By
his sons Moshe, Aharon, & Yosef Rivoni
Valley Village
Shaarey Zedek Congregation
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Malca bas raizel
Dedicated By
Langer Electric L
Shaarey Zedek Congregation
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shaarey Yerushalayim
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Elka Mindel bas Malka Shira and Adina Raizel bas Sara Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shaarey Yerushalayim
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Daniel z"l and Yudi ben Berel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Woodland Hills
Hebrew Discovery Center
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the Cohentov family
Aish of the Rockies
L'ilui Nishmas our loved ones who passed away, as a zechus for nachas from our children, and as a zechus for Chaya bas Rifka
Dedicated By
Eliezer and Chana Weiss
Beth Jacob High School Of Denver
As a Zechus for Moshe Yechiel Rachamim ben Chaya Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beth Jacob High School Of Denver
L'ilui Nishmas Rav Yitzchok ben Shlomo Zalmen z"l, Rav Sheftel Yekusiel ben Chaim Hillel z"l, and Faigel bas Naftali Hertz a"h
Dedicated By
Zev and Adina Beren
Beth Jacob High School
L´ilui Nishmas Aharon Yehuda ben Avrohom Yosef HaCohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Shalom Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. Daniels z"l and Mrs. Selma Daniels a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Gilana Chaviva bas Sophie Sarah and Chaim Eliyahu ben Sophie Sarah
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Yitchok and Orly Katz
Blue Ridge Shul
As a Zechus for zera shel kayama
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Shalom Synagogue
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Moshe ben Avigail
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Shalom Synagogue
As a Zechus for my family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Shalom Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Ettel Esther bas Avraham Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
West Hartford
West Hartford, Ct
As a Zechus for The hostages and all of klal yisroel
Dedicated By
Rabbi Joshua Forgosh
Beit Yaacov Safra
L'ilui Nishmas Abraham ben Sarina z"l, L'ilui nishmas Rebecca bas Sarina a"h, Leon ben Rahel z"l, Meir ben Rebeca z"l, Sarina bas Freja a"h, Ruth bat Letife a"h, Ovadia Obdo ben Zehie z"l and Yosef ben Rahel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Boca Raton
Boca Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Eliyahu ben Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
his family
Boca Raton Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas our parents, Stanley & Audrey Lintz a"h and Dr. Morris & Sonia Loffman a"h
Dedicated By
George & Lisa Lintz
Boca Raton Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Eliyahu ben Yosef z"l, Yosef Yitzchok ben Eliyahu z"l, Dovid ben Moshe Grossman z"l, and Yosef Yisroel ben Moshe Grossman z"l
Dedicated By
Sarah Maman and family
Boca Raton Synagogue
As a Zechus for the family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Boca Raton Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Genesya bas Moshe Yehuda a"h, Kopel ben Yitzchok z"l, Moshe ben Yom Tov Lipman z"l and Tzirel bas Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
their children Yitzchok and Ruth Vidomlanski
Boca Raton Synagogue
As a Zechus for Rochel bas Tzipporah u'mishpachta
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Boca Raton
Dedicated By
Mrs. Betty Goldberg
Boca Raton Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Menucha Sarah bas Yechiel Michel a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Charles Gelfenstein
Young Israel Of Boca Raton
Moshe ben Dov z"l and Golda bas Ahron a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Boca Raton Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas our parents, Mr. Boruch Bendit z"l, Mrs. Bracha Gross a"h and Mr. Jerry Blatt z"l
Dedicated By
Cheryl and Duvy Gross
Young Israel Of Boca Raton
As a Zechus for Penny Krakow
Dedicated By
Sam Krakow
Ft Lauderdale
Young Israel Of Hollywood
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yaakov ben Shimon z"l, Alta bas Peretz a"h, Avrohom ben Aber z"l, and Ettie Chaya bas Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Mordechai
L´ilui Nishmas Rina bas Sarah
Dedicated By
Mr. Reuven Feldman
Bais Mordechai
L´ilui Nishmas nachman yirachmiel ben yehudah leib
Dedicated By
Mrs. Miram Futterman
Bais Medrash Heichal Hatorah
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel Leah bas Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Terry and Barry Cohen
Young Israel Of Kendall
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Meir ben Leah
Dedicated By
the family
Cong. Ohr Chaim
As a Zechus for protection for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Miami Beach
Congregation Ohr Chaim
L'ilui Nishmas Lipa ben Ephraim z"l and Belina bas Yosef Chaim HaLevi a"h, and also as a zechus for a shidduch for Rachel Deborah bas Sarah Rivka
Dedicated By
the Coiffman family
Tower 41
L'ilui Nishmas Yoram ben Meir z"l, Shmuel Feivish ben Michoel HaLevi z"l, Nechama bas Ozer a"h, Masha bas Yisroel Yitzchok a"h and Moshe Shlomo ben Shmuel Feivish HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
the Dahav family
Cong. Ohr Chaim
As a zechus for a refuah shelaima for Nosson ben Reitz
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Kalman Baumann
Congregation Ohr Chaim
L'ilui Nishmas Boruch ben Avrohom Aber z"l
Dedicated By
Ari and Shaindy Hollander
Congregation Ohr Chaim
L'ilui Nishmas Malka Eidel bas Pinchas Eliyahu a"h and Mindel bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
the Berger children
Congregation Ohr Chaim
L'ilui Nishmas Mindel bas Yosef Aryeh Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Elaine & Bob Grover
Tower 41
L´ilui Nishmas Yocheved bas Yitzchok Elchonon a"h
Dedicated By
the Litwin family
North Miami Beach
Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Miami
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Yehudis Chava bas Leeba Arnina
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Shaaray Tefilah
L´ilui Nishmas Shimshon Aaron ben Shaul
Dedicated By
Mikey and Chana Katz
Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Miami
In Honor Of our son Avrohom Yaakov's Bar Mitzvah
Dedicated By
Bracha and Mordy Ickovitz
Cong. Shaaray Tefilah
L´ilui Nishmas Yehuda ben Pesach & Sylvia Tzaada bas Ruby
Dedicated By
Mr. Abraham Getzel
Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Miami
In Honor Of With thanks to Hashem for everything and thanks to Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro
As a Zechus for shidduchim for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Yaakov and Rivky Flamholtz
Cong. Shaaray Tefilah
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Chaya Adina bas Michal Tzipporah and Miriam Matel bas Michal Tzipporah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Miami
As a Zechus for Miriam bas Chaya Esther and Yecheskel ben Zisa Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Miami
L'ilui Nishmas Bluma Devorah bas Avner a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs Gedalyah & Sorah Glatt
Congregation Shaarey Tefilah Miami
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Miriam Chaya bas Chanitah and all cholim in Klal Yisrael and as a zechus for the safe return of all the hostages and soldiers
Dedicated By
Chanitah and Miram Sostchin and Bayla Kleiner
Cong. Shaaray Tefilah
L´ilui Nishmas Baruch ben Yisroel HaCohen z"l and Shaina Itka bas Yaakov Zev a"h
Dedicated By
the Gassner family
Orlando Torah Center
L'ilui Nishmas Shmaryahu ben Avrohom z"l and Sarah bas Baruch a"h
Dedicated By
the Sova Family
Magen David Congregation
As a Zechus for the Lahmi Family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Magen David
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yaakov ben Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Chabad of Central Florida
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for the Torah Outreach Program of South Florida and family
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs Yisroel Bodkins
Chabad of Central Florida
L'ilui Nishmas Asher Zelig ben Chaim HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
West Palm Beach
Friedman Home
As a Zechus for Esther Briendel bas Chaya Rechel
Dedicated By
Pelly Friedman
Cong Beth Jacob
Dedicated By
Dedicated by the Estreicher Family
Cong Beth Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Anshel ben Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Beth Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Rose and David Katz a"h and Sylvia and George Kasten a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim for all singles in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Ruby and Stanley Katz
Cong Beth Jacob
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Beth Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Dina bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Shlomo and Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Cong Beth Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Pinchas ben Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
Eliana Alexander
Bnei Brith Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Matel bas Dovid a"h - Matel Stern and Moshe ben Yissachar z"l - Rabbi Moshe Stern and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Chava Leah bas Matel
Dedicated By
the Slatus family
Bnei Brith Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Benjamin M. Garfunkel z"l, Charlotte S. Garfunkel a"h, and William Epstein z"l
Dedicated By
David and Halle Garfunkel
Bnei Brith Jacob
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Garfunkel z"l, Avi Mori Boruch Mordechai ben Kale z"l and Imi Morasi Zissel bas Arye Dov a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Charles Garfunkel and family
Cong. Mikor Hachaim
As a Zechus for Liba Fried
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Chicago Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yisroel Yaakov ben HaRav Avrohom Meir z"l whose yahrtzeit is 11 Tamuz
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Sidney Glenner
Cong Adas Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Binyamin Ben Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudath Yisroel Of Peterson Park
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaim Shmuel ben Liba
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
The Chicago Center
As a Zechus for necha leah bas gittel chaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Chicago Community Kollel
L´ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Dovid and Hinda bas Yitzchak
Dedicated By
Rabbi Ephraim Niehaus
Cong Adas Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Masha Leeba bas Nechemia a"h and Reuven ben Avrohom HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Moshe Nitekman
Congregation Agudath Israel Of Chicago
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Shifra Tzirel bas Freyda Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
The Chicago Center
L'ilui Nishmas Gittel bas Mordechai a"h and Eliezer Dovid ben Yehuda Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Chapman
Beis Hamedrash Mikor Hachaim
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
the Sherman family
Chicago Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Rivah bas Itska a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Adas Yeshurun
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Shmuel Roth
Agudath Yisroel Of Peterson Park
L´ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Dovid z"l and Hinda bas Yitzchak a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Chicago Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel Bas Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
The Chicago Center
As a Zechus for an aliyah b'ruchniyus for all in need
Dedicated By
Yosef & Basya Cohen
Agudath Yisroel Of Peterson Park
L´ilui Nishmas Chaim Gershon Hakohen ben Yitzchok Aryeh z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleima for Dovid Yehudah ben Leah Glick
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Adas Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas our dear son, Yisroel Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Yosef and Bracha Polstein
Chicago Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Refoel Dovid ben HaRav Menachem Nachum HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Adas Yeshurun
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Devorah bas Malka and Faigel bas Tzipporah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudath Yisroel Of Peterson Park
For a Refuah Sheleimah for
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Chicago Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yecheskel ben Avrohom Moshe HaLevi z"l, Perel bas Moshe a"h, and Shimon ben HaRav Yechezkel HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Mayer Lichtman
Darchei Noam of Glenbrook
L'ilui Nishmas Meir ben Mendel Hakohen z"l and Rivka bas Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Hebrew Theological Col. - Skokie Yeshiva
L'ilui Nishmas Ita Yehudis bas R’ Shloima a"h – Mrs. Ita Yehudis Hirsch and HaRav Avraham Yitzchak ben Rav Binyomin z"l - Rabbi Avraham Hirsch
Dedicated By
the Hirsch, Chopp, Lapa, and Axelrod families
Kollel Toras Chessed
L´ilui Nishmas Chana Rus bas Naftali Hertz a"h and Yeshayahu Asher ben Yoel Ph'shal z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kollel Toras Chesed
L'ilui Nishmas Rikkel bas Reuven HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
the Kirshner family
Kollel Toras Chesed
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Avigdor Sasson Mair ben Rachel and for a shidduch for Moshe ben Elka Batya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong B'nai Torah
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yehuda Leib Chizkiyahu ben Basya
Dedicated By
Naomi and Yisroel Homnick
South Bend
Hebrew Orthodox Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas our dear son, Joshua Nathan Glazier z"l, born and deceased the second day of Shavous (7 Sivan)
Dedicated By
his parents, Joseph & Linda Glazier
Hebrew Orthodox Congregation
As a Zechus for our community
Dedicated By
the Wax family
Hebrew Orthodox Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Moshe Kanovsky z"l and our beloved mother Ruth Finch and Frances Lerman
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Lerman
Hebrew Orthodox Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Rebbetzin Jackie Wein a"h
Dedicated By
the Gewirtz family
Hebrew Orthodox Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka Tila bas Aharon Yosef a"h & Chana Yardena bas Aharon Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
the Ihm family
Hebrew Orthodox Cong.
As a zechus for the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
Dedicated By
Gerry and Tsipi Lerman
-- Select One --
In Honor of Yoseph Yaakov ben Shmuel v'Pnina
Dedicated By
Dr. Penny Stern
Maale Adumim
Mitspe Nevo
For a Refuah Sheleimah for רחל לאה בת חיה דובא
Dedicated By
Dr. And Mrs. Lawton And Robin Cooper
L´ilui Nishmas Tzivia Sarah bas Yisroel Moshe a"h and Yaakov Ephraim ben Moshe Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Har Nof
As a Zechus for Yitzchak Zev ben Tzirel
Dedicated By
Dr. Yaakov Friedman
Ner Tamid
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Avraham Dovid HaKohen z"l and Esther bas Yitzchok HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yosef Zev ben R' Yaakov Shlomo z"l v'zivugoso and Moshe Yitzchok ben Eliezer z"l v'zivugoso
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Meir ben Betzalel z"l and Yocheved Basha bas Moshe Aharon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Leila Chernofsky a"h
Dedicated By
Barry and Sandy Nussbaum
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
In Honor Of and wishing the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation continued hatzlachah in their avodas Hashem and spreading important messages
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ner Tamid
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
the Goldstein family
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Meira bas Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ner Tamid
As a Zechus for Yehudis Bracha bas Elisheva Chaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Deloris Ruddock a"h, Max & Zecharya Komet z"l and Aryeh Leib ben Moshe Lipa z"l
Dedicated By
Shulamis Heldoorn and Shelley Goldstein
Ner Tamid
L'ilui Nishmas Zev Dov ben Pinchos z"l and Aviva bas Shmuel Yaakov a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Moshe Mayer ben Sarah and Tinok ben Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Hamizrach
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Rivka bas Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
In Honor Of my grandchildren
Dedicated By
Tova Rosenblatt
Congregation Shomrei Emunah
As a Zechus for mishpachat Cooper
Dedicated By
Menachem and Moshay Cooper
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ner Tamid
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Chana a"h bas R' Shimon yblc"t, Alta Basya Rochel bas R' Eliezer a"h, Hinda bas R' Reuven HaLevi a"h and R' Meir Shammai ben R' Ahron z"l
Dedicated By
Shimon and Tova Krasner
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for good health and hatzlachah for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Shimon ben Bentzion z"l
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs David Kadden
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah Leah bas Yechiel a"h and Dov Baer ben Tzvi Hirsch z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L´ilui Nishmas R' Shmuel Zanvil ben Moshe Leib v' Golda bas Abba
Dedicated By
Nachy and Shari Rochkind
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for the Isenberg family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Chizkiyahu z”l and Sara Chana bas Rav Eliezer HaLevi a”h
Dedicated By
Debbie and David Lobenberg
Shearith Israel Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Refoel Shmuel ben Yisroel Rosskamm z"l and Mala Malka bas Levi Rosskamm a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Esther - Ann Adler a"h
Dedicated By
Heshy and Faigie Friedman
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Rivkah bas Mordechai HaLevi a"h and Gedalia ben Fischel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for Shraga ben Naomi n"y
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yoel Zev ben Chaim Avrohom z'l and Eliezer Alexander Ziskind ben Shalom HaKohen z'l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas our dear daughter, Rena Bracha a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Leib Hoffman
Shearis Israel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham ben Klonimus Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ner Tamid
L'ilui Nishmas Tzirel Nechama bas Tuvia Yehuda a"h, Batsheva Blima bas HaRav Moshe Yosef HaLevi a"h, and Reuven Pinchas ben Chaim Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
the Bulka family
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for a shidduch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Meyer & Priscilla Fink - Meyer Yehuda ben Eliyahu z"l & Pessel bas Alter Eliyokim Getzel a"h and William & Jane Wolf - Zev ben Yosef z"l & Chana bas Yosef Aryeh Zev a"h
Dedicated By
their children David & Hindy Wolf
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas habachur Eliezer Mordechai ben HaRav Chaim Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
the Goldman family
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Reuven Shnidman z"l
Dedicated By
Daniel & Miriam Shnidman
Ner Tamid
As a Zechus for everyone to find their proper shidduch
Dedicated By
Mr. Michael Goldstein and family
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Laibel ben Eliyahu HaLevi z"l and Chaya Bayla bas Louis HaKohen a"h - Mr. and Mrs. Herb Newman
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. David and Ellene Newman
Merchaz Torah U'Tefillah
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Eliyahu HaKohen z"l, Shimshon Laizer ben Moshe z"l, Daniel Yehuda ben Shimshon Laizer z"l, and Chana bas Fibel a"h
Dedicated By
Judy Posner
Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
L´ilui Nishmas Rachel Devorah bas Yisroel Nissim a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim for all of klal yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Dovid Eliyahu ben Shimon Zev and as a zechus for brachah for my daughter Batsheva Freida
Dedicated By
Mr David Kreis
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Leib ben Aharon z"l and Malkah Matel bas Yaakov Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas our beloved mother Mildred Shapiro (Walker) a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Miriam bas Michal and for all the soldiers and hostages.
Dedicated By
Marlene & Jack Daniel
Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah
L´ilui Nishmas Esther Nechama Bas Aharon Meir and Sara Leah bas Moshe Meir
Dedicated By
Mrs. Shira Brody
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
As a Zechus for the geulah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Moses Montefure Anshei Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Markel ben Yaakov Moshe z"l and Refoel Shmuel ben Yisroel z"l and Mala Malka bas Levi a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Moshe Greenhaus
Jewish Rockville Outreach Center
In Honor Of and in gratitude to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, as a zechus for achdus in Klal Yisrael and geulah sheleimah, and as a zechus for our family, Amen v'Amen
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Silver Spring
Young Israel Shomrai Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Dovid Meir ben HaRav Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Southeast Hebrew Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Tuvia ben Avrohom Yaakov z"l, Ita bas Yitzchok Elchonen a"h, Yosef Noach ben Yitzchok Isaac z"l, and Rivkah Rochel bas Yehuda Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Gilla and Harold Saltzman
Southeast Hebrew Congregation
As a Zechus for our family and l'ilui nishmas Shifrah Gittel bas Gershon Berel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Southeast Hebrew Congregation
As a Zechus for Zev ben Avraham
Dedicated By
Mrs. M. H. Kugler
Southeast Hebrew Cong.
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chana Rivkah bas Kalulah Esther
Dedicated By
Graham Family
Congregation Chai Odom
L'ilui Nishmas Basya bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Chai Odom
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Chaya Esther ben Liora and Netanel Shimon ben Liora and as a zechus for a refuah shelaima for Chaya Esther bas Liora and Shoshan bas Liora
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Tiferes Yosef
L'ilui Nishmas Mohtaram Miryah bat Moshe Chaim a"h whose yahrtzeit is 8 Av
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Tiferes Yosef
For a Refuah Sheleimah For and arichas yamim v'shanim for Dovid Meir ben Yakov v'ishto Perla Zohara bas Fibi Frecha
Dedicated By
her family
Congregation Chai Odom
As a Zechus for two friends
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Chai Odom
L'ilui Nishmas Dov Ber ben Binyamin Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Brookline
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshua ben Elimelech z"l, Harav Eliezer ben Dov z"l, Rivka Rochel bas Avraham Chaim a"h, HaRav Yehuda ben Dovid Ber z"tl - Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer and Sara bas Zvi a"h
Dedicated By
Shimshon and Lea Berkovits
Young Israel Of Brookline
As a Zechus for all the IDF soldiers, for the release of all the hostages, and for the healing of all those who have been wounded
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Brookline
L'ilui Nishmas Yirmiyahu Noam ben Moshe z”l and Elisheva Pesha bas Yehuda a”h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Eitz Chaim
L'ilui Nishmas Michal Fraidel a"h bas Eliezer a"h - Michelle Francis Cable
Dedicated By
her parents and children
Congregation Eitz Chaim
As a Zechus for shidduchim for Devora bas Yael and Dovid ben Yoel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Beth Judah/young Israel Of Worcest
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all good, kind people who need a refuah
Dedicated By
Janis & Yitzchak Shalom Peromsik
Oak Park
Young Israel Of Oak Park
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah Rivka Rochel bas R' Yona a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Shloime Weinberger
Young Israel Of Oak Park
L'ilui Nishmas Leibish Velvel ben Yisroel Zisha z"l
Dedicated By
Sruli & Sarah Schon
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah & Bais Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah Necha bas R' Shmuel Dov a"h and Chaim ben R' Yaakov Mordechai Chaikel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Oak Park
L'ilui Nishmas Zelda Leah bas Yitzchok Isaac a"h, Ezriel Aba ben Dovid z"l, Rivka bas Yitzchok a"h, and Shlomo ben Eliyahu Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Oak Park
As a Zechus for a yeshuah for Devora Hadassa bas Avigayil
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah & Bais Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas Malka bas Yekusiel Yehuda a"h, Mordechai ben Avrohom Arye Hillel z"l, Shlomo Leib ben Chaim Yisroel z"l
Dedicated By
the Landsman family
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah & Bais Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kalowitz a"h, Moshe Ahron ben Yehuda Stolov z"l, and Perel Leah bas Yitzchok Hakohen Stolov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Magen Avrohom
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Magen Avrohom
L'ilui Nishmas Naftali ben Moshe Zvi z"l and Leah bas Yisroel Dov a"h
Dedicated By
the Sherman family
Congregation Shomrey Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Movsas - Shmuel ben HaRav Yehuda Lev
Dedicated By
The Movsas family
Young Israel Of Southfield
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Southfield
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael and peace in Eretz Yisrael
Dedicated By
Mordechai & Shulamis Weingarden
Young Israel Of Southfield
In Honor Of Mrs. Tziri Frank, Mr. Boruch Reiss, and Mrs. Sara Aliza Sheinberg.
Dedicated By
Avi and Hudi Kohn
Cong Shomrey Emunah
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Shraga Fivel ben Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shomrey Emunah
L'ilui Nishmas Ita Yehudis bas R’ Shloima a"h – Mrs. Ita Yehudis Hirsch and HaRav Avraham Yitzchak ben Rav Binyomin z"l - Rabbi Avraham Hirsch
Dedicated By
the Hirsch, Chopp, Lapa, and Axelrod families
Young Israel Of Southfield
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Gershon ben Isaac z"l and Gittel bat Shlema Hirtzke a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
West Bloomfield
Tugman Beis Chabad Of West Bloomfield Michigan
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Diane Alvin, Jim Silverman, Mark Blinder
Dedicated By
Mr. Melvin Foster
Tugman Beis Chabad Of West Bloomfield Michigan
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Shimon ben Freyha
Dedicated By
Mrs. Linda Keslacy
Minneapolis Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Leah bas Yaakov Eliyahu a"h
Dedicated By
Nesanel Breningstall
Minneapolis Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Yehoshua ben Michoel Dov z"l and Sirel bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Minneapolis Community Kollel
As a Zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for all our children
Dedicated By
Aryeh Leib & Shoshana Sarah Silverberg
Congregation Bais Yisroel - Minniapolis
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel bas Yechiel Mordechai a"h, Avrohom Yitzchok ben Chaim Yaakov Yisroel z"l, Shoshana Rolla bas R' Shmuel Yaakov HaLevi a"h and Refael Moshe ben Aryeh Leib z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs Gibber
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaim Reuvain ben Sarah, Yonah bas Chaya Rochel Chana, Chasia bus Yonah
Dedicated By
Dr. Kasriel Mankowitz
Tiferes Israel Chevra Kadisha / TICK
As a Zechus for Hashem should protect Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Saint Louis
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudah Eliezer ben Dov z"l
Dedicated By
Dr. Michael Kass and family
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Nosson ben Menachem Moshe z"l and as a zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
the Kamins family
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
L'ilui Nishmas our loved ones
Dedicated By
the Spetner family - St. Louis, MO
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Rochel bas Yosef a"h, Gita Feiga bas Sheftal a"h, Tzvi Yitzchok ben Aharon HaLevi z"l, and Dovid Ephraim ben Yehuda Leib z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Chona Muser
U. City Shul
As a Zechus for Lindy Liberman
Dedicated By
her mother
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
L'ilui Nishmas Alan and Florence Weiss a"h
Dedicated By
their children
Young Israel of St. Louis
As a Zechus for our children
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Sara Wachsstock and family
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
In Honor Of Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel of St. Louis
Dedicated By
the Bienenfelds
St. Louis
Agudas Israel Of St. Louis
L´ilui Nishmas Yitzchak Chaim ben Aaron Yaakov z"l and Shmuel Efrem ben YItzchak Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Of St. Louis
L´ilui Nishmas Gittle bas Yisroel a"h, Yitzchok ben Zev z"l, Ita Fradle bas Tzvi and lzchus for shidduchim for all of klal yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Of St. Louis
For a Refuah Sheleimah for All the Saint Louis Cholim
Dedicated By
Mishpacha Perel
As a Zechus for A Shidduch for Yitzchak Pesach Yehuda
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Jersey
Beth Abraham Congregation
As a Zechus for our family and for our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
the Guttman Family
Beth Abraham Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Gelly bas Tzvi Zev a"h and Aaron Osher Zelig ben Yaakov Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Abraham
As a Zechus for Naomi Bas Sharon
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beth Abraham Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Malka & Gershon Perl a"h
Dedicated By
Hetty & Avrohm Perl and family
Beth Abraham Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas our beloved parents, Yitzchok ben Moshe Yosef z"l, Shmuel ben Yosef z"l, and Raizel bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Breindy and Neal Pomper
Kehillas Beni Torah Har Nof Jerusalem but the site would not allow this
As a Zechus for בנימין דוד בן חיה ביילא
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beth Abraham Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas R' Chaim Mayer ben R' Yehuda Leib z"l and Hinda Ayala bas R' Avrohom a"h
Dedicated By
Dr. Rubin and Judy Silverman
Congregation Ohr Hatorah
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Miriam bas Isa
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill Community Kollel
Amita Shlomah bas Leeba Chaya
Dedicated By
Mrs. Sharon Weinberger
Congregation Sons Of Israel - Cherry Hill
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Faiga bas Menachem Zev a"h & Avraham Mordechai ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
the Kramer family
Congregation Sons Of Israel
As a Zechus for nachas from our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Schwartz
Khal Bnei Torah of Clifton
L'ilui Nishmas Shaindel bas Asher a"h, Yoel ben Chaim Eliezer z"l and Yosefa Brocha bas Alexander Zisman a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Chanania Orent and Mr and Mrs Dovid Frank
Khal Bnei Torah of Clifton
As a Zechus for Am Yisrael and hakaras hatov to Hashem
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Edmond J. Safra Synagogue Deal
Dedicated By
Jack Cattan
Ohel Yaacob Cong
As a Zechus for a zivug for Sarah Leah bat Chana and Mazal Margalit bat Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Edmond J. Safra Synagogue Deal
L'ilui Nishmas R' Moshe Malka z"l
Dedicated By
Chaim Boker
Ohel Yaacob Cong
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Shlomo ban Gerez
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Edmond J. Safra Synagogue Deal
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for Moshe Antebi and family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Edmond J. Safra Synagogue Deal
L´ilui Nishmas Shlomo Simon ben Jamille
Dedicated By
Miss Vicky Salame
Ohel Yaacob Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Simcha z"l and Shoshana bas Miriam a"h
Dedicated By
Jack Shammah
The Synagogue Of Deal
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Shlomo ban Gerez
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Synagogue Of Deal
In Honor Of my wife, Rikki
Dedicated By
Nathan Bailey
The Synagogue Of Deal
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom ben Leah z"l and Gilsom bat Behiya a"h
Dedicated By
Jeff and Adele Cohen
Synagogue Of Deal
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Nizha z"l and Chaim ben Rochel z"l
Dedicated By
the Gindi family
Congregation Ohr Torah
As a Zechus for the safe return of all the hostages
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ohr Torah
L'ilui Nishmas Udel bas Yehuda Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Avi and Nitza Bodlander
Congregation Ohr Torah
In Honor Of our parents Rabbi & Mrs. Ahron Ziegler & Mrs. Hana Mandelbaum and l'ilui nishmas Yaakov ben Avrohom Mandelbaum z"l
Dedicated By
Shlomo & Miriam Ziegler
Congregation Ohr Torah
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Chava Rachel bas Masha Tzivia
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosen
Congregation Ohr Torah
L´ilui Nishmas R' Shimshon Yechiel ben R' Yisrael z"l, Maras Rus bas haChaver Eliezer a"h, and R' Yaakov ben R' Avrohom Hersh z"l
Dedicated By
Chaim & Raizy Krauss
Maoz Laebyon Ohel Simha Park Avenue Syna
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchak ben Nizhah Esses z"l, Eliyahu Ellis ben Tzalchah Victoria z"l and Altoon bat Margalit a"h
Dedicated By
Vicky and Eddie Esses
Maoz Laebyon Ohel Simha Park Avenue Syna
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Rachel z"l - Joe Mizrahi
Dedicated By
the Mizrahi Family
Jewish Educational Center
As a Zechus for shalom in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shomrei Torah Of Fair Lawn The Orthodox
L'ilui Nishmas Meyer and Priscilla Fink a"h and Isidore and Rebecca Friedman a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. David Friedman
Highland Park
Ohav Emeth
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Leib ben Yochonon z"l and Pesha bas Shmuel a"h - Mr. and Mrs. Milton and Polly Herman
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Zvi Weiss
Cong. Ohav Emeth
As a Zechus for Klall Yisroel
Dedicated By
Sharir and Shayna Yablonsky
Bais medrash d brookwood 4
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Menachem tzvi ben Chana yittel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yehuda Shalom
L'ilui Nishmas Hinda Rochel bas R' Aharon a"h
Dedicated By
Shuli Halpert
Bais Medrash D'Jackson
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Chana Perel bas Shaina Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Medrash D'Jackson
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaim Shmuel Ben Liba
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Medrash D'Jackson
L´ilui Nishmas Chaim Osher ben Nachman z"l
Dedicated By
Nachman and Basya Goldman
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Raizel a"h bas Dovid Moshe ybl"t, Rivka Esther a"h bas Dovid Moshe ybl"t and Eliyahu Yitzchak z"l ben Dovid Moshe ybl"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Faiga
L'ilui Nishmas Ita Yehudis bas R’ Shloima a"h – Mrs. Ita Yehudis Hirsch and HaRav Avraham Yitzchak ben Rav Binyomin z"l - Rabbi Avraham Hirsch
Dedicated By
the Hirsch, Chopp, Lapa, and Axelrod families
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Avrum Tzvi ben Shmuel z"l and Benzion ben Zalman Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for the entire family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham ben R' Chaim HaKohen z"l and Liba Fradel bas R' Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Calev and Mrs. Miriam Gestetner
Lakewood Courtyard
As a Zechus for Bracha Bas Esther Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Sol, Mildred, and Michael Seltzer a"h and Hank Margules z"l
Dedicated By
Michelle and David Margules
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yitzchok Gershon ben Avrohom Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Chaim ben R' Dovid z"l, Gittel Udya bas Moshe Eliyahu a"h, and Moshe Eliyahu ben R' Yehuda Leib z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for yeshuos for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Rivka Roiza bas Fayga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Chaim ben Shepsel Meir z"l
Dedicated By
his children
Leisure Chateau-care Center
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai z”l ben Chaim Yisroel Shimon yblc"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Faiga
As a Zechus for zera shel kayamah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Shoshana bas Shabsi a"h
Dedicated By
her friends
Bais Faiga
L'ilui Nishmas Asher Zelig ben Zev z"l and Sima bas Baruch Peretz and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Eliyahu Moshe ben Chaya Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Moshe ben Klerel
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Moshe Gewirtz
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Masha Ella a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas my father Meir ben Monera z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yechiel Mechel ben Yitzchak Issac z"l
Dedicated By
the Kahan family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Binyomin ben Moshe Shlomo z"l and Brainla bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
A Country Place
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Chaim ben Shimon Dov Hakohen z"l, Eliyahu ben Menachem Mendel z"l, Henya bas Yizchok Issac a"h and Michla bas Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Yitzchok and Livia Cohen
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
In memory of Chaya bas Azriel Aptowtzer a"h
Dedicated By
her husband
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Yissochor z"l and Esther bas Shlomo a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas my parents Moshe Zev ben Dovid z"l and Kayla Gittel bas Shlomo a"h
Dedicated By
their loving family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Shmuel ben Yitzchok z"l and Shmuel ben Pesach z"l
Dedicated By
Drs. Neal and Marilyn Gittleman
Bais Faiga
As a Zechus for Aidel Rivka Bas Tzippora
Dedicated By
Mrs. Tzippy Friedman
Arlington Shul
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yaakov Asher ben Yitzchok Schuss z"l v'ishto Chana bas Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Schuss a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Chananya Schuss and family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yitzchok ben HaRav Avraham Dovid z"l and Maras Charna bas HaRav Chaim Yechiel Mechel a"h
Dedicated By
the Black family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Levi Dovid ben Aryeh HaLevi z"l, Refoel Tzvi ben Chaim Levi Dovid HaLevi z"l, Zalmen Noach ben R' Tzvi z"l, and Chana bas Menachem Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
the Levin family
Lakewood Courtyard
L´ilui Nishmas Chaim Osher ben Nachman z"l
Dedicated By
Nachman and Basya Goldman
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Aharon ben Simcha z"l
Dedicated By
Rachamim and Rachel Shamah
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Shalom ben Simcha z"l and Margolit bas Roiza a"h - Josef and Margaret Jacob
Dedicated By
their children
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Emanuel ben Yaakov Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Shraga Feivel ben Yaakov Yosef HaKohen z"l and Golda bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Pine River Village
As a Zechus for shidduchim for our granddaughters and a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for all our family members.
Dedicated By
Chaim & Chaya Krasnow
Bais Faiga
L'ilui Nishmas Lipmon Yosef Ben Henoch z"l and Shmuel Binyamin Simcha Alter Ben Lipmon Yosef z"l Lipson
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun for Shoshana Raizel bas Chana and Rivka bas Shoshana Raizel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Faiga
As a Zechus for anonymous
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Rus Aliza bas Shoshana Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
As a Zechus for for a zivug hagun for Hinda bas Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Levi Dovid ben Aryeh HaLevi z"l and Refoel Zvi ben Chaim Levi Dovid HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Boruch Tzvi ben Dovid z"l and Alta Golda bas Yehoshua Zvi a"h
Dedicated By
their family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Sara bas Shloime Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
Shimmy and Tzipora Ehrman
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Pine River Village
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shelaim Tzvi ben Chaim Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Esther Furst and family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
For a Refuah Sheleimah for all those who need
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Genendel bas Shimshon a"h and Rachel bas Yisroel Meshulem Feish a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Mordechai Rubin and Family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Kuna Leiba bas R' Yitzchok Eizik a"h and R' Reuven ben R' Yaakov Zev z"l
Dedicated By
the Liebb famiy
Bnos Devorah
As a Zechus for Rachel Novoseller
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for our family and as a zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beis Medrash Of Westgate
As a Zechus for shidduchim in the family
Dedicated By
the Lowy family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Yisrael Moshe z"l, Yitzchok ben Moshe Dovid z"l, and Tzivia Zelda bas Yaakov Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Faiga
L'ilui Nishmas Arye Leib ben Yisroel Mattisyahu z"l
Dedicated By
the Merling family
Village park
L´ilui Nishmas Dov Ben Moshe (Dr. Burton Lerner)
Dedicated By
Michah and Miriam Lerner
A Country Place
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Yaakov HaLevi z"l v'ishto Miriam bas Sholom a"h, Dina bas Chaim Zev a"h and our kedoshim Mordechai Elimelech ben Sholom z"l and Shlomo ben Sholom z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef and Molly Widroff
Neuman Home
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Chaya Tziopora bas Faiga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer Tzvi ben Meir z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Brezel Home
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Chaim Tzvi ben Reb Yehuda z"l, Rabbi Chaim Feldberg, and Rivka Yenta bas Moshe a"h, niftar 8 Tammuz
Dedicated By
the Felberg family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Shalom Shachna ben Yitzchok Yaakov z"l and Liba bas R' Elchonon Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
R' Alter Yosef Gartenhaus and family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer Yeshaya ben Yitzchok Shlomo z"l - Eli Bendkowski
Dedicated By
his children
Arlington Shul
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Dov Ber ben Chaya Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Michoel z"l and Rus Chaya bas Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Benzion and Masha Wellson
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Ovadiah ben R' Yisroel Eliyahu z"l, Sarah Ettel bas R' Chaim a"h, Yonah Yechezkel ben Nosson Nota z"l and Leah bas R' Zalmen a"h
Dedicated By
Gershon and Rivka Dubin
Bnos Devorah Of Lakewood
As a Zechus for Rachel Novoseller
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Moshe Ephraim z"l and Rivka bas Moshe Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Faiga
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Shifra Miriam bas Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda Aryeh ben Chaim Yosef z"l and Chaya Raizel bas Asher Zelig a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
BrookHill Shul
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Faiga
As a Zechus for shalom for all Yidden
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Raizel bas Reb Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Rus bas R' Chaim Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Eli and Hadassah Oelbaum
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Mary bas Chaim Yisrael a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
As a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Nosson Meir ben Chana and all those who need refuos in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Sima bas Henoch a"h, Shmuel Tzvi ben Nechemia z"l and Hersch Dovid ben Yitchok Baruch z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Bram Greenberg
Beis Medrash Of Westgate
As a Zechus for Chana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel and Shaindel Rochel bas Raizil
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Chava Yocheved bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Etz Haim
L´ilui Nishmas Tzivia Sarah bas Yisroel Moshe a"h and Yaakov Ephraim ben Moshe Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
As a Zechus for shalom and as a zechus for a shidduch for Shmuel Yitzchok ben Adina Miriam
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Country Place
L´ilui Nishmas Avrohom ben Yehuda Leib z"l and as a zechus for a zivug hagun for Baila bas Golda Shulamis
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Noach ben R' Avraham Shmuel z"l & Minah Devorah bas R' Alter Yaakov Meir a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Dovid Yehuda ben Eliezer Tzadok z"l and Penina bas R' Shlomo HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
the Gartner family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yerachmiel ben Zev z"l and Maras Chana Rochel bas R' Menachem Mendel a"h, Mr. and Mrs. Krane
Dedicated By
the Tress families
Beis Medrash Lakewood Commons
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yehuda ben Avigdor z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Kayla bas Kalmen a"h
Dedicated By
the Stern, Gewirtzman and Fogel families
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Necha bas Bezalel a"h and Rochel bas Shmuel Menachem a"h
Dedicated By
Mrs Rochel Leah Ortner - Jewel Wigs
Bnos Devorah Of Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer Yeshayahu ben Yitzchok Shlomo z"l , and in memory of our grandparents a"h
Dedicated By
Avi and Chani Bendkowski
Pine River Village
L'ilui Nishmas Esther Malka bas Yehoshua a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Yehoshua Goldberg
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Yehoshua a"h and Mordechai Eliezer ben Reb Avrohom HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Nussi and Chayale Kaufman
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Binyomin ben Sarah z"l, Estraya bas Esther a"h, and Yosef ben Mazel z"l
Dedicated By
their children
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Chanina Meir ben R' Binyomin Azriel z"l and as zechus for his family
Dedicated By
the Nadoff family of Lakewood/Monsey
Arlington Shul
L'ilui Nishmas Reuven Yosef ben Sarah z"l and Shmuel ben Nezira z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Nochum Tzvi ben HaRav Kalman Avraham Goldberg z"l, HaRav Binyomin ben Yisroel Menachem Weiner z"l, and Maras Briendel bas Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe & Devorah Goldberg
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Rivkah Leah bas Yaakov Yehuda a"h and Yisroel Dov ben Yehuda Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Pinchos Aryeh ben Yosef Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Shaya Fried z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Nashofer Home
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun for Tzipora bas Zahava
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
L'ilui Nishmas Mita bas Menachem Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
her children
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Shaul ben Elozer HaLevi Schondorf z"l and Yehuda Aryeh ben Yitzchok Osher z"l
Dedicated By
their children
Lakewood Courtyard
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Faiga bas Leah Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
In Honor of our brave soldiers who continue to fight for am Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Forest Park Shul
As a Zechus for our family and Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Sternstein Home
As a Zechus for all of the cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Basya bas Gittel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for the Levine family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beis Medrash
Dedicated By
Dr. Charles Tomaszewski
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
L´ilui Nishmas Chana Yocheved bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shimon Yitzchok ben Yechezkel Dov z"l
Dedicated By
his family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Adina bas Gavriel Efraim a"h
Dedicated By
Yonoson And Oreah Fisgus
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beis Medrash Lakewood Commons
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Baruch ben Chaim Tzvi z"l and as a zechus for refuah sheleimah for all of the cholim in Lakewood Commons
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
Dedicated By
the Cohen family
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Eliyahu Netanel z"l ben Michoel yblc"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Pine River Village
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Judah Deutsch and Mr. and Mrs. Itchie Deutsch
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for hatzlachah and brachah for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Yaakov ben Chava ,Tziona bas Sasha and Avigdor Suson Meier ben Rochel Leah
Dedicated By
the Karmen family
Alumni Minyan
As a Zechus for Sarah Ahuvah bas Fradel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Lakeview
As a Zechus for everyone to stay safe and healthy, a refuah for all cholim and as a zechus for those that are waiting for children
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for parnassah, hatzlachah and siyata diShmaya and l'ilui nishmas Masha Esther bas R' Yehuda Aryeh Leib HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Sarah bas Avrohom Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Tziporah bas Menachem Mendel HaLevi a"h and Alte Yosef ben Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Neuman Home
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Rivka bas Gittel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shlomo ben R' Mayer Nossen z"l admor m'bobov, R' Bentzion ben R' Shlomo z"l admor m'bobov, R' Shlomo ben R' Bentzion z"l admor m'bobov, R' Naftali Tzvi ben R' Shlomo z"l admor m'bobov, and Faigel bas R' Avrohom Yankel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Efraim HaLevi z"l, Avrohom ben Avigdor z"l and Miriam bas Moshe Zev HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tiferes Bais Yaakov
As a Zechus for Mishpachas Czermak
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Avrohom z"l, Menachem Mendel ben Alexander z"l, Leah bas Chaim a"h, and Faiga bas Menachem Mendel a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Hirsch
Tiferes Bais Yaakov - Lakewood
As a Zechus for Chava bas Chaya Sara
Dedicated By
Menachem Herman
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Shalom ben Boruch z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Synagogue Of The Suburban Torah Center
L´ilui Nishmas Betya ben Leyba
Dedicated By
Long Branch
Shoner Shul
In memory of Simcha bas Shimona z"l, Devora bas Leah a"h, and Dov ben Devora z"l
Dedicated By
the Shmueli family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/Yeshiva K'tana of Passaic
L´ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Avraham z'l - Jacob Weinstein
Dedicated By
the Zaveloffs
Ohel Rivka Hall
L´ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Avraham
Dedicated By
Pesachya And Michele Zaveloff
Tifereth Israel
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Tzofia Malka bat Rochel and as a zechus for our family
Dedicated By
the White family
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Raizel bas R' Shlomo Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Avrohom Davis
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
As a Zechus for all our children
Dedicated By
Hal and Debbie Rubin
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Refael Yitzchok ben Chaim Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Eliezer Zev ben Aharon z"l, Miriam bas Shmaya a"h, Aharon ben Eliezer Zev z"l, Zipora bas Zvi Dovid a"h, Yehuda Treitel ben Mordechai z"l, and Elimelech Eliyahu ben Avrohom Abba z"l
Dedicated By
Cipi & Mark Brand
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka bas Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Rissel bas Shmuel a"h, Shaina bas Nuta a"h, Yisroel Avrum ben Yehuda Leib z"l, and Ephraim ben Shmuel z"l
Dedicated By
the Ritz family
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Rivka Hall
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas our daughter, Rachel Marin, Rachel bas Tzion a"h who was one of the first, if not the first, secretaries of Mr. Rothschild when CCHF began in Brooklyn
Dedicated By
Rabbi Menachem & Debbie Feinsod
Bnos Bracha Yeshiva Ketana
L´ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Avraham z"l - Jacob Weinstein
Dedicated By
the Zaveloffs
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Kalman Naftali ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
his son Moishe Goldberg
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Leah bas Shmuel Sherman a"h and Rebbetzin Rochel Leah bas R' Chaim Dov Ber Kviat a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Rivka Hall
Dedicated By
Ms. Chaya Sarfaty
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Noach ben Ezriel and Hadassah bas Avraham Abish a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Dr. Korenblit
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel Frieda bas Mordechai Aryeh HaLevi a"h and Reuven Michael ben Asher z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Devora Shoshana bas Elchonon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
As a Zechus for the Stern family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tifereth Israel
Dedicated By
Cong. Kol Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas R' Aharon ben R' Eliezer Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha Yeshiva Ketana
L´ilui Nishmas Yisroel Amichai ben Yosef z"l and Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Rivka Hall
In Honor of Y Klugman
Dedicated By
Dr. Jerry Lax
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yehuda ben Yitzchok z"l and Brocha Miriam bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
the Pick family
Tifereth Israel
As a Zechus for yeshuos for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Shlomo ben Gershon z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shneur ben R' Yisroel Meir z"l and Esther Frumet bas R' Nosson HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for our children, Yosef, Akiva, Shayna, Ayelet, and Aharon
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tifereth Israel
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Shlomo Daniel ben Simcha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Tzvi ben Chaim Meir z"l and Bracha Esther bas Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Bublick
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Arye Leib Menachem Mendel ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
the Skulnick family
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Golda bas Shmuel a"h, Mordechai Yosef ben Nasan Nata z"l and Yisroel ben Ahron HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Mrs. Tobi Samet and Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Mindy Berman
Tifereth Israel
As a Zechus for Our Grandchildren
Dedicated By
Dr. NathanandDvora Liebster
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Eliezer ben Chaim Dov z"l and Beirish ben Chaim Yisroel z"l
As a Zechus for the continued hatzlachah and yiras Shamayim of the family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Rivka Hall
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Uriel ben Tziporah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tifereth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Lipa Uri ben Moshe z"l, Shmuel Zavel ben R' Avrohom Yosef z"l, R' Moshe Dovid ben HaRav Yeruchom z"l and Sarah Binah bas R' Avrohom Yaakov Binyomin a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Elimelech ben Yechiel Meir z"l - Dr. Mordechai Respler, as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Devora Elisheva bas Michal Tamar and as a zechus for parnassah for Yehoshua Moshe ben Meir
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnos Bracha/ Yeshiva K'tana Of Passaic
L'ilui Nishmas Devora Raizel bas Avrohom Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Rivka Hall
Dedicated By
Mrs. Esther Wolff
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Howard Rose z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Beth Aaron
With gratitude to Hashem!!!
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Aaron
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Leah Chana bas Sarah, Yekutiel ben Rochel, and Avraham Yitzchak ben Chana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Shaindel Perel bas Moshe a"h and may we see much nachas from all our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Jerry & Fran Weinberg
Congregation Beth Aaron
Dedicated By
Rabbi Teicher - Sofer Stam 201-836-8376
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Naftali Lipa ben Shmuel HaLevi z"l, Mindel bas Yisroel Tzvi a"h, Tzvi Yosef ben Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
Sara Stobezki and Jonathan, Hannah, and Dina
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Shulamit bas Yisroel a"h, Yaakov Menachem ben Moshe z"l, Yaakov ben Hershel z"l and Tziporah Chanah bas Natan a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Gavriel and Frances Gozland
Cong. Bnai Yeshurun
L´ilui Nishmas Fruma bas Yaakov
Dedicated By
Dr. Steven Parmett
Cong. Beth Aaron
L´ilui Nishmas Yoel Moshe ben Yosef Noson z"l and Leah bas Meyer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Aaron
As a Zechus for the community and shidduchim for all
Dedicated By
Eitan Richter
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all cholei Klal Yisrael and peace in Israel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Meir ben Dovid z"l, niftar 17 Iyar, v'ishto Gittel bas Chaim Zev a"h, nifteres 21 Nissan
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Aaron
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Meyer ben Moshe Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Dassi Zeidel
Toms River
Anshei Tallymaur
L´ilui Nishmas Shmuel Aba ben Meir Olshin z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Leah bas Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Toms River
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Eliezer HaLevi z"l and as a zechus for Moshe Shimon ben Chaya
Dedicated By
the David family
K'hal South Whitesville (KSW)
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim ben Simcha Fleisher z"l and Rochel bas Lipa Eliezer a"h and Isamar Ephraim ben Shlomo Pollack z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong Of Walden Woods
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Shalom ben Shabsi Yitzchok z"l and Fraida bas Yosef Nosson a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
For a Refuah Sheleimah for moishe ben shifra dina
Dedicated By
Mr. Moishe Heimowitz
Khal Toms River
As a Zechus for good children
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Toms River
L'ilui Nishmas Arye Leib ben Chaim Dovid z"l and Mina bas Yitzchok Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beis Hillel
As a Zechus for Zvi Hersh Moshe ben Rav Aharon
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beis Hillel
L'ilui Nishmas Shaina Rivka bas Moshe Eliyahu a"h, Yehoshua Heschel ben Eliyahu z"l, Mordechai Simcha ben Yakov z"l and Perel bas Nata a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi & Rochel Kenigsberg
Congregation Beis Hillel
L'ilui Nishmas Nechama Becker a"h
Dedicated By
her children, Faigy and David Hornung
West Long Branch
Magen Avrohom West Long Branch
In Honor of the members of the synagouge of Magen Abraham of west long branch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Magen Avrohom West Long Branch
As a Zechus for
Dedicated By
Mr. Shneur Freedman
Magen Avrohom West Long Branch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
West Orange
Ahavas Achim B'nai Jacob & David
L'ilui Nishmas Binyamin ben Yisrael z"l, Gittel Devorah bas R' Dov Ber a"h, and Sarah Reizel bas R' Elazar Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ahavas Achim B'nai Jacob & David
L'ilui Nishmas Elana Golda (Asher) Rosenblatt a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ahavas Achim B'nai Jacob & David
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Alvin Marcus z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Aabj&D
L´ilui Nishmas Binyamin Ben yisrael , Gittel Devorah bas R’ Dov Ber, Sarah Reizel bas. R’ Elazar Shmuel
Dedicated By
Judy and Ari Levitan
Ahavas Achim B'nai Jacob & David
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Zev ben Levi Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Zichron Dovid Beit Knesset
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Yosef HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Rozehzadeh family
New York
Khal Anshei Overbrook
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudis bas Dovid HaLevi a"h and Shmuel ben Lemel HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
the Ehrman family
Belle Harbor
Ohab Zedek Belle Harbour
L'ilui Nishmas our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cahn a"h and Mr. and Mrs. Politzer a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Naftali HaKohen ben Raizel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Riverdale
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Koffel ben Avram Gavriel z"l and Hudya Toba bas Chaim Yosef HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Riverdale
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Tuvia ben Aryeh z"l & Perel bas Zev a"h and Yisroel Aron ben Ezra z"l & Miriam bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
David and Sylvia Suss
Achiezer Cong. Senior Center
As a Zechus for Elisheva Chaviva Yael bas Elisheva Chaviva
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Leah bas Moshe Tzvi a"h and as a zechus for our mishpacha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Avi Mori R' Chaim ben R' Nosson HaKohen z"l and Imi Morasi Chana Bluma bas R' Yechiel a"h - Rabbi Chaim and Mrs. Chana Pruzansky, and as a zechus for a shidduch for Rivka bas Raizel
Dedicated By
Boruch Leib and Raizy Barnetsky
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Eliyahu Yakov ben Menachem Mendel z"l, R' Yitzchok ben R' Mordechai z"l, Chaya Rechel bas R' Yoel a"h, and Serel bas R' Yaakov Ben Zion a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah of Avenue H
L'ilui Nishmas R' Mordechai Rennert z"l, R' Yisroel Plutchok z"l, R' Moshe Phorille z"l, and Alter Moshe ben Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Lipa & Leah Raskin
Cong. Ahavas Dovid
L'ilui Nishmas Leib ben Yitzchok z"l and Masha bas Aharon a”h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Aharon Grenadir
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Aharon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudath Israel Of Madison
In memory of Rachel bat Bahia a"h
Dedicated By
Bonnie and Abe Mansour
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Yaakov Ben R' Michoel z"l and Elka Mindel bas HaRav Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for refuah sheleimah for Yaakov Mordechai ben Miriam and Charna bas Shoshana Rikkel
Dedicated By
Michel and Yehudith Sandorfy
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Perel bas Shraga Feivel a"h, Yisroel ben Moshe HaKohen z"l, and Toba Yehudis bas Betzalel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Isaac ben Yecheskel Shraga z"l, Pessel bas R' Chananya Yom Tov Lipa a"h, and Moshe ben Yitzchok Isaac z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
As a Zechus for refuas haguf v'hanefesh for all those in need
Dedicated By
the Berger family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Nosson ben Yeshaya z"l and Chaya Seryl bas R' Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
the Herskovich family
Anshei Sephard
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Malka bas Rus
Dedicated By
the Binishvili family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Fraida bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
her family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Shaindel bas R' Yaakov Dov z"l and Leah bas R' Mattisyahu Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
their children and grandchildren
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Dovid Hersh ben Gedalya Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Mayer ben Baruch z"l - Mike Greenfield
Dedicated By
Ari and Sari Bacon
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas our parents and grandparents a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Mayer Lasker
Yeshiva Ohr Yitzchok
L'ilui Nishmas Raizel Menucha bas Dov Yisroel HaKohen a”h, Ahron ben Boruch z"l v'ishto Chana Miriam bas Binyamin a"h, and Nosson ben Menachem z"l v'ishto Chava bas Baruch a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Shraga Braun
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Efraim z"l
Dedicated By
Hillel and Leah Rivkin
Agudah of Avenue H
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Yaffa bas Yitzchak Eliezer a"h whose yartzheit is the 9th of Av
Dedicated By
her son Yosef Aryeh and family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Zev ben Naftali z"l
Dedicated By
his grandchildren
Yad Yosef Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Dovid ben Avraham z"l
Dedicated By
Eddie and Suzan Haber
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Zev ben Yekusiel Yehuda HaLevi z"l, Hentche bas Mordechai a"h, Zalman Mordechai ben Zev HaLevi z"l and Sholom ben Mordechai Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Nachum ben David z"l
Dedicated By
Yossi & Devorah Leifer
Ahi Ezer Congregation
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for Daniel ben Parvaneh Rifkah and for a shidduch for Yehoshua Sholom ben Felor Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Ida Slavinskaya a"h and Baruch Glazman z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe Meir Blank and family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok Dov ben R' Moshe Aryeh z"l, Esther Malka bas R' Moshe HaLevi a"h and Aidel bas R' Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas my parents Yehudah ben Baruch z"l, and Sarah bas Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi Chaim Baruch Katz
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Don ben Michoel Yehuda Halevi z"l and Shoshana Tova bas Shmuel Don Halevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Shlomo Menachem a"h and HaRav Yisroel ben HaRav Yitzchok z"l who was niftar 15 Tammuz 5770
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo ben Pesach z"l and Rivka bas Esther a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Menachem ben Chananyah Yom Tov Lipa z"l and Mordechai ben Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the Ehrman family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Avrohom Shmuel Binyomen ben R' Duvid z"l, Moshe Eliyahu ben R' Avrohom Shmuel Binyomen z"l and Chanina z"l ben R' Mordechai HaKohen yblc"t
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Keter Sion Congregation
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Moshe ben Rachel and Moshe ben Mazal
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kesser Nursing And Rehab Center
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Lea Dubba bas Chashek Cheshe
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
L'ilui Nishmas Ephraim ben Eliyahu z"l and Tzipora Gittel bas Pessel a"h and Menchem Mendel ben Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Flatbush Park Jewish Center
As a Zechus for the Kohl family
Dedicated By
Dr. Michael Kohl
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Marine Park
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Naava
L'ilui Nishmas Zelda bas Eliezer a"h and Yosef Shaul ben Ahron z"l
Dedicated By
the Mozes family
Anshei Sephard
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaya Mindel bas Baila and all cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
the Birnbaum family
Ohr Naava
L'ilui Nishmas my husband, R' Chaim Shimon Leib ben Zev Herskovits z"l, and my father, Dovid Zev ben R' Mordechai Chanoch HaLevi Radzik z"l
Dedicated By
Mrs. Susan Herskovits and family
Eden Palace
L'ilui Nishmas Binyomin ben Aharon Yoel z"l and Sara Rivka bas Yosef Avraham a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Seltonot z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Malkah bas Aryeh Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Brecher
Agudath Israel Of Midwood
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Necha Leah bas Gittel Chaya and Necha bas Devorah Toba Chava and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Binyomen Beinish ben Shoshana Chaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaarei Zion
L'ilui Nishmas Svetlana Golda bat Aaron a"h and Serach bat Elazer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Dov ben Eliezer z"l and Racha Malka bas Yitzchok Strauss a"h
Dedicated By
the Strauss family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for brachah, hatzlachah, briyos, u'parnassah
Dedicated By
Mishpachas Markowitz
Cong. Ahavas Dovid
L'ilui Nishmas Genendal bas Moshe Shmuel a"h and Yitzchok Isaac ben Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Sruly and Suri Ickowics
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Elazar Wullinger z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Eden Palace
As a Zechus for the health of Eliezer Shmiel ben Esther, with gratitude to Hashem for all the shidduchim past and future and for the great-grandchildren born in our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Zisha a"h and Yaakov Yitzchok ben Eliezer Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Leib ben Yaakov z"l and Gerez bas Sarah a"h
Dedicated By
Heshy and Rivky Jankelovitz
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Guta bas Meir a"h niftar 23 Av, Shaul Meir Ben Moshe Zalman z"l niftar 28 Av and Dovid Mordechai Ben Zelig z"l niftar 17 Sivan and as a zechus for siyata diShmaya v'hatzlachah for Tehila Sara Leah bas Osna Malka and Yeshaya Ben Chana Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Ave H
L´ilui Nishmas Eliyahu ben Shmuel Yitzchok HaKohen z"l and Breina bas Avrohom a"h
Dedicated By
their daughter Aviva
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas our parents a"h
Dedicated By
Pinchos and Marilyn Newman
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Yermiyahu z"l and Esther Sara bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Pozna Shul
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Shimon Zoimen
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Yaffa bas Yitzchok Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha Aryeh ben Avrohom Hersh z"l
Dedicated By
Ruchy Censor
Lakewood Minyan of Flatbush
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben Yisrael Dov z"l and R' Yisrael Dov ben Chaim Yitzchok Meshulem Zisha z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
In Honor of Chaya bas R’ Moshe HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
her daughter Chani Mayerowitz
Bnei Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Ezra Yitzchok ben Adele z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Keter Sion Congregation
As a Zechus for hatzlachah
Dedicated By
the Beida Family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok ben R' Chaim Shimon z"l, Leah bas R' Eliezer Tzvi a"h, and R' Mayer Yehuda ben R' Tovya Gedalia Fleischman z"l
Dedicated By
Shabsi and Faigy Preisler
Agudath Israel Of Madison
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Bluma bat Shprintza and Avrohom Feivel Noach ben Bluma
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshiva Belz
As a Zechus for Yosef Ben Shifra & Leah Bas Faiga
Dedicated By
Yosef Zablotsky
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Yehuda ben R' Meshulem Shraga Feivish z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Esther bat Chaya and Mazal bat Chaya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Lorraine z"l, Morris Shalom
Dedicated By
his family
Flatbush Park Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Gittel bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha ben Moshe Zev HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Midwood
For a Refuah Sheleimah For cholim in Klal Yisrael and l'ilui nishmas Nosson ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Pinchos and Yona Shine
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha Yehuda ben Yehoshua Yecheskel z"l and Shaindel bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L´ilui Nishmas Moshe Yisroel ben Rochel z"l and Mordechai Dovid ben Matisyahu z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Ahron ben Mera
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Rafael Dovid ben Tziporah Rivka and Raizel Devorah bas Chana Basha and as a zechus for hatzlachah and briyos for our whole mishpachah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Yehuda ben Avrahom Yaakov z"l, Avraham Yaakov ben Shlomo Yehuda z"l, Rachel bas Moshe a"h and Shalom ben Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Nosson ben Pinchas Yosef z"l and Rivka bas Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Noach Tzvi ben Dov z"l and Sarah bas Shmuel Zev a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Gitel Chana bas Aharon HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
her family
Ohr Naava
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas our grandparents a"h
Dedicated By
the Kushner family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshua ben Leah z"l and Sarah bas Margolit a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnai Yosef Congregation
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
As a Zechus for Mordechai Shimon ben Pinchas
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Bnai Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Shlomo ben Yehuda z"l, Tzvi ben Zalman Benzion z"l v'ishto Mina Gita bas Yitzchok a"h, and as a zechus for a shidduch for Tzvi HaKohen ben Sima Leah, Shimshon Chaim HaKohen ben Sima Leah, and as a zechus for a shidduch and refuah sheleimah for Yehuda HaKohen ben Sima Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas R' Baruch Ben-tzion ben R' Eliezer Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Eliezer ben Aaron z"l, Mera bas Avrahom Yaakov a"h, and Chana Chaya bas Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Tova bas Shmuel Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah bas Yekusiel Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
the Lichtenstein family
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
As a Zechus for Moshe Zev ben Chana Hinda v'ishto Hinda Rochel bas Tzivia Leah to build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael.
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Pesach Dovid ben Avrohom Nuta z"l and as a zechus for my children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Mrs Rivka Shaindel Sokolow
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshua Aryeh ben Yisaschar Berish z"l niftar Tes Sivan and Baruch Bendit ben Meir z"l niftar Tes Sivan
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga Perel bas Moshe Dovid Goldman a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
As a Zechus for Gittel bat Toba
Dedicated By
Ms. Gail Brenner
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo ben Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the Hamada family
Agudath Israel Of Midwood
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Avrohom Shmuel HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
his daughters
Anshei Sephard
As a Zechus for Blima bas Leah Yehudis, Menachem Manish ben Leah Yehudis, and Dovid Meyer ben Leah Yehudis
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Gitel bas Yonah a"h and HaChaver Moshe ben Aharon z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Yossi Spanier
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Asher Yehoshua ben Eliyahu z"l, Shifra bas Yechezkel Shraga a"h, Chana bas Chaim Yitzchok Issac a"h and Yoel ben Chanoch Henoch z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Asher ben Avner Melech z"l and Basya Breina bas Chaim Asher a"h
Dedicated By
Simcha and Brocha Silverman
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas R' Nachum Binyamin ben Elozor HaLevi z"I and Maras Malka bas R' Asher Zelig a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Moty and Esther Meisels
Kollel Haschunah
In Honor of Chosson and Kallah Leah Rosenblatt and Yehuda Benasaraf
Dedicated By
Mrs. Briendy Rosenblatt
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yehuda Shneur ben Basya Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yad Yosef Torah Center
As a Zechus for good health, generations of Torah learners, shalom among all the members of the family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation : kol Torah
L´ilui Nishmas Efraim ben Yitzchok Issac and Chaim Yisroel Yitzchok ben Ahron נ״י
Dedicated By
Mrs. Shaindy Schachter
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas R' Moshe ben R' Levi z"l, Faigla bas R' Chaim Tzvi a"h and Faigel bas Harav R' Shabsy a"h
Dedicated By
the Herzog and Hochhauser Families
Lakewood Minyan of Flatbush
L'ilui Nishmas Basya Dina bas Tzadik Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah of Avenue H
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
the Kramer family
Cong. Ahavas Dovid
L'ilui Nishmas Meir Peretz ben Shmuel Chaim z"l whose yahrtzeit is on the 12th of Av
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Beth El Of Bp
As a Zechus for All who need a shidduch should find one
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for our mishpachah
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven and Malka Alt
Human Care Services
As a Zechus for Chanoch Heindl ben Basya, Raizel Shoshana bas Basya, Malka Raizel bas Faygeh, and Zev Volf ben Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid Yisroel ben Yehoshua z"l, Shaina Devorah bas Pinchos a"h and Penina Esther bas Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Mordechai Dovid ben Refael Chaim Psachya z"l and Mayta Leah bas Eliezer Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for zera shel kayamah for Hillel ben Sara Dina and Rivka bas Faiga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Tehilla bas Sholem a"h and Esther Amar Halev a"h
Dedicated By
Nesia Amar
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Moshe ben Tzvi Dov Halevi z"l, Rochel bas R' Avraham Yitzchok a"h, Tzvi Dov ben Avraham Moshe Halevi z"l, Dovid ben Mordechai z"l, Zlata bas Yaakov Naftali a"h, Roiza bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Mordechai and Mindy Weisz and family
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
As a Zechus for Am Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Uri ben Dovid z"l and Nechemia Yom Tov ben Binyomin Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L´ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Shmuel Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Avrohom Yisroel Sherman
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Moshe Menachem z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Shia Katz
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer ben Shlomo z"l and Pesya Penina bas Ephraim Menashe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaarei Zion
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Esther bat Jamile
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Midwood
As a Zechus for shalom, achdus, and refuos for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Naomi Scheier
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yeshaya ben Yaakov Yitzchok z"l and Aidel bas Eliyahu Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Gedaliah Moshe Applegrad
Khal Zichron Rav Moshe Feinstein
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Benyamin ben Zev z"l and Chaim Yaakov ben Zev z"l and as a zechus for a yeshuah b'karov for Ayelet Laura bas Rochel Tova
Dedicated By
the Schockett family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas my dear friend Yaffa Rosenthal a"h
Dedicated By
Fern Sidman
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Kalman Yosef ben Moshe HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shmuel ben R' Yaakov Blinder z"l, Golda Basha bas R' Ahron a"h, and R' Moshe ben R' Boruch Mordechai HaLevi Selevan z"l
Dedicated By
the Blinder family
Young Israel Talmud Torah
Dedicated By
Levi & Shulamis Finkelstein
Bais Levi Yitzchok Shul
As a Zechus for The freedom of all the hostages
Dedicated By
Mrs. Hannah Charpak
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yaffa Rosenthal a”h and as a zechus for Elana Leah bas Perel Blima shetichye
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Yumi Weisz
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas our parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel and Etta Kushner a"h
Dedicated By
Rochelle Rubin and Family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Reuven Eliyahu ben Mordechai Tzvi z”l and v'ishto Esther Rivka bas R' Bentzion Betzalel a"h
Dedicated By
the Diskind family
Avenue N Jewish Center
As a Zechus for Miriam for zera shel kayama
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah bas Aharon Aryeh a"h and Rivka bas R' Yaakov a"h, R' Yitzchok ben R' Yosef z"l and as a zechus for the Leifer family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Ephraim Shmuel ben R' Yehuda Silverman z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yeruchem Fishel ben Moshe Aharon z"l, Nicha bas Moshe Aryeh a"h, Faiga Leah bas R' Baruch HaKohen a"h and Shlomo Reuven ben Mayer z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
The Boro Park Center
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all cholei Yisrael amecha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
As a Zechus for the family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for Yonah ben Baila
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Bracha bas Amram a"h and Chana bas BenTzion a"h
Dedicated By
Mr and Mrs Yosef Weiss
Cong. Bnai Shloma Zalman Vyelipole
L'ilui Nishmas Zvi Yehudah ben Ephraim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Gitta Leah bas Boruch Meir a"h and Issur Tzvi ben Yaakov Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
As a Zechus for Mashiach to come b'karov
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Asher Anshel ben R' Nochum Tzvi z"l, R' Boruch Alter Chaim ben R' Zev z"l, and Chaya Rochel bas Eliyahu Arye Leib a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yenta Leah bas Yekusiel Yehuda a"h, Baila bas Yom Tova Lipa a"h and Rafoel Shimshon Menachem ben Chaim Zev z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Yehudah Leib Chizkiyahu ben Basya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Midwood
L'ilui Nishmas Basya Dina bas Tzadik Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Moshe and Sylvia Klein
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for our extended family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas R' Aryeh Tzvi ben R' Mordechai Retter z"l
Dedicated By
his loving family
Ahi Ezer Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Michael ben Altoon Safdeye z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda Shimon ben Moshe HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah bas Reuven a"h - Dora Richter and Mordechai ben Tzvi Chaim z"l - Morris Richter
Dedicated By
Moti Zilber
Az Yashir Torah Center
As a Zechus for Amy bat Rut
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Avodas Yisoel D'koznitz
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Yechezkel HaKohen Schonfeld z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Mordechai z"l
Dedicated By
Motti & Devorah Smilow
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Noach ben Dovid z"l and as zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Rivka Yocheved bas Gittle a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Eliyahu Torah Center
L'ilui Nishmas Baruch ben Ben Tzion HaKohen z"l and Simcha Yosef ben Moshe Zev HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Baila Raizel bas Shimon a"h and Yisrael Ze'ev ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and Shaindel Bauminger a"h and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and Esther Dreyfuss a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
the Warman family
Eden Palace
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Kaila Leah Ruchel bas Sheva
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah of Avenue H
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudis bas Avrohom Shlomo a'h and Rivka Perel bas Avrohom HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Shimmy & Tova Schron
In Honor of Rochel Bracha Bas Devora chynka sheva and Miriam bas Chana Feilachen should find their zivug hagun bikarov!!
Dedicated By
Chaya Spiegel
Cong. Ahavas Dovid
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Miriam bas Yehudis Elka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ahi Ezer Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchak Shaul ben Leah z"l and Simcha (Simin) bat Nosrat a"h whose yahrtzeit is on Tisha B'av
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Moshe ben Zev Eliyahu Hakohen z"l Anemer
Dedicated By
the Anemer family
Eden Palace
L'ilui Nishmas Avrum Zvi z"l ben Reb Mordechai Duvid yblc"t
Dedicated By
the Grunblatt family
Young Israel Of Midwood
L'ilui Nishmas Boruch Uri ben Zev Wolf z"l and Yisroel ben Zev Wolf Rogoff z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Osnas Rochel bas Yisrael a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Nosson ben Ritz
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah of Avenue H
As a Zechus for all of Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Kauders
Agudath Israel Of Madison
As a Zechus for All the hostages
Dedicated By
Mrs. MalkieandStan Akerman
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Boruch ben Yisroel Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the Fischer family
Ahi Ezer Congregation
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Esther bat Rachel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudath Israel Of Madison
Dedicated By
Ms. Daniel Hollander
Bnei Binyomin
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Naftali Tzvi ben Perl and l'ilui nihsmas Perl bas R' Avraham Abish a"h and Riva Malka bas R' Yehoshuah a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Shlomo ben Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Mordechai a"h, Menachem Shlomo ben Binyamin z"l, and Fraida Golda bas Menachem Shlomo a"h
Dedicated By
their family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Shaul Alexander ben R' Mordechai z"l and Rivka bas Michoel Dov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
Dedicated By
Yoel & Malky Freidman
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for my wife and family
Dedicated By
Baruch Pesach Mendelson
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yehudis bas Avrohom Shlomo a"h
Dedicated By
Mordechai and Sharon Schonfeld
Anshei Sephard
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Miriam bas Matel Leah
Dedicated By
Yossi Rubinfeld of Mass Mutual 718-879-1773
Ahi Ezer Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Rochel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga bas HaRav Michoel Hakohen a"h, Shmuel Binyamin ben Mordechai Zvi z"l and Chaya Lana bas Simcha Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Bnai Israel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Lakewood Minyan of Flatbush
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Zev ben Yehuda Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
Shalom & Ettie Fogel
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Mechel ben Yitzchok Isaac z"l and Dovid Aryeh ben Yitzchok Isaac z"l
Dedicated By
Leah Lustig
Ohr Naava
L'ilui Nishmas Dov Ber ben Moshe Kalman z"l
Dedicated By
his daughter, Ruthier Grossfeld
Anshei Sephard
As a Zechus for shidduchim for our entire family and all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudath Israel Of Madison
As a Zechus for Leah Tziporah bas Esther Devorah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Elazer Dov ben Nechemya z"l, Avraham ben Moshe Ahron z"l, Mordechai ben Moshe Menachem z"l, and Avraham Yaakov Kopel ben HaRav Yisroel z"l
Dedicated By
the Laufer and Wolbrom Families
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas our dear parents and our unforgettable brother Harav Boruch Dovid Aryeh ben Harav Noson Dov z"l
Dedicated By
Baila and Yechezkel Skovronsky
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas R' Chaim ben R' Shlomo Reuven z"l and R' Isamar Ephraim ben R' Avrohom Menachem z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yaakov ben Eliyahu HaLevi z"l, Chaya Baila bas Avrohom Tzvi Chaim a"h, Eliyahu Tzvi ben Avrohom Yehuda HaKohen z"l and Sarah Faiga bas R' Pinchos Yehuda z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Pinchos Ahron ben Sarah Faiga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bnei Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Moshe HaKohen z"l and Zecharya Shimon ben R' Yitzchok HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Moshe Katz
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Pesachya ben Avrohom HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. Eliezer Fixler
Yad Yosef Cong
L'ilui Nishmas R' Shalom ben R' Avrohom Chaim HaLevi z"l, Baila bas Yitzchok HaLevi a"h, Freida bas R' Yaakov Benztion a"h, and Naftali ben Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
their family
Bais Levy Yitzchok Shul
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel bas Devorah a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Pinchos ben Shlomo z"l and Shlomo ben Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok and Chanie Gottdiener
Ahi Ezer Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Tamara bas Sarah a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Emanuel Fuzailov and family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Moshe Eliyahu ben Shmuel z"l v'ishto Toba Leah bas Reuvan a'h, and Nachum ben Meir Kalman z"l
Dedicated By
the Eisig family
Young Israel Beth El Of Boro Park
As a Zechus for zera shel kayamah for one of our grandchildren
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for the Lowenbraun family and as a zechus for a shidduch for Yocheved bas Miriam Shaindel and Avrohom Eliezer ben Nomi Breindel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for the Kahan family and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Menucha bas Sarah and Avraham Aba ben Sarah Dacha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Menachem ben Asher z"l, Arye Leib ben Matisyahu z"l, Minka bas Yitzchok a"h, and Esther Perel bas Moshe Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Z Newman
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yenta bas Yaakov a"h and Gittel bas Yisroel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
As a Zechus for hatzlachah and brachah for Quality Stairs and the Sugar family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Nechama Batsheva bas Gittel and as a zechus for a shidduch for Rochel bas Nechama Batsheva and Elimelech ben Nechama Batsheva
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yad Yosef Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Zvi Mayer ben Avraham HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Meir z"l ben Eliezer Tzvi yblc't, Moshe ben Avraham z"l and Gittel Chava bas Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Ahavas Dovid
L'ilui Nishmas Meir ben Meshulem Feivish HaKohen z"l and R' Aryeh Leib ben R' Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
his revered family
Flatbush Lakewood Minyan
L´ilui Nishmas Raizel -as Yosef
Dedicated By
Mrs. Elyanna Jacobs
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas R' Avrohom Yaakov ben R' Zev z"l and Malka bas R' Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Michoel ben Pinchos Dovid z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
As a Zechus for our children's hatzlacha
Dedicated By
Sruli and Bryna Leah Korn
Anshei Sephard
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Gittel Bas Miriam
Dedicated By
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Peretz Yechiel Aryeh ben Moshe Yehuda z"l
Dedicated By
Adwee Products
Agudath Israel Of Madison
As a Zechus for Yonatan ben Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Esther a'h bas Yitzchok Isik Zvi yblc"t
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Avrohom Aishel Fishman
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Rochel z"l and Elizabeth bat Linda a"h
Dedicated By
Hymie and Vicky Sasson
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas R' Moshe Leib ben R' Shneur Zalman z"l, Blima bas Avraham Moshe a"h, Chaim Ezra ben Yaakov z"l and Chana bas Mordechai Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
the Jaffa family
Bnei Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Boruch ben Rephael z"l and Adele bas Zikieh a"h
Dedicated By
their son Ralph Pindek
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Shmuel ben Moshe z"l, Moshe ben Yisroel z"l and Rochel bas Yekusiel Yehuda a"h and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Avrohom Eliezer ben Rachel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ahi Ezer Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Shafika bat Esther a"h
Dedicated By
Esther bat Shafika
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Boruch Mordechai HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Yaakov and Brocha Herman
Bnei Torah Of Marine Park
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael and that everything should work out for me
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah of Avenue H
As a Zechus for Dovid Aryeh and Miriam Kaplan
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Bnai Israel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Eden Palace
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Esther Alta Bas Leba Rivka Gitel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaarei Zion
As a Zechus for their son Yosef to become a talmid chacham
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Elisheva Shaindel bas Shimon Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda Leib ben Moishe z"l, Leah bas Shmuel HaKohen a"h, and Esther Raizel bas Michael Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Nosson Kravetz
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Shaul ben Avrohom z"l, Bracha Baila bas Dovid Yaakov a"h, Elimelech ben Chaima Shloma z"l, Gittel Leah bas Menachem Mendel a"h, and Yitzchok Dovid ben Elimelich z"l
Dedicated By
Avrohom & Rivky Schwartz and family
Keter Sion Congregation
L'ilui Nishmas Hacham Bension ben Sarah z"l - Rabbi Maslaton, v'ishto Victoria bat Zahde a"h, Shmuel ben Bolissa Salem z"l v'ishto Rachel bat Naomi a"h, and Aharon ben Rochel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Noach ben Moshe z"l, Bluma Raizel bas Avraham Dovid a"h, Shalom ben Yecheskel Shraga z"l, Lea Necha bas Dov a"h, and Hendel bas Simcha a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for shidduchim for our granddaughters
Dedicated By
the Rimmer family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yoel ben Yaakov z"l, Chaya Sarah bas Zalmen a"h, and Shmuel ben Mordechai Nachum z"l
Dedicated By
the Burstein Family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
As a Zechus for zivug hagun bekarov and l'ilui nishmas Zecharia ben Uri z"l, Sheindel bas R' Mordechai Yosef a"h and Mecha bas R' Yosef Yitzchok a"h
Dedicated By
the Zidele family
Ohr Naava
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Flatbush Park Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Reuven Aharon ben Yehoshua zt"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudath Israel Of Madison
L´ilui Nishmas Refoel Avraham Baruch ben Yeshayahu Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
As a Zechus for refuos hanefesh and hatzlachah b'chol ha'inyanim for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Ahavas Dovid
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Schoenfeld
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yesocher Dov ben Elozer z"l v'ishto Klerel bas Binyomen a"h and Menachem Nochem ben Shmuel Mordechai z"l v'ishto Basha bas Shneur a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid Yehuda ben Shlomo Reuven z"l and Moshe ben Kelonamus Kalman z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L´ilui Nishmas Sarah bas Pinchos a"h
Dedicated By
her family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Aryeh ben Chaim Mordechai z"l and as a zechus for Garry Lava and my dear mother and grandmother, Helena Lopatin and Henya Ada bas Devorah
Dedicated By
Beth and Devorah Seidel
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Elchonon ben R' Moshe z"l and Ruchama Meita bas R' Shraga Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
the Rosenbloom family
Agudah of Avenue H
As a Zechus for brachah and hatzlachah for Chaim Yecheil ben Faiga and as a zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
ben Yossi & Faygie Gamzon
Bais Yaakov Of 18th Avenue
L'ilui Nishmas Shimon ben Tzvi Yehuda z"l and Miriam bas Reuven a"h Zinn , Meir Chaim Alter ben Shammai z"l and Slova bas Mordechai a"h Bulmash
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Mr. And Mrs. Finkler
Boro Park Center
L´ilui Nishmas Yitzchak Eizik ben Moshe
Dedicated By
Schapiro Family
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Moshe ben Mordechai Greenwald z"l, Leah bas Zalka a"h, and Yaakov Yitzchok ben Elazar Brieger z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
In Honor Of my wife, Pamela
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Madison
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Tzvi ben Aharon Dovid HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
the Blobstein family
Flatbush Park Jewish Center
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Chana Alta Faiga bas Perel and Leah bas Perel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Anshei Sephard
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom ben HaRav Moshe Aharon z"l and Mindel bas HaRav Yitzchok Isaac HaLevi a"h and as a zechus for a refuah shleimah for Blima Malkah bas Freida Leeba and Moshe Yitzchok ben Mindel
Dedicated By
the Kroynick family
Agudas Israel Bais Binyomin Agudah Ave L
L´ilui Nishmas Eliyahu ben Shmuel Yitzchok HaKohen z"l and Breina bas Avrohom a"h
Dedicated By
their daughter Aviva
Saranac Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
the Saranac Shul members
Young Israel Of Lawrence And Cedarhurst
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Rena and Marc Kwestel and family
Young Israel Of Lawrence And Cedarhurst
L'ilui Nishmas Sheva Ziprah bas Moshe HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Lawrence And Cedarhurst
L'ilui Nishmas May Rav Ephraim's neshama have an aliya and continued nachas from his family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Dov ben Shmuel z"l and Mindel bas Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
Alan and Helene Gerber
Young Israel Of Lawrence And Cedarhurst
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Allen and Leah Wiesenfeld
Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi
L'ilui Nishmas Azriel ben Yaacov z"l and R' Dovid ben HaRav Eliezer HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Robert and Nina Feiner and family
Far Rockaway
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Dovid ben Shmuel Shmelka z"l and Zisel bas Shmuel HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel of Bayswater
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem ben Avraham Tzvi z"l and Esther Necha bas Menachem a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Sholom ben Mordechai Dovid z'l and Miriam bas HaRav Binyamin a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Nachum Meir z"l and Esther bas Matisyahu Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
As a Zechus for shidduchim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Moshe ben Eliyahu Yeshaya HaKohen z"l, Ita Genendel bas Chaim Eliezer a"h, Moshe Avrohom ben Tzvi Yitzchok z"l, and Pesha bas Dovid Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
the Kohn family
Torah Academy For Girls
In Honor Of Hakaras Hatov to Hashem!
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Moshe ben Tuvia Yaakov z"l and Elana Zissel a"h bas Avrohom Chaim ylc"t
Dedicated By
the Aufrichtig family
Young Israel Of Bayswater
Dedicated By
Torah Academy For Girls
As a Zechus for all those in Klal Yisrael that need a refuah sheleimah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Mr. Dave Glaser
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid ben Yaakov HaLevi z"l, Moshe Yosef ben Menachem Mendel z"l, Elka Rochel bas Tzvi Hirsch a"h, and Eliyahu ben Moshe Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Lazer and Rechel Dina Pollack
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Alter Avraham z"l and Chava Goyer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas R' Noach Tzvi ben Aryeh z"l and R' Reuven ben Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
the Bistricer family
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Efraim ben Avraham z"l , Rochel bas Yeshaya Natan HaLevi a”h, and Chaim ben Avraham z"l and as a zechus for all those seeking their zivugim hagunim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tag Elementary School
As a zechus for good health and nachas from our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
As a Zechus for the geulah should come speedily in our days
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tag Elementary School
L´ilui Nishmas Henna Chana bas Yitzchok Yaakov a"h and Michael ben Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
Mishpachas Garfinkel and Abrahamson
Congregation Kneseth Israel (The White Shul)
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Netanel Shabtai ben Yehuda
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
As a Zechus for Zissel bas Sorah
Dedicated By
the David family
Congregation Torah U'tefilla
L'ilui Nishmas Rav Michoel ben Rav Eliezer z"l
Dedicated By
the Stroock family
Young Israel of Bayswater
L'ilui Nishmas Faiga bas Michael a"h
Dedicated By
the Roman family
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Shlomo Yisroel z"l
Dedicated By
the Knobel Family
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Sholom ben Avrohom z"l, Chana bas Aharon Shmuel a"h, Mindel bas Pesach Yitzchok a"h, and Moshe ben Shimon Dovid z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy For Girls
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Avraham ben Shraga Yehuda z"l, Sarah bas Shlomo a"h, Aaron ben Yosef z"l and Shaindel bas Eliezer a"h
Dedicated By
the Weissman family
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Rav Yosef Hillel Feinstein z"l
Dedicated By
Rebbetzin Devora Rachel Feinstein and Family
TOV -Time Out for Value
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel ben Chanoch Hanoch z"l, l’zechus refuah sheleimah for Raphael Chaim ben Sarah Baila and l'zechus Yitta bas Malka
Dedicated By
Yechiel & Gitty Ben-Ari
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Benzion Yechiel Michel ben Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
In Honor Of all our grandchildren
Dedicated By
Dora and Gedalya Binkiewicz
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Zelda Zahava bas Avrohom Yitzchok a"h and Chaim ben Avrohom Tepper z"l and Chaim Zev ben Mordechai Hartman z"l
Dedicated By
Yaffa and Nochum Shmuel Hartman and Meira and Mark Kutner
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Yaakov Leib ben Shlomo Deitsch z"l and as a zechus for shidduchim in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Dovid and Yocheved Deitsch
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Dovid Shulem ben Mindel
Dedicated By
his wife Aurora Goldberger
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Mordechai ben Yehuda Leib z"l - Irwin M. Nathan
Dedicated By
Eudice Nathan and family
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Baruch ben Yaakov z"l v'ishto Sima bas Eisik Yitzchok a"h and Leah bas Zev a"h
Dedicated By
the Schoenfeld family
Young Israel Of Queens Valley
As a Zechus for
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Mordechai z"l and Yitzchok Zev Chaim ben Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Queens Valley
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Shoshana Gila bas Batya Malka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Liba Raiza ben Avraham Shabsi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshiva Ohel Simcha
In Honor Of CBZ
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Daniel Yitzchok z"l ben Yaakov Tzvi yblc"t, whose yahrtzeit is Tisha B'av
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Dubba Fraida Yehoshua a"h and Alter Gavriel Dov ben Aharon Moshe HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Hillcrest
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Naftali ben Noach z"l - Joseph Bliksylber, Penina bas Mordechai Zalmen a”h - Penina Bliksylber, and Rochel bas Yosef Naftali - Rachel Dressler a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Stern
Degel Israel
In Honor of Ettel Bas Esther Slovick
Dedicated By
Ms. Susan Strassburger
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Hillcrest
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah bas Yehoshua a"h, Bryna bas Yisrael a"h, and Shlomo Baruch ben Avraham Zev z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Breindel bas Yitzchak a"h, Eliezer Yaakov ben Chanina Meshulem z"l, HaRav Shmuel ben Aryeh Leib z"l and Shmuel ben Eliezer Yaakov z"l and as a zechus for brachah
Dedicated By
the Lisker family
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yuta bas Sara
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
As a Zechus for Meshulam Naftali ben Rifka Itka and Shprintza Faiga bas Rifka Itka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Benjamin and Regina P. Goodnick a"h - Dov ben Zehariah Tsvi z"l and Rivka Perl bat Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
their son, Paul Goodnick, MD
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Yehuda ben Chaim z"l and Yenta bas Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
their children Shmuel and Yocheved Smulowitz
Young Israel Of Queens Valley
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chana Malka bas Elisheva, Elisheva Sara Eliana bas Chana Malka, and Chaim Tzvi ben Devorah and in memory of Olga and Seymour Fiedler
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Hillcrest
As a Zechus for the shevuyim and L'ilui nishmas Sarah bat Yitzchak a"h
Dedicated By
Shari Perlman
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feivish z'l - Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky
Dedicated By
the Bekelnitzky family
Young Israel Of Hillcrest
L'ilui Nishmas Breina Chava bas Mayer Yehoshua a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
As a Zechus for refuah sheleimah for Noam ben Etta
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
As a Zechus for Hatzlocha and Bracha for Yair Moshe ben Michal and as a zechus that the Chayalim in the army should come home safely
Dedicated By
Joseph and Tali Ambalu
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Aryeh and Leah bas Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Ahavas Yisrael
L´ilui Nishmas Yakov Yosef ben Natan Nata z"l and Nata ben Menachem Mayer z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Violet bas Nissan a"h and as a zechus for shidduchim and chinuch habanim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Forest Hills
Congregation Machne Chodosh Inc
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Eliyahu Chaim ben Miriam and l'ilui nishmas Naomi bas Tamar a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Queens Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Yaakov Pesach z"l and Leah bat Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Forest Hills
In Honor Of our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Rachel Epstein and Gershon Katz
Congregation Ahavath Sholom
L'ilui Nishmas Yehoshea ben Yehuda Tzvi z"l v'ishto Chaya Masha bas Menachem Nochum a"h
Dedicated By
Harvey Gersten
Fresh meadows
Bukharian Jewish Cong. of jamaica Estates
As a Zechus for Alexander ben Maka and Aharon ben Olga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yerushat Avot
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Shaindel Baila bas Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Great Neck
Young Israel Of Great Neck
L'ilui Nishmas my mother & father, Rochel bat Abraham HaKohen a"h & Moshe ben Manis z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shaare Yashar
L'ilui Nishmas Chatonjan bat Eshaya a"h whose yahrzeit is 13 Elul, our family members that have passed away a"h, and as a zechus for success for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Ohr
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo ben Meir z"l
Dedicated By
the Rahmani family
Young Israel Of Great Neck
L'ilui Nishmas Sara bas Chana a"h and Chaya Golda bas Feiga a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Great Neck Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
the Sharifian family
Young Israel Of Great Neck
As a Zechus for Matisyahu ben Dina Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Greenfeld Park
greenfield park
Dedicated By
Mr. Shmuli Schron
Greenfield Park
Tamarack Hill
As a Zechus for a shidduch hagun for Hinda bas Tziporah Liba and Kayla bas Chaya Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tamarack Hill
As a Zechus for a shidduch hagun for Hinda bas Tziporah Liba and Kayla bas Chaya Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Jamaica Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Zlata bas R' Dovid a"h - Charlotte Steinberg, Naomi Rochel a"h bas Yaakov Chaim yblc"t - Naomi Weintraub, and Gitel Chaya bas R' Pinchas a"h - Mrs. Gloria Klein
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Steinberg
Young Israel Of Jamaica Estates
L'ilui Nishmas Harold & Sylvia a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Huntington
L'ilui Nishmas Yechezkel ben Moshe Avrohom z"l and Tziporah bas Feitel a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Barbara Hajdu
Bais Tefillah Of Inwood
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Leah bas Shlomo Menachem Brazil a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Tefillah Of Inwood
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Tefillah Of Inwood
As a Zechus for Bracha pesya bas nechama chana and esther bas chaya pesha
Dedicated By
Shmuli And Batsheva Katz
House Of Torah
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Aharon ben Olga and for hatzlachah and parnasah in all his endeavors
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kauneonga Lake
Shaar Yashuv
L´ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Simcha z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens Synagogue
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Michal Rina bas Chaya Leah and Yisroel Meir ben Nechama Sara
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kew Gardens Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha Gedalya ben Meir Katz z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi Pinchas & Alisa Avruch
Kew Gardens Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Baruch Bendit ben Zvi z'l and Hinda bas Yecheskel a'h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kew Gardens Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas R' Asher Anshel ben R' Brachya Lehrer z"l, Esther bas Eliezer a"h, Moshe ben Boruch z"l, Yainkel ben Dovid Feivel z"l, and R' Meir ben R' Asher Anshel z"l
Dedicated By
the Lehrer family
Kew Gardens Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Dov ben Gutel Leib z"l and Tova bas Zev Wolf a"h - Maurice & Theresa Meyers
Dedicated By
their son Andrew Meyers
Kew Gardens Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Sholom ben Elyah z"l and Freida bas Myer a"h - Sol and Frances Brevda
Dedicated By
their daughter Renee Brevda Meyers
Kew Gardens Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Harav Avraham Yoel ben Pinchas Insel z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Harav Nissin Tzvi ben Chaya Shoshana
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Bernson and family
Kew Gardens Synagogue
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yosef Eliezer ben Aviva Chana Aidel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kew Gardens Synagogue
As a Zechus for a shidduch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kew Gardens Synagogue
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Sarah Vittel bas Avrohom Yitzchok a"h and Shraga Feivel Leib ben Shmuel Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
As a Zechus for Gittel Friedel bas Chaya shetichye and L'ilui nishmas Shmuel Aryeh ben Yaakov Shlome Zalman z”l
Dedicated By
Dr. & Mrs. Murray Friedman
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Yeshaya Yitzchok ben Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Joy Glicker Lieber
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
As a Zechus for a zivug for Rochel Leah bas Susha Zelda and Tzippora bas Chava Tova
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
As a Zechus for our mishpachah
Dedicated By
Tzvi Hirsh and Esther Miriam Friedman
Cong. Shaaray Tefila
Dedicated By
Yoel and Sara Malka Krasnow
Cong Bais Avrohom Zev Of Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Yehuda ben Shlomo Zalmen z"l
Dedicated By
Aroni and Chani Parnes
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Naomi Baumgarten bas Shlomo Alexander HaKohen Rosenberg a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Shaaray Tefila
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yirmiya ben Esther raizel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid
L'ilui Nishmas Malah bas Reb Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas R' Binyamin ben R' Moshe Hauer z"l
Dedicated By
Avrohom and Leah Farber
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
As a Zechus for continued nachas from our family
Dedicated By
the Krasnow family
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Simcha Yitzchok ben Mirla Yudka and Moshe Aharon ben Leah Baila
Dedicated By
the Feibusch family
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
For a Refuah Sheleimah for all cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel of Lawrence
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Ushi Stahler
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas R' Baruch ben Menachem Nachum z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yehuda ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
his children
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Perel bas Naftoli Nachman a"h, Rav Chaim ben Shlomo Ahron z"l and Sorah Esther Malka bas Meshulem Yissocher a"h
Dedicated By
the Shapiro family
Congregation Shaaray Tefila Lawrence
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. Harry Novogrodsky - Tzvi ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Drs. Seth & Lisa Maltz, Mrs. Miriam Novogrodsky, and Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Anne Warren
Cong. Shaaray Tefila
L´ilui Nishmas Pesel bas Yisrael Menachem a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Camp Agudah
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun bkarov for Pinchas Dov Ben Chaya Charna
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Loch Sheldrake
Kee Tov Cottages
L´ilui Nishmas Avraham ben Yaakov
Dedicated By
Mrs. Miriam Ely
Luxor Estates
L´ilui Nishmas Aharon ben Avrohom Zecharia Menachem Schwebel z''l and Yosef Menachem Mendle ben Avrohom Halevi Wassner z''l
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Shea Schwebel
Garden View Estates
As a Zechus for zera shel kayama for Meir ben Chana Rochel and Esther bas Nechama Rochel and as zechus for parnassa and shalom bayis for Elikim ben Esther Bracha and Chaya Rochel bas Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Long Beach
Bachurei Chemed - Bach Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Shmuel Mordechai ben Yitzchok Gedalya z"l v'ishto Nechama bas Moshe Gershon Hacohen a"h, and Moshe Meir ben Zev z"l v'ishto Chaya Liba bas Baila a"h
Dedicated By
Dr. Elissa Grill and Family
Young Israel Of Long Beach
Dedicated By
Rabbi & Mrs. Hillel Adler
Young Israel Of Long Beach
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Leib ben Ahron Yosef z"l - Rabbi Dr. Leon Green & Chaya Sara bas Yisroel Shraga a"h - Mrs. Claire Green
Dedicated By
the Green, Slansky, Glass, and Newmark families
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yehuda Leib z"l ben HaRav Alter Avraham Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the Scharfer family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Dovid ben Pesach z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas my parents, Avrohom ben Menachem Mendel z"l, Chaya Sora bas Yissocher Berish a"h, & R' Baruch Naftali ben HaChaver Yosef
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Dov Eliyahu ben Tzvi Leff z"l and R' Moshe ben Yitzchak Isaac Shuster z"l
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Yitzchak Shuster
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Sarah a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Leibish ben Pinchos z"l, Gittel bas Yosef a"h, Uri ben Dovid z"l, and Leah bas Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for shmiras halashon and shalom in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Zichron Mordechai
L'ilui Nishmas Ita bas Shaya a"h
Dedicated By
the Straus family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Malka Yehudis bas Pinchas Eliyahu a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Shulamis Chaya bas Zev Volf a"h
Dedicated By
the Schwartz family
Ohr Samayach
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Chaya Yael bas Chana Fradel and as a zechus for a shidduch for Shalom David ben Esther Shaindel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Dovid Chaim ben Yisroel Dov HaKohen z"l and Meir Dovid ben HaRav Yehoshua z"l
Dedicated By
the Lourie family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Bastzion Malka bas Yisroel Elozer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Alter Mordechai Dovid ben Moshe Tzvi z"l, Golda bas Shlomo a"h, Gershon ben Moshe z"l, and Gella bas Masha a"h
Dedicated By
Shmuel & Tova Rothman
Ohr Somayach
L´ilui Nishmas Chana Gittel bas Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
her niece Elisheva
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Pesach Yosef z"l and Faiga Basya bas Peretz a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah bas Aaron a"h - Kaaren Staschower and Yechiel ben Refael z"l - Yechiel Waizman
Dedicated By
their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Eliezer ben Yehoshua Heschel z"l
Dedicated By
Mrs. Ava Bogopulsky and family.
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Yekusiel ben Dovid z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for We should all be zocheh for Mashiach very soon
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Bais Torah
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Miriam bas Zev HaLevi a"h and Yehuda ben Simcha z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Asher Yeshaya ben HaRav Moshe z"h and Gitta bas HaRav Hagaon Rav Yaakov Yitzchok
Dedicated By
Heshy and Baila Frankel
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Shimon Meir ben Mordechai v'Chana Rochel z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for David Zalmen ben Sarah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Anonymous
Dedicated By
Sruli and Suri Weiss
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Sima bas Baruch a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Leah Rochel bas Dovid Yitzchok a"h, Elimelech z"l ben Chaim Moshe yblc"t and Naomi Bracha a"h bas Chaim Moshe yblc"t
Dedicated By
the Felder family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Mordechai Yaakov ben Reb Moshe z"l
Dedicated By
the summer family
Khal Zichron Mordechai
L'ilui Nishmas Nina bas Rav Meir a"h and Esther bas Yaakov Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yoel Arye ben Nosson Nuta z"l whose yahrzeit is 25 Elul
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Schreiber
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Aryeh ben Moshe z"l whose yahrtzeit is 14 Tamuz
Dedicated By
Ronald Csillag
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for all our tefillos be answered l'tovah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Somayach
L'zechus Yehoshua ben Chana Faigel v'zivugo Kayla Liab Tzipporah bas Meira and as a zechus for a zivug hagun for Basya bas Rivka and Miriam Leah bas Tova Gittel and that they should be healthy in all ways
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Dovid ben Leibel z"l and as a zechus for bracha and hatzlacha for Debra bas Manya, Shaindel bas Baila Ita and for our entire family and and Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun for Eliyahu Mordechai ben Dubba Shaindel, Esther Gitel bas Dubba Shaindel, and Shaindel Esther bas Shoshana Malka, and l'ilui nishmas R' Moshe ben R' Chaim HaLevi z"l and Simcha Yaakov ben Meir Yechiel HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok Yehoshua ben Avraham Moshe z"l and Menachem Mendel ben Alexander z"l
Dedicated By
their family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Mayer ben Isamer z"l, Toba Rochel bas Shlomo a"h and Chava bas R' Mayer a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi ben Yosef HaLevi z"l and Ahuva bas Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
the Needleman family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yisroel ben Yechiel z"l
Dedicated By
the family
Ohr Samayach
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Mattel bas Esther Leah and Yosef Moshe ben Esther Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Somayach
L´ilui Nishmas Rabbi Raphael Encova z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Shalom Chaim ben Nachum z"l whose yahrzeit is 12 Tamuz
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Somayach
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Elisheva Limor Simi bat Chaya Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Zichron Mordechai
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Aviva Fradel bas Esther Fruma
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yecheskel Menashe ben Rivkah z"l, Pesa Fraida bas Yerochem a"h, and Reemah bas Rosa a"h
Dedicated By
the Akerib family
Maman Home
As a Zechus for a zivug for Rochel bas Esther Faiga
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Somayach
As a Zechus for the children of Ahuva Chava bas Chaya Etta
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom Dovid ben Chaim Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Somayach
As a zechus for Gittel Dina bas Roiza Yitel and Ariella bas Roiza Yitel for a zivug hagun
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Tiferes Yosef Meir
L´ilui Nishmas Leah Bat Avraham
Dedicated By
Mr. Andre Politzer
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Chaim ben Elimelech Shimon z"l & Leah bas Zev a"h and Dov Ber ben Yekusiel Yosef z"l & Tzivya Hinda bas Eliezer Yosef HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
the Milians family
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for our family and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Abba Chanoch Henoch HaKohen ben Mindel
Dedicated By
Abie and Malky Konstam
Cong. Beth Avraham
As a Zechus for a shidduch
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Tziona bas Shlomo Chaviv a"h
Dedicated By
her beloved family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yosef ben Moshe Yehuda HaKohen z"l and Leah bas Yerachmiel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yehoshua ben Yosef z"l and Devorah bas Baruch a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas R' Tzvi ben R' Yaakov z"l and his wife, Sarah bas Eliyahu Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Eliyahu Neiman
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Aaron Moshe ben Zecharia z"l and Shaindel bas R' Avrohom Zev a"h - R' Aaron Moshe and Shaindel Weitz
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Zichron Mordechai
L'ilui Nishmas Yitzchok ben Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshivas Ohr Reuven
As a Zechus for the chosson, Aharon Yehuda ben Moshe HaLevi, and the kallah, Sorah Ahuva bas Shimon HaCohen, build batim ne'emanim b'Yisrael
Dedicated By
Shimon & Dena Kerner
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Eliezer Hillel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Miriam Nechama bas Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Rivka Yocheved bas R' BenTzion HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Yoel Tzvi ben Rochel Freida and a healthy baby for Brana Leah bas Rochel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Pinchos Mammon z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim
L´ilui Nishmas ר׳ שמואל בן משה ז״ל
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Dovid Gunsburg
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for gezunt, parnassah and nachas for the Miller family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Liba Tzirel bas Ezriel a"h, Avrohom ben Yitzchok HaLevi z"l, and Sinai Mordechai ben Yaakov HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Michael & Gail Goldstein and family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Avrohom ben Shmuel Binyomin Zev z"l
Dedicated By
the Schechter and Adler families
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for Giezel Yona bat Chaya and Adina Rochel bat Aviva Shoshana
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yosef Meir
For a Refuah Sheleimah for yisochor beirish ben kreindel atarah yehidis
Dedicated By
Dr. Philip Strenger
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Rivkah bas Yonah a"h, Avrohom ben Berel z"l and Sarah Dina bas Avrohom Don a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Leah bas Nechama a"h, Leah Silver
Dedicated By
Dr. Rebecca Merkin
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Noson ben Zev z"l and as a zechus for our family
Dedicated By
the Levine family
As a Zechus for our children should be matzliach in Torah, yiras Shamayim, and maasim tovim
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel Leah bas Chaim Tzvi a"h and Dovid Sholom ben Avrohom Yaakov z"l
Dedicated By
their family
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for shalom in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Monsey And Wesley Hills
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Leah bas Tovah
Dedicated By
Mr. Dmitry Shtrambrand
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Shprintza bas Reuven a"h as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Akiva Shalom ben Chana Zissel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Adel Gittel bas Menachem Mendel a"h and Chana bas Asher a"h
Dedicated By
the Ernst family
Ohr Somayach
L´ilui Nishmas Esther Devorah bas Chaim a"h, Moshe ben Yitzchok Aryeh z"l, Yosef ben Avrohom Nissen z"l, and Faiga bas Moshe Eliyahu a"h
Dedicated By
Eli and Leah Auerbach
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Simcha ben Yaakov z"l, Yaakov Mayer ben Yosef Yitzchok z"l, Dena bas Yitzchok Mordechai HaLevi a"h, and Fruma bas Lieber a"h
Dedicated By
the Cohn family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yehuda ben R' Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Bais Yosef Meir
As a Zechus for The Bentolila Family
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Bentolila
Ohr Samayach
As a Zechus for health and nachas for our family
Dedicated By
the Mechlin family
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Meir ben Uri Shraga z"l and Esther bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Mr Eli and Mrs Tova Weiss
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas Yonason ben Yoel Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok ben R' Yisroel z"l and Esther bas R' Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohr Samayach
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok ben R' Yisroel z"l and Esther bas R' Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Khal Zichron Mordechai
As a Zechus for yeshuos for Klal Yisrael.
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Kurland
Yeshiva Zichron Mayir
L'ilui Nishmas R' Levi Yitzchok ben Shneur Zalmen z"l and Toiba bas R' Yeruchem Halevi a"h
Dedicated By
the family of Mountaindale Postmaster, Louis I. Katz and Mrs. Tillye G. Katz
New Hempstead
Kehillat New Hempstead
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kehillat New Hempstead
In Honor Of and in appreciation of our parents, as a zechus for shidduchim for our friends, and in appreciation to HaKadosh Baruch Hu for our precious children
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Avi & Deena Laster
New Hyde Park
Young Israel Of New Hyde Park
Dedicated By
Nehama and Lawrence Teitelman
New York
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Yerachmiel Yaakov Yosef ben Moshe Dovid z"l
Dedicated By
the Price family
West Side Institutional Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yaakov Yechiel Mechel ben Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
the Heftler family
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Joel Price z"l
Dedicated By
Gary & Reva Ambrose
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Binyomin Ber Ben Chana
Dedicated By
Caroline and Morris Massel
Yeshiva University High School
As a Zechus for Meir Shraga ben Shimon
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Tuvia ben R' Yosef HaLevi z"l, Yisroel Yosef Eliyahu ben Tuvia z"l and Eliezer ben Meir z"l
Dedicated By
Yosef & Sari Levi
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Murray a"h
Dedicated By
Phyllis Blackman
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas our dear friend Rabbi Joel Price z"l and In memory of of Rabbi Yaakov Yoseph Arfe z"l
Dedicated By
Ed and Dena Arfe
K'Hal Adath Jeshurun
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Moshe Asher ben Esther Sarah
Dedicated By
Mrs. Draizel Strauss
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Joel Price z"l and Yechiel Michel ben Yitzchok Isaac HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
Shaul and Elena Small and family
Fifth Avenue Synagouge
L'ilui Nishmas Freddie and Goldie Gold - Ephraim ben Yaakov z"l and Golda bas Nosson a"h
Dedicated By
Jacob and Lilly, Rebecca, Deena and Freddie Gold
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Aryeh Leib ben Eliezer Yaakov z"l, Dina bas Aharon a"h, Hinda bas Reuven a"h, Simcha ben Dov Berel z"l and Eliezer Yaakov ben Gershon z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas HaChaver Chaim ben HaChever Tzvi Aharon HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
the Cohn family
Congregation Ohab Zedek
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Shraga ben Elimelech z"l v'ishto Chava bas Yechiel a"h, Binyamin Bella ben Gershon z"l v'ishto Nechama bas Moshe Yaakov a"h, and Refoel Yaakov ben Nechama z"l
Dedicated By
the Milo family
West Side Jewish Center
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Jacqui and Tamar Ekstein
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas R' Yitzchok Zev Zundel ben R 'Pinchos Nissan z"l - R' Seymore Ashen, R' Moshe Dov ben Reb Pinchos Nissan z"l - R' Moshe Ashen, and Kayla Chai bas Yisroel Maza a"h - R' Claire Mazo
Dedicated By
the Ashen, Ciner, Rosenthal, and Tzur Families
Fifth Avenue Synagogue
As a Zechus for that our children should grow in Yiddishkeit
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Blank z"l - niftar 19 Av
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Blank
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben R' Yaakov Eliyahu z"l, Avraham Tzvi ben Ahron z"l, Golda bas Asher Zelig a"h, HaRav Yaakov Eliyahu ben Moshe z"l and Chana Esther bas Menachem Usher
Dedicated By
Rabbi Moshe & Malkie Machlis
West Side Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Larry Goldstein a humble man from the Bronx who taught us how to be Jews; his students are forever grateful. In memory of my beloved mother Billie (Libby) and aunts Goldie, Sadie, & Rosie, and Cousins Sylvia G., Sylvia R., Carrie, and Helen
Dedicated By
SD Rosenbaum
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas Chacham Refoel ben Chacham R' Cheya z"l
Dedicated By
Shireen and Alfred Ohebshalom and Ralou and Ronnie Stern
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Mayer ben Aharon z"l and Chaya Perel bas R' Chaim Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
the Weinstock family
Orenstein Building
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Kayla Lutza bas Shalom HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
her husband and family
Congregation Ohab Zedek
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Alfred and Shireen Ohebshalom
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Rabbi Joel Price z"l, Chana bas Mayer Dovid HaKohen a"h, and Chana bas Tzvi HaKohen a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Eliezer ben Anshil HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Mrs. Barbara Arfe
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
L'ilui Nishmas R' Sholom ben R' Avrohom z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs Binyomen Jachter
Orenstein Building
As a Zechus for Shira Zita bas Rochel Chava and Dovid Yonason ben Chuna
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Orenstein Building
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel ben Meir Leiber z"l, Nasson Tzvi ben Mattisyahu HaKohen z"l, and Rivka Baila bas Chaim a"h, and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for all cholim in Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Bonnie Keller
K'hal Adath Jeshurun
As a Zechus for we should have nachas from our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Avrohom & Shaindel Schoenberg
Congregation Darchei Noam
For a Refuah Sheleimah for all cholim and shalom for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Greengart
Young Israel Of Oceanside
As a Zechus for Liat Yardena bas Aliza Gisa and for all our grandchildren for Torah, chuppah, and massim tovim. They should all strive to carefully follow the laws of shemiras halashon.
Dedicated By
Lorie and Kenneth Schrier
Young Israel Of Oceanside
L'ilui Nishmas Sara Rivka bas Tzvi Yehuda a"h and as a zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Darchei Noam
L'ilui Nishmas Jacob Buchwald z"l
Dedicated By
Gary & Phylis Buchwald
North Woodmere
North Woodmere
For a Refuah Sheleimah for ציפורה בת פרומה
Dedicated By
Mrs. Rina Ganeles
Young Israel Of Plainview
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Kalos ben Shneur Zev z"l, Piarah bat Tzvi a"h and David Menachem ben Mordechai Kalos z"l
Dedicated By
Ms. Debbie Eisenstadt
Young Israel Of Plainview
L'ilui Nishmas Tzvi ben Chaim Yaakov z"l & Yehudis Masha bas Noach a"h
L´ilui Nishmas Shiza bas Shimshon a"h, Rus bas Yehoshua a"h, Yisrael Aryeh ben Shlomo z"l, and Menachem Mani Shegidla z"l and as a zechus for the geulah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kew Gardens Hills
L´ilui Nishmas Nachman Meir ben Mordechai, Sarah bas Menachem Mendel, Malka Kraindel bas Chaim Reuven
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beth gavriel
As a Zechus for Seeing the Happiness in anything
Dedicated By
Mr. Pinkhas Akilov
Kew Gardens Hills
L´ilui Nishmas Avrohom Yaakov ben Aaron Eliezer, Charna Masha bas Menachem Mendel
Dedicated By
Mrs. Ronie Jeger
Congregation Light of Israel
As a Zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Ohr Of Roslyn
As a Zechus for refuah sheleimah l'cholei Am Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Scarsdale
L'ilui Nishmas Dr. Harlan Damon - Tzvi Hersh ben Dovid Aryeh z"l
Dedicated By
the Daman family
Spring Valley
Kehilas Zichron Yaakov
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Yeheskel a"h and Aharon ben Shalom z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Chana moskowitz
L´ilui Nishmas Miriam bas r' elazar
Dedicated By
Mrs. Chanaleah Schlisselfeld
Staten Island
Young Israel of Staten Island
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Moshe ben Avrohom Yechezkel z"l and Batya Chaya bas R' Yosef Zev a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai Dovid ben Moshe Tzvi z"l and Golda bas Shlome a"h
Dedicated By
Mr. Shlome Holcdorf
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
L'ilui Nishmas HaRav Aryeh Leib ben Shmuel Zev z"l and Malkah Raizel bas Yitzchok Dovid a"h, Moshe Aryeh ben R' Shmuel z"l and Blima bas Eliezer HaLevi a"h
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe and Esther Chait and family
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Leeba Miriam Geulah bas Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel of Staten Island
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Zeesha Aryeh ben Batsheva
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya bas Eliezer Dov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Springville Jewish Center
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Naomi bas Atla Esther, Simcha Yitzchok ben Mirele Yooka, Moshe Yisroel ben Liba Alta, Nissan Yaakov ben Yidi, and Nichum ben Shira
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
For a Refuah Sheleimah For all cholei Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel of Staten Island
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Yitzchok ben Aryeh z"l and as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Menachem Arye ben Dina Yehudis, and Rony Manny Nisim ben Shoshana and as a zechus for shidduchim for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
New Springville Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Tuvia ben Moshe Berk z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
L'ilui Nishmas לע"נ ר' ישראל ארי' בן ר' ברוך יוסף הלוי ז"ל ואשתו שרה אלטא בת ר' גרשון ע"ה והרב שמוען צבי בן ר' שלמה דוד ז"ל As a zechus for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Shomrei Hadas
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
the Moskowitz family
Ahavas Yisrael
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Yente z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Tannersville Shul
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo ben Avrohom Halevi z"l, Perel bas Reuven a"h, and Basya bas Robert a"h
Dedicated By
Yisroel and Elisheva Fischer
Wesley Hills
Congregation Ateres Rosh
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov ben Shlomo z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
West Hempstead
Young Israel Of West Hempstead
L'ilui Nishmas Sender Zev ben Moshe Hakohen z"l, Tehila Zelda bas Sheya Aryeh a"h and HaRav Yisroel Avrohom ben Moshe Dovid z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of West Hempstead
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Yisroel Noach ben Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of West Hempstead
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Devorah bas Rivka
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of West Hempstead
As a Zechus for shalom in Eretz Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of West Hempstead
L'ilui Nishmas our parents Avrohom ben Tzvi z"l, Chana bas Shlomo a"h, Shmuel Meshulem ben Simcha Bunim z"l and Fraida bas Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Irving and Carol Gertel
Young Israel Of West Hempstead
L´ilui Nishmas Rochel Krayndel Bas R'Asher Zelig
Dedicated By
Sarah & Neil Torczyner
North Woodmere
L´ilui Nishmas ישראל צבי בן אהרן דוד
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshiva Gedola Of The Five Towns
L´ilui Nishmas ר' יוסף מאיר בן חיים קופמאן
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Yeshiva Of South Shore
As a Zechus for hatzlachah and refuah for Chaim Yechiel ben Breindel and R' Zev Ezriel ben Breindel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Woodmere
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Allstate of Woodmere
Agudah of the Five Towns
L'ilui Nishmas Mayer ben Aaron z"l
Dedicated By
Mr & Mrs Alan Botwinick
Agudah of the Five Towns
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Norma z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Woodmere
L'ilui Nishmas Zipora bat Binyomin Zev a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Woodmere
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Leib ben Ahron Yosef z"l - Rabbi Dr. Leon Green & Chaya Sara bas Yisroel Shraga a"h - Mrs. Claire Green
Dedicated By
the Green, Slansky, Glass, and Newmark families
Yeshiva Gedola Of The Five Towns
As a Zechus for Moshe Yaakov Yosef ben Tzesha
Dedicated By
EMH Consulting
Young Israel Of Woodmere
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe Yosef ben Yitzchok z"l - Joseph Appel, HaRav Yitzchok ben Peretz z"l - Rabbi Isidore Klein, and Rivka bas HaRav Yehuda Dov a"h - Rebeca Klein
Dedicated By
their children, Sandy and Elliott Klein and family
Agudah of the Five Towns
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Nechama bas Miriam
Dedicated By
Dovid and Bracha Schoenblum
Young Israel Of Woodmere
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Noach ben Avrohom Moshe z"l, Leeba Leah bas Avrohom Dovid a"h, Meir Aryeh ben Moshe z"l, and Frieda bas Yissocher Dov a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah of the Five Towns
L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Chananya Yom Tov Lipa a"h and Chaim Yaakov Asher ben Yitzchok z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchok and Dini Schuss and family
Young Israel Of Woodmere
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef Yehuda ben Meshulem Shraga Feivish z"l, Gruna bas Eliezer (Bomzer) z"l, HaRav Shimshon Menachem ben Moshe Yaakov z"l, and Raizel bas Yosef (Goldstein) a"h
Dedicated By
the Goldstein, Bomzer, and Eisen families
Young Israel Of Woodmere
L'ilui Nishmas Naftali Chaim ben Moshe Zvi z"l
Dedicated By
the Weichholz family
Camp Morris Bungalow
L´ilui Nishmas Sarah bas Adele a"h
Dedicated By
the Churba family
Camp Morris Bungalow
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Yehuda Leib Chizkiyahu ben Basya
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Golf Manor Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Roza Rochel bas Moshe Aryeh a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Golf Manor Synagogue
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah Rivka bas Mayer a"h
Dedicated By
David & Ann Alden
Congregation Zichron Eliezer
L'ilui Nishmas Aryeh Dovid ben Fischel z"l and Yitzchok Yair ben Simcha Bunim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Zichron Eliezer
As a Zechus for the Meyers children and grandchildren should grow in torah and mitzvos
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
L´ilui Nishmas Leba Rochel bas Reb Shraga Faivel haKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Heights Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Mendel ben Sholom z"l v'ishto Rochel Leah bas Chaim Dov Ber a"h, Chaim Schmuel ben Avrohom Dov z"l v'ishto Chaya Leah bas Schmuel a"h
Dedicated By
their einkelich
Heights Jewish Center
L'ilui Nishmas our parents
Dedicated By
Chaim & Joann Lasky
Beachwood Kehilla
For a Refuah Sheleimah for
Dedicated By
Cleveland Heights
Hebrew Academy Of Cleveland
L'ilui Nishmas Chana bas Yaakov Isaac a"h, Mordechai ben R' Efraim z"l - Yartzeit 1 Nissan, Mordechai ben Tzvi z"l, Avrohom ben Tzvi Elimelech z"l - Yartzeit 11 Tamuz and Kasha bas Yitzchok Isser a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Hebrew Academy Of Cleveland
L'ilui Nishmas Mordechai ben Tzvi z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Hebrew Academy
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Aviva Malka bas Leah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Hebrew Academy and Yeshiva Derech Hatorah
L´ilui Nishmas zev aryeh ben yaakov shmuel, rav shlomo ben noson, chana bas moshe zev
For a Refuah Sheleimah for my twin sister Devorah bas Sarah Basha and Sara Basha bas Dina Elka
Dedicated By
Dan & Vanessa Fremont
Jewish Learning Connection
L'ilui Nishmas Getzel ben Nosson z"l and his wife, Malka bas Moshe a"h, and their daughter, Rivka bas Getzil a"h
Dedicated By
their daughter and sister, Nechama
Jewish Learning Connection
L'ilui Nishmas Binyamin Riel ben Gershon Yishaya z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Telshe Yeshiva
L'ilui Nishmas Ita Yehudis bas R’ Shloima a"h – Mrs. Ita Yehudis Hirsch and HaRav Avraham Yitzchak ben Rav Binyomin z"l - Rabbi Avraham Hirsch
Dedicated By
the Hirsch, Chopp, Lapa, and Axelrod families
North York
Clanton Park Synagogoue
In memory of Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Feivi Heller
Mishkan Avraham
As a Zechus for Levi Shmuel ben Tova and the Gabbai, Zev Wolf Shimshon Yehuda ben Menachem Mendel, who both keep the shul running
Dedicated By
Sarah Rosenbaum
Congregation Machzikei Hadas
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy Of Ottawa
L'ilui Nishmas Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Torah Academy Of Ottawa
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Ben and Erin Gailor and family
Ateres Mordechai
L'ilui Nishmas Menachem Yitzchok ben Shmuel Shmelka z"l
Dedicated By
Sidney & Cecily Tannenbaum and family
Thornhill Shul
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Sorah bas Rafael Shmuel Yosel HaLevi a"h and Leah bas Shmuel Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Thornhill Shul
In Honor Of all the teachers and rebbeim of our children and grandchildren
Dedicated By
Robin and Shaya Berglas
Thornhill Shul
As a zechus for a refuah Sheleimah for Vanda Rachel Bat Nesria and for a zivug hagun for Eden Rachel Bat Sarit
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shomrai Shaboth Chevrah Mishnayoth Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Esther bas Yaakov a"h
Dedicated By
the Schattner Family
Beth Avraham Yoseph Of Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Levi ben Mordechai z"l and Chana bas Natan a"h
Dedicated By
Aliza and Tzion Cohen
Beth Avraham Yoseph Of Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham ben Aharon z"l and Sarah bas Yosef a"h and as a zechus for the Hayempour Family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shaarei Tefillah Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Glicka Chana bas R' Chaim a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
The Village Shul
L'ilui Nishmas my beloved parents and as a zechus that my dear children and all the children of Klal Yisroel be shomrei Torah u'mitzvos all their life
Dedicated By
Mrs. Esther Grinsaft
Shaarei Tefillah Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Hinda bas Yechiel Mechel a"h
Dedicated By
the Gordon family
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
As a Zechus for hatzlachah for the mishpachah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Beth Avraham Yoseph Of Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Malkah Pessel bas Yitzchok a"h, Dovid ben Azriel z"l, Efraim Shimon ben Chaim z"l and Leah bas Lieberman a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Toras Emes
L'ilui Nishmas Rochel bas Uri a"h, Devora Gittel bas R' Yitzchok Eisik HaLevi a"h and Moshe Dovid ben Nuriel z"l
Dedicated By
the Kaufman and Aryeh families of Toronto
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Shulamis bas Dovid a"h
Dedicated By
Aaron Grubner
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
As a Zechus for Penina Leah bas Freida Shprintza
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas R' Avrohom ben R' Yosef z"l, R' Zalman Mordechai ben R' Zev HaLevi z"l, and Chana Malka bas Reuvain Yosef a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
In Honor Of Mr. Kurt Rothschild z"l
Dedicated By
Ira & Shirley Marder Toronto, Canada
Shomrai Shaboth Chevrah Mishnayoth Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Aharon Zev ben Yosef z"l
Dedicated By
Dr Eli and Yael Bienenstock
Shomrai Shaboth Chevrah Mishnayoth Cong
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Shomrai Shaboth Chevrah Mishnayoth Cong
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun for Ezriel Leibish ben Shaina Devorah and Orly Raizel Fruma bas Shaina Devorah
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Perel bas Henya a"h and Baila Dina bas Faigel Chaya a"h
Dedicated By
the Ingber family
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Bluma Rivka Udel bas R' Daniel a"h and Avraham ben Aviva Leora and as a zechus for hatzlacha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Aish Hatorah Toronto
L'ilui Nishmas Moussia Zaltzman a"h and as a zechus for parnassah
Dedicated By
Aish Hatorah Toronto
In Honor Of the Toronto community
Dedicated By
Mila Belenky
Merion Station
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Tzemcah ben Yechiel z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Chaya Gitteh bas Zalmen a"h
Dedicated By
Arthur and Tziviah Toran
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Uri Shraga ben Chaim z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Yaakov Leib ben Hersch Erlbaum z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Devorah bas Shimon Yosef a"h - Dorothy Laytin, Chana bas Shmuel HaLevi a"h - Anette Sollins, and Serach Dina bas Sholom Dovid a"h - Seri Friedman
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Sid Laytin
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Meir ben Baruch z"l, Rochel bas Yehuda a"h, Chaim ben Mordechai Peretz z"l and Leah Rosa bas Mordechai a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
As a Zechus for Chaim Yosef HaKohen
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Yisroel Meir ben Zvi Elimelech z"l v'ishto Rivka bas Yitzchok a"h - Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Meir Axelrod, and Avraham Yitzchok Ben Binyamin z"l - Rabbi Avraham Hirsch and Ita Yehudis bas Shlomo
Dedicated By
Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Axelrod
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Meir ben R' Chaim Mordechai z"l and Bracha Leah bas Yechiel Mechel a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Mendel ben Ezriel Zelig HaKohen Pendrak z"l
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Abba Yirmiyahu ben Efraim Shmuel a"h
Dedicated By
Sheldon Feinstein
Philadelphia Community Kollel
L'ilui Nishmas Rebbetzin Temi Kamenetsky a"h and as a zechus for Daniel ben Malka
Dedicated By
the Helig family
Philadelphia Community Kollel
As a Zechus for Shlomo Yehuda ben Shaina Raizel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Philadelphia Community Kollel
In Honor Of In gratitude to Hashem for all the brachos in our life and as a zechus for peace in Eretz Yisrael and Mashiach
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Knesset Hasefer
L'ilui Nishmas Yosef ben Moshe HaLevi z"l
Dedicated By
his wife, Esther Steinberg
Dedicated By
Mr. Simcha Feldman
Philadelphia community Kollel
As a Zechus for
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cong. Beth Solomon
L´ilui Nishmas Nana Lee Farber a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kollel Bais Yitzchok Jewish Learning Center
As a Zechus for the protection and healing of the IDF soldiers
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kollel Bais Yitzchok Jewish Learning Center
L'ilui Nishmas Avraham Menachem ben Yosef z"l, Yosef Yitzchok Halevi ben Yisroel Gedalyahu z"l and Devorah Chana bas R' Shimon a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kollel Bais Yitzchok Jewish Learning Center
As a Zechus for Hashem should answer all our prayers for the good and we should merit to see the good
Dedicated By
Gloria Abrams
Kollel Bais Yitzchok Jewish Learning Center
L'ilui Nishmas Zoltan and Martha Kane a"h and Thomas Kane z"l
Dedicated By
Ms. Elizabeth Kane and Mrs. Judith Meyers
Jewish Home NE Pennsylvania
As a Zechus for Bentzion Akiva ben Shlomo Gershon
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
White Oak
Gemilas Chesed Synagogue
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Cote St. Luc
Beth Zion Cong
L'ilui Nishmas Miriam bas Esther a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Kollel Avreichim
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Binyomen ben Simcha
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
As a Zechus for Monique bat Rochel, as a zechus for a refuah sheleimah for Nicole bat Rochel, and as a zechus for Klal Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
For a Refuah Sheleimah For As a zechus for a refuah sheleimah to all cholei Yisroel
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
L´ilui Nishmas Avraham Yishai ben Yechiel Michal z"l and Faiga bas Yechzkel Shraga a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Malka - Belz
L'ilui Nishmas Shlomo Zalman ben Boruch Bendit z"l and Chaya Zelda bas Moshe a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
For a Refuah Sheleimah For Moshe ben Tzirel and Naomi bas Esther
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
L'ilui Nishmas R' Pinchas ben R' David Aryeh z"l, Chaya bas Naftoli Chaim a"h, and Shlomo ben Boruch z"l
Dedicated By
the Abish and Winter Families
Lowy Home
As a Zechus for a shidduch for Hadassah bas Sheindel Esther and l'ilui nishmas Breindel bas Yehoshua a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohel Malka - Belz
As a Zechus for Dinah Fraida bas Perel Pesha and Alter Rachma bas Perel Pesha
Dedicated By
Pinchos and Chani Freund
Agudah Of Montreal
L'ilui Nishmas Elchonon ben Yirmiyahu Hakohen z"l, Bracha bas Menachem Yehuda a"h
Dedicated By
the Silberman family
Agudah Of Montreal
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun for Tzirel bas Rivka Shaina, and Zera chaya v'kayamah for Zahava Golda bas Devorah Tzirel, Ela Leah bas Penima, Shifrah bas Penima
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
L'ilui Nishmas Shimon Leib ben Eliezer Tzvi z"l, Aida Leah bas Avrohom a"h, Moshe Aharon ben Chaim Sender z"l, and Aiga bas Hershel Tzvi a"h
Dedicated By
the Pleskin-Zarecki family
Agudah Of Montreal
In Honor Of all those who make shmiras haloshon part of their daily lives
Dedicated By
Mr. & Mrs. Yochanan Kuhnreich
Agudah Of Montreal
L'ilui Nishmas Chaim Yaakov ben Alexander Zisha z"l and as a zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Yitzchok and Cheryl Gross
Agudah Of Montreal
L'ilui Nishmas Yvonne Simcha bas Solika a"h, may her memory be a blessing for her family
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Agudah Of Montreal
As a Zechus for a zivug hagun bekarov
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ville St. Laurent
Beth Orah Congregation
As a Zechus for our family
Dedicated By
Angelika (Maeser) Lemieux
Rhode Island
Providence Hebrew Day School
L'ilui Nishmas Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gibber z"l and Rabbi and Mrs. Meyer Getzel Kagan z"l
Dedicated By
Rabbi and Mrs. Eliezer Y. Gibber
Young Israel Of Memphis
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Rabbi Males
Dedicated By
Ardestani Family
Ohev Shalom
L'ilui Nishmas Shoshana bas Moshe HaKohen a"h and Yechiel ben Shaul z"l
Dedicated By
the Nise family
Congregation Ohr HaTorah
As a Zechus for a shidduch for my son, Meir ben Chaya Liba
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Ohev Shalom
L'ilui Nishmas Chana Breina bas Yosef a"h and Shmuel Moshe Zev ben Yehudah Zvi HaKohen z"l
Dedicated By
Dalia and Aaron Yurowitz
Congregation Ohr HaTorah
As a Zechus for yeshuos for Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Young Israel Of Houston
In Honor Of the Houston community
Dedicated By
the Pines family
Young Israel Of Houston
L´ilui Nishmas Ariella bat Sarah Zelda
Dedicated By
Albaz Family
Young Israel Of Houston
L'ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Yoel z"l and Leah bas Yehudah a'h
Dedicated By
the Lewis and Joyce Kaufman
Bnei Israel Cong.
For a Refuah Sheleimah for Dovid Shlomo ben Rochel Bayla
Dedicated By
Aaron & Hillary Kleinman and family
Keneseth Beth Israel
L'ilui Nishmas Elaine and Joseph Bauchner a"h
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Jehudah Of Milwaukee
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Jehudah Of Milwaukee
As a Zechus for gezunt and nachas for our family and for all of Klal Yisrael
Dedicated By
Anonymous Donor
Congregation Beth Jehudah Of Milwaukee
As a Zechus for zerah chaya v'kayamah and as a zechus for Tehila bas Ita Mina