The world is against us.
Tragedies surround us.

What do we do now?

Unbreakable. Real-life answers. For you. Right now.



The world at large has turned against us. We need to fight back — but what can those of us not on the battlefront do every day? Listen to renowned rabbonim and speakers share the secrets to shielding those we love and all we cherish. You are the key to making us Unbreakable!
  • Masterful speakers
  • Stirring visuals
  • Practical takeaways

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This year's Tisha B'Av is more urgent.

The world is darker
Captivity. Missiles. Protests. Hate.

Can we band together in the face of senseless hate?
Tragedies have rattled us
Losses. Suffering. Disconnection.

Can we turn this darkness into light?
Hashem is waiting for us
Achdus. Respect. Genuine Love.

Can we finally overcome our blindspots in ahavas Yisroel?

That's why this event is here.

To give you clarity, practical advice, and wisdom from the Torah's world's top speakers.

This Tisha B'Av you'll cry, you'll laugh, and you'll get answers you can implement today.
To give you practical tools with the part of the solution.

To shift your thinking so when you break the fast, you’re different.

Join Jews around the world at this year’s Tisha B’Av Event

Unpacking the magic ingredient that will make us triumph as a nation and in our lives
Making sense of world events
So much pain leaves me overwhelmed. How to channel for the good?
Understanding the unique challenges in our world
Is Ahavas Yisroel meant to be a journey or a destination?
Changing the world to be a better place
Can we uncover the magic formula to turn everyday interactions into joyful connections?
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The people who made this possible


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Organizations bringing us together

United Refuah Healthshare Homebound Chesed Guard Your Eyes Torah Times Glatt Mart Eyewear Unlimited Israel Bookshop Ark Mortgage Genazym Ask Tomer

Tisha B'Av video production by

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There’s too much pain.

This Tisha B'Av, feel the day.
And help it be our last Tisha B'av.
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